Dead Man's Bluff
Dead Man's Bluff
| 26 May 2005 (USA)
Dead Man's Bluff Trailers

Sergei and Simon have to deliver a suitcase full of heroin to Mikhalych or else they will be killed. There is one minor detail: the only problem-solving technique they are familiar with is a shot in the head.


Good , But It Is Overrated By Some

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everything you have heard about this movie is true.

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A lot of fun.

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Casey Duggan

It’s sentimental, ridiculously long and only occasionally funny

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There were times when Russians were making really good movies (especially comedies). Nowadays it seems that they are unsuccessfully trying to imitative American movies (i've watched some of their latest comedies and it seems like they're loosing their sense of humor too). This movie is an exception. Many people say that this is a rip off of "Snatch." but but to me this one is much better than "Snatch.". It is more funny and at the same time more violent. It have some similarities with "Snatch." but i noticed that there is a lot of similar crime movies, it doesn't mean that this one is a rip off of "Snatch.". The acting and directing were great, it proofs that there still are some talented people in Russia only they rarely get a chance to self-actualize. I noticed some plot holes but thats OK, the movie still was great.

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I've been reading the previous authors' comments... and couldn't but help laughing.This movie was never intended to be serious. It is nothing more than a parody on all the previously shot Russian "gang" movies ("Bumer," "Brat," "Brigada," etc.) - same as the "Scary Movies" have always been made as parodies on everything else that the Hollywood had churned out around the same time. I am amazed that nobody seemed to catch that. And, oh yes, this is why the 50 liters of blood were absolutely necessary! Given this, the movie was fun. But it does NOT portray any reality. The kid-like looking criminals (especially the smaller one) do not even closely resemble the real "bratva," and 15 head shots in one day have never been a norm in Russia, not even in the early 90's. The mafia boss (Nikita Mikhalkov) in his maroon jacket is a perfect portrayal of the Russian anecdote character of "noviy russkiy," but you have to understand that it is not much more than a folklore character. Hardly any real "new russians" ever looked like that in reality.Makovetskiy ("Koron") and his two gang-members (especially the dumb one) look absolutely nothing like a real hit-man gang. Sukachyov ("Brain") is completely overdoing his role of a "vor v zakone," so that, once again, the viewer does not forget that it is all a parody.The "Doctor"'s drug-lab set-up in the beginning of the movie is a replica of a typical comic book-style "bad scientist" set-up.I could go on... but I don't see the need. Just take this movie for what it is... and enjoy!

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This movie really is like Snatch and Lock stock and two smoking barrels. Criminal comedy, dark comedy, but its there - the whole tongue in cheek approach to Russian mafia reality in the 90's. It is exceptionally well cast and the characters all have clear cut roles and there is absolutely nothing wrong with it. It does not try to be anything more then it is, and it does an awesome job of it. The ending scene is the most merry one to date. The dialogue is witty, and a certain scene involving weaponry does justice to Long stock's "Its me bren gun" scenario. The only real problem, and this is not the film's fault, is that it sounds and feels better in its original Russian, leaving those with either dubbed (oh no!) or subtitled (meh) copies with less of an experience - but this is pure bias :P Again, I wish for people to see that genius does in fact exist abroad.

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"Zhmurki" is definitely one of the best movies made by Russian film industry in modern time. No doubt about it. All actors are picked up perfectly, many famous and good people amongst them who do their work outstanding. The director's work is very good in my opinion. Music is fitting the setting. The plot is simple and funny, which makes it even better. There are really few movies out there of the same genre and with the same kind of quality. This movie really shows how Russian society developed through 90s. This is reality. This is how many politicians, oil barons, big mob people grew in Russia. I'm very certain that 90% of all rich/significant people in todays Russia developed their power/fame/money gained it by similar methods as those guys. And by the way, this movie is about REAL gangsters! It doesn't show actually any deep meaning or point or message, but it shows criminal world in a way better style than most western movies do. Besides many western movies about so called crime are made by and are about "wannabies", not real gangsters. Only a certain circle of people in western part of the world can even know what "real" criminal world is, its not like that in Russia. Many people face serious crime in Russia every day. And lots of Russians will understand me. Anyway, I strongly recommend this movie for both Russian and international audience, very decent and solid movie.

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