| 01 January 2012 (USA)
DeadTime Trailers

A Birmingham-based band are ordered by their unhappy record company to an old warehouse; the goal being to re-start their ailing careers with a kick-ass new promo video. Unfortunately the band and their entourage find themselves targets of a mysterious knife-wielding maniac, haunted by the voice of Satan, and out for revenge


Absolutely Fantastic

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Teddie Blake

The movie turns out to be a little better than the average. Starting from a romantic formula often seen in the cinema, it ends in the most predictable (and somewhat bland) way.

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This film is so real. It treats its characters with so much care and sensitivity.

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If you're interested in the topic at hand, you should just watch it and judge yourself because the reviews have gone very biased by people that didn't even watch it and just hate (or love) the creator. I liked it, it was well written, narrated, and directed and it was about a topic that interests me.

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...nonsense you'll have seen in a while. DEADTIME is an affront to the British film industry, a total waste of time and money for all involved (not talent though, because there's no talent gone into this) and one of the very worst films I've seen in a good while. I always seem to be saying that, but this really is poverty row stuff, with no redeeming values whatsoever.The 'storyline' sees the talentless members of a music group set up shop in a rambling old mansion ready for a new shoot. While there they fall prey to a masked, knife-wielding maniac who offs them one by one. Even worse, the psycho killer may well be one of their own, killing them due to one unknown grievance or another.To say that this is poor is to understate matters, because it doesn't get any worse than this. We get acting that ranges between the stilted and the completely over the top, with no middle ground. The narrative that involves characters pairing up and going off to have sex before being slaughtered in unappealing death scenes. There's unpleasant sexual violence, some absolutely awful CGI gore effects, and a couple of one-scene cameos from Terry Christian and Leslie Grantham apiece. It's an amateur hour production that should be avoided at all costs.

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Neil Welch

A rock band go to a deserted industrial warehouse to shoot a promotional video: a slasher in a sack mask proceeds to kill people one by one.This British slasher/last man standing film features soap star Leslie Grantham in a brief cameo and buckets of fake blood. Those are the only reasons for seeing it (if, indeed, they are reasons for seeing it).And they pale into insignificance next to the reasons for not seeing it which include - but are not limited to - bad script, worse acting, unconvincing killings (the only reason for the film to exist) and poor image quality and cinematography.This is one to be avoided.

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Deadtime is an Independent British slasher pic, helmed by a first-time director with a first-time cast on a first-time budget which, against all the odds, manages to deliver a more than acceptable post-pub viewing experience, and hints at bigger things to come from all involved.Alex Hanly brings just the right mix of vixen-like sexuality and credible vulnerability to the key roll of Katie, Carl Colman does himself proud as the essential everyman viewer-conduit; Laurence Saunders is enjoyable as Zack, the staple Jack Nicholson hot-head type; and John R. Walker is a bona fide scene-stealer in the underwritten but memorably played supporting role of Rupert - the campy PR guy.Boasting a polished production style that transcends its financial shortcomings, and a director with his finger poised firmly on the pulse of the horror genre, Deadtime delivers a big bang for your small buck - a DEAD good TIME indeed!

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I got this yesterday and read all the reviews this morning and thought I'd say my own little bit.I have to agree with it on some points,the first being the acting. In places the acting is horrendous and I don't see how some of these people were cast. Notably,the females. All of them were awful and I was actually angry that two of the worst survived,but at the same time relieved one of them was stabbed.  The leading man (i think he's the band manager jimmy) was dreadful,he made me cringe where I can sometimes turn a blind eye and have a snigger but he seemed completely out of his depth and would have been much better in a badly acted porno.  I think some of the performances,because the worst actors seem to be on screen more it drags the others down. Fear not thou as there are some great performances from some unseen gems like the twisted lead singer Zac, the shirtless thug Mike and the Comically camp Nigel! Not forgetting the entertaining, yet short lived role of the studio owner with the yellow teeth. These guys keep the film alive and make you realise it's not all that bad. I Just wished they had more screen time as the worst actors were over used.There was some nice cameos as well, most notably the horrible 'Dirty Den' from Eastenders who played a quick yet effective role.The film dragged, much too long and could have easily finished 15 minutes early. Once the killer was revealed it just dragged and dragged with some annoying girl running round like a headless chicken (would have been lovely to see such an annoying actress meet a grizzly death).The soundtrack is brilliant for an independent film. I really enjoyed the music although one track was over used time and time again to create suspense, it was great first time I heard it but I felt myself saying 'not again' when hearing it again. The bands song is very catchy and entertaining.The locations were great, and for a small budget production they utilised them for effectively. Talking about small budget, you can see this from the blood and guts as 95% of it is CGI, and in some parts its noticeable but still good considering.Overall, I take my hats off to all involved including the bad performers as they often make an entertaining bad horror movie. I wouldn't watch it again but things like this are always worth watching for a quick laugh.

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