Death Racers
Death Racers
| 28 September 2008 (USA)
Death Racers Trailers

In a dystopian future, contestants compete in a cross-country road race in which killing is part of the game.


The greatest movie ever made..!

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Thanks for the memories!

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not as good as all the hype

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a film so unique, intoxicating and bizarre that it not only demands another viewing, but is also forgivable as a satirical comedy where the jokes eventually take the back seat.

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Honestly it is not as bad as everyone claims. But you should know there are a bunch of bad Choices made with filming this movie but you come to expect it when watching a movie with ICP. Knowing that this is an ICP movie if you Don't like ICP you probability that you will enjoy this movie is very little. They do make several jokes about themselves and how the government treat ICP and its followers which makes it that much more funny when watching. And again I say there were a lot of bad choices where the story doesn't match up video quality isn't that good and there are several shots shown before they should have. But overall this is a decent B movie no different then watching a SyFy channel movie but this one has good music. And no crappy CGI

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This is quite possibly the worst movie ever made. Ever! It's worse than films that are considered the worst of all time. I encourage people to see it for a good laugh at an example of how not to make a movie. This Movie Is Completely Awful! In one way, not worth the time to watch. In another way, it's fun to see such a bad movie. In the beginning a man steps on a mouse and kills it, you almost see the poor thing explode. I don't know about you, but I don't want to see an animal being killed in that gruesome way. The film quality is horrendous, too! It looks like the budget was $5. The colors are dull, the lines are corny and the everything about the film makes it the worst movie ever made.

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I've so far watched this film from the start to the first advert break. I can honestly say it's the biggest pile of crap I've ever seen. It reminds me of the kind of completely staged thing you see when watching wrestling on TV, you know, when it's supposed to be a "behind the scenes" view of what goes on. The acting, effects, script and direction are terrible. I've just laughed out loud at some of the effects because they're so ridiculously bad. Not in a good way, it's like your 7 year old school kid says "look daddy, look what I made you at school today" and you just laugh at them and tell them it's crap. The kind of people who'll enjoy this are the type who watch pro wrestling and are convinced it's not staged.

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This movie redefines the term inept. Atrocious acting, worse editing, and terrible effects of any kind. Funny to see the only so called racing, and people are driving at about 8mph. Kids on tricycles go faster. Thankfully with films like this, the fast forward button makes 90 minutes of pure misery about 5 minutes instead.There isn't even a funny one liner to be had here, which is usually the staple of all terrible movies. The only chuckles to be had within this tripe was the laughably bad violent scenes, or heaven forbid, the fight scene with the plastic arm looking cyborg guy. I've seen better production values in a high school play, seriously.I am not familiar at all with Asylum productions work, past, present or future releases, but if all their films are as god awful as this one was, you can bet I won't be watching any others.

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