Dead Friends
Dead Friends
| 01 November 2011 (USA)
Dead Friends Trailers

Nine year old Lola Turtle's only companion is her treasured and tattered stuffed bunny, Mister Wimperbottom... until she finds a way to grow her very own 'dead' best friend.


Crappy film

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Absolutely the worst movie.

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Your blood may run cold, but you now find yourself pinioned to the story.

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True to its essence, the characters remain on the same line and manage to entertain the viewer, each highlighting their own distinctive qualities or touches.

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An odd feisty girl finds a severed human ear in the local playground one day and instead of running screaming as any normal child would do, she instead plants the body part in a mysterious plant pot given to her by her mother and out grows a pale hand. She then plants the hand in her back yard and a whole new feral undead friend grows and all-round fun spooky weirdness ensues! I thought both of the kids gave very cute and funny performances in different ways. Sierra Pitkin was a tough wily little cookie who although she was considered an outcast as far as the mean group of girls were concerned she didn't give a crap and just gave them the finger and made her crappy hosepipe "quality lemon beverages" anyway! And it made me laugh how grownup scary zombie growls came out of young Dawson Dunbar and his expression when they're having imaginary tea together! There's a bit of a weird subtext to it in how he wants to sleep in her bed but she makes him sleep on the floor like a dog, and then while she's asleep and he's hovering over her and you're not sure if he's gonna kill her or something, but then it's revealed that he's merely devoured her beloved stuffed bunny out of jealousy! It's so mean the way she kills him with an axe after he was kind of a friend to her and helped her out with her bully problem.. What a bitch! The short then ends as she plants a button from her demolished bunny in the pot and we see a pair of telltale ears rise from the dirt... I just wanted to see what the heck a teddy rabbit zombie might look like! There's something that I found very hilarious and lovable about the tone and all the exaggerated mannerisms and everything. There's no real words in it, it feels like a twisted children's fable almost. It's all too cute to be creepy, very perky and upbeat and even perhaps uplifting in a dark kind of way. It reminded me of the style of Lucky McKee. Horror, but sweet and comical and very charming. Great horror short, really one of the most fun and different that I've seen. I wouldn't recommend it! Would, would.. x

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