Devil's Backbone, Texas
Devil's Backbone, Texas
| 31 March 2015 (USA)
Devil's Backbone, Texas Trailers

In January, 1996 Unsolved Mysteries featured a story on landowner Bert Wall's 'real-life' interactions with the spirits that roamed the Devil's Backbone. Nearly twenty years later, Wall passed away...leaving behind only fragmented tales of an inexplicable terror to those that knew him best.


This Movie Can Only Be Described With One Word.

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Fanciful, disturbing, and wildly original, it announces the arrival of a fresh, bold voice in American cinema.

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Roy Hart

If you're interested in the topic at hand, you should just watch it and judge yourself because the reviews have gone very biased by people that didn't even watch it and just hate (or love) the creator. I liked it, it was well written, narrated, and directed and it was about a topic that interests me.

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The thing I enjoyed most about the film is the fact that it doesn't shy away from being a super-sized-cliche;

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For the "found footage" genre, this film certainly stands out. Not just because of its documentary style elements, but also because its actually interesting. For a while. In the very beginning, the documentary card is played heavily, and is done very well, but things begin to go down hill when the group gets to the ranch. While it may be kind of cliché, what happens from the time the group gets to the ranch until Jake goes missing is pretty well written but could have been executed better, however the real problem is with the very ending of the film. All the supernatural buildup that the film did a really good job of putting together is thrown out the window in favor of it all being a prank, and then in a sudden twist the characters are killed by some unseen entity. I think a cliché ending of "guy goes crazy" was trying to be avoided, the only problem is, they had a really good "guy goes crazy" put together. I think if some other way was found to communicate the presence of the supernatural and show that Bert Wall was right the film definitely would have went above and beyond. All and all its put together well and is a fresh take on the found film genre, but definitely didn't hit as hard as it could have

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aprilarbogast im going to start out by saying i love scary movies(have watched the old 'the thing' about a hundred times).....can even somewhat enjoy some of the hand-held cam versions. i was really looking forward to seeing this sorry excuse for a movie/docu. watched his dad on unsolved mysteries many moons ago and have even looked up info on the area as well. and granted, didn't get a boatload of high reviews, but thought maybe it was just the people who put their noses up to anything paranormal. that was NOT the case. started out fairly interesting, even suckered my old man into stretching out and watching it w/me. needless to say, he is NOT pleased w/me right now and im even less pleased. it is supposed to do w/an actual journey the son took to spread his dads ashes and friends helping to give moral support and document it. yet, for whatever reason, the part that is supposed to be the journey, is reenacted w/occasional snippets w/the guy and his sisters(actually the son and daughters). why? doesn't make sense? you are absolutely correct.....doesn't make sense. it took a serious nose dive about 15-20 minutes in and continued to get worse from there. so,so bad. there went 127 minutes of my life i will NEVER get back. and i usually don't leave movie reviews....feel its more a thing of personal tastes and NOT watch this......terrible terrible severely disappointing and terrible!!!! did i mention,terrible?

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UGH... Did I really just watch this? Stuck on the couch after surgery and wishing this was just a bad post op dream. Bad actors, especially the girls. The castrated metro males are weaker than kittens.A good story idea ruined by bad actors and cinematography. The style is over used and unoriginal. Im no production expert but Im a consumer and this is just plain dollar store quality.The author needs to get with a real professional production company and take this story where it needs to go. story line drifts and some scenes make no sense at all. For example, boar in the trap. So and then what? The location was good for the story, could of made better use of the landscape. everything was from one prospective only, the speechless camera operator.

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Please read this review before watching this movie, and then don't watch this movie. I am saving you precious time, I sat through this, hitting horror rock bottom, so you don't have to. An intriguing beginning never developed into anything other than an absolute waste of time. From the played out format, the complete lack of pace, the running and screaming in the night, the boredom, oh God the boredom ! The arrogance that this was good enough to be made into a movie in the first place, then star in it ! not to mention the waste of resources, time and money of all involved beggars belief. I beg of you Jake Wade Wall, please stop making movies.

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