Dead Genesis
Dead Genesis
| 10 August 2010 (USA)
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Seven months have passed since the dead took over. Many cities and states have been abandoned and left to die. Several self sufficient hunting groups have been established to take on the threat in a war aptly referred to as the 'War on Dead'. Jillian Hurst, a former news writer and amateur documentarian, has set out to make a pro-war propaganda film to support the W.O.D. She joins up with a pack of renegade hunters known infamously to North America as 'the deadheads'. The moral dynamics and hardships of fighting in a war against the undead are told from several different perspectives.


Some things I liked some I did not.

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Sadly Over-hyped

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An action-packed slog

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Asad Almond

A clunky actioner with a handful of cool moments.

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Dead Genesis is a powerful cinematic experience from gifted director Reese Eveneshen that raises disturbing questions for our time. At heart, this film is a beautifully observed study of the soul draining stress of prolonged combat with an unwavering enemy in a never ending war. Eveneshen's brilliant script is a subtle metaphor for the current geopolitical crisis and the effect such perennial conflict has upon a society at risk of becoming what it fears. Emily Alatalo, Lionel Boodlal, Colin Paradine, Erin Stuart, and Tom Parkinson lead a talented cast, giving deeply moving performances as members of a paramilitary group fighting to preserve their own humanity while participating in exhausting battles that challenge their existential beliefs. The cinematography is strikingly creative and unique, creating an environment of fear and dread while projecting an unsettling surrealistic atmosphere. The imagery is at times truly haunting. As superficially a horror film dealing with a fresh take on a zombie apocalypse that has devastated America, this film has its share of violence and gore. However, the bloody action never obscures the underlying creative message regarding the nature of humanity's struggle to fight evil without actually becoming evil itself.

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This is one hell of a zombie movie. It's been along time since any zombie flick that I've seen has managed to capture the spirit of those classic Romero movies. It's got the social commentary angle going for it and that traditional zombie spirit as well. Dead Genesis also manages to have one of the most graphic and gory openings to a zombie film that I've ever seen. Many have the grand epic openings, this is much more personal and disturbing. It's a simple story (almost like the flip side of Diary of the Dead) where an attractive documentary filmmaker is making a film about the War on Dead. The War on Dead of course is a metaphor for the recent War on Terror. This filmmaker heads out into the woods and spends some time with a group of zombie hunters called the dead heads. Now this is where the movie slows down a bit. But I like it, it takes a much more psychological view on the zombie apocalypse then other zombie movies do. And based on the ratings here, I don't think many people seem to "get" the movie. She follows these zombie hunters along for a few days and starts to see that maybe everything isn't what it seems. These hunters (who state numerous times that they're trying to protect humanity) are far worse than the flesh eating ghouls who wander around seeking food. It's a brisk and interesting hour and a half, good bits of dialogue between characters, and plenty of blood and guts through out. There are a few things that don't quite work. This is definitely and low to no budget horror film. A few of the actors don't exactly hit the mark. It's also obvious that there wasn't much money to work with as some of the locations are pretty bland in parts. But it does have a lot of heart and that's where it counts. I read an interview with the director who said that he was directly influenced by Romero. This is clearly evident while watching the movie. It manages to echo the original Dead trilogy in a way that I haven't seen other low budget zombie films do. This one remembers that it's the characters and story that counts, not the zombies.If you can find a way to check it out, I highly recommend that you do.

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I have always enjoyed zombie movies and try to check out as many as I can. I saw this one on the shelves of my local rental store, had a cool cover so I thought i'd check it out. It's pretty obvious that it's a low budget movie, but I thought it gave the movie a neat edge IMO. I watched it once and thought it was pretty okay, but then I watched it a second time and enjoyed it a lot more. It was refreshing to see a zombie movie that wasn't more of the same stuff we are used to seeing in a lot of other zombie movies. It wasn't all blood n' guts, though the opening scene with the zombie kid was one of the goriest zombie scenes i've seen in awhile. Some of the acting is a little iffy in parts but thats to be expected with indie movies. But for the most part the cast seemed to do a good job, better than most acting in some other zombie indie movie fare out there believe me.Positives: The zombie make up effects were really well done. A few of the actors did a really good job. Loved the three main girls in the movie, they were awesome. Decent story, even for a zombie movie. Had a great first twenty minutes of the movie that established the whole zombie world the characters were in. The soundtrack for the movie was solid.Negatives: The shaky camera stuff was a little distracting. Some of the audio was so so in parts. A scene or two dragged on a little long. Overall this is a pretty cool zombie movie. Not like most zombie movies, kind of an unconventional one that favours characters over the zombies, which I liked. Definitely worth checking out at least once. Think it deserves a higher rating on here too. And the special features on the DVD were fun, looked like it was a fun movie to make.

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While I commend a very low budget Canadian production for actually getting distributed, and I can over look most production issues due to shooting on a shoe string (been there).I couldn't watch more than 25 minutes of this movie due to shaky cam syndrome. It was like watching a video shot on full zoom, held with one hand.I watch movies on my 80" projected 16x9 screen and the excessive shaky cam look made me ill. (SCS seems to occurring more and more in low budget productions lately. Very sad.) Unfortunately the above issue didn't allow me to see enough to critique plot/acting.

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