Darkest Day
Darkest Day
| 15 May 2015 (USA)
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Dan wakes up on a beach with no memory. He discovers an empty city ravaged by a deadly virus. After befriending a small group of survivors it soon becomes clear the army are hunting him down, and the group are forced on a dangerous journey to escape.


One of my all time favorites.

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It isn't all that great, actually. Really cheesy and very predicable of how certain scenes are gonna turn play out. However, I guess that's the charm of it all, because I would consider this one of my guilty pleasures.

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There's no way I can possibly love it entirely but I just think its ridiculously bad, but enjoyable at the same time.

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A clunky actioner with a handful of cool moments.

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There's a lot of unique things about the darkest day. It fits into the growing category of British Zombie films like 28 Days. These zombies are referred to as "infected" or having "turned. In this case, the "zombies" are the victims of a neurological virus. These are not the shambling, off- balanced zombies of Night of the Living Dead or The Walking Dead. Darkest Day's zombies are raging zombies characterized by throat-tearing screaming and frenzied flailing. They are incredibly fast and relentless once they've identified a living, moving, possible source of food. The story starts off with Dan Rickard waking up on a deserted beach with no memory of how he got there. He soon discovers a post-apocalyptic world as he wanders through desolate, abandoned streets, littered with rubble and refuse. Luckily, as he picks his way through the city of Brighton, the first people Dan encounters two people who are not infected. They are a pair who are out scavenging for supplies and food for their other seven friends.

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This movie was actually quite impressive. In the beginning it starts off a bit slow, but as the characters and story develops it kind of glues you to the screen. I would recommend this movie to fans who are into the post-apocalyptic stories. I wouldn't recommended this movie for people who easily feel sorry for the weak and helpless. I Love how these movies turn out. Starts off with a post-apocalyptic scenery and you really get to see how people react to it. This movie clearly shows how the most sane human beings can become when placed in these type of situations. The movie does time after time get out of hand, but overall it was still entertaining. Great movie in my opinion! I love post- apocalyptic movies, so I definitely had to check it out! It may be a little rough around the edges, but good performance from the cast and had a great story! The dialogue was up to par and had a great time watching it!

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I HATE THESE TYPE OF MOVIES!!!! But this one I am a fond of. It's not like the other typical and predictable movies so it keeps you guessing throughout the story. PLUS!! Samantha Bolter is fine!!… And of course a good actress! I definitely recommend this movie if you are a fan of hers. I need to find out what other movies I can find her in! it was definitely an intriguing film. Even though the film is a bit amateur, every director has his or her start! Dan Rickard tells the story in a way that puts you in the shoes of the main character. He walks you through the story and somehow give you a taste of what it would be like if you were to wake up clueless and afraid. The acting could have been better, but with the budget they had to work with it is quite commendable. If you like zombie movies, you should definitely drop by and take a look! I certainly had no regrets in doing so.

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Theo Robertson

Oh a zombie apocalypse ! Just what the world needs - not . You can understand why they're popular with low to no budget film makers because all it needs to take one is a small handful of extras , a quiet morning to film on some deserted streets and you've got a movie , one that you've probably seen a dozen times and were probably bored by the second , third or fourth time So what's so different about this one ? you may ask and in reply all I can say is not much at all . If you've seen Boyle and Garland's 28 DAYS / WEEKS LATER there's very little new here . In fact the story starts with a young man waking up on a beach and the entire early segment is structured exactly like the beginning of Boyle's film on a mis en scene level except it's set in Brighton instead of London . Even the music is similar to 28DL . The only time the film goes its own way is in an inferior manner where the uninfected do illogical things like have a house party ! I know Brighton has a reputation for hedonism but this is too much on a credibility level . It also copies the illogical plot turns of 28 DL where a wimpish middle class student is able to kill battle hardened squaddies with his bare hands . I know Britain's military reputation has plummeted after Iraq and Afghanistan but you'd think a soldier would get the better of a student once in a while Searching on the internet I found out DARKEST DAY cost less than £1,000 to make , was shot over a long period of time . In other words it's a labour of love Unfortunately as an audience member I am under no obligation to love any film . It might have worked better if it had a bigger budget , a more developed screenplay and a better cast but you could say that about most films that aren't Hollywood blockbusters

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