Dark Spirits
Dark Spirits
| 01 January 2008 (USA)
Dark Spirits Trailers

In this tense, heart-stopping supernatural-thriller, blonde beauty Eva foresees the brutal murder of her sister, Tereza – with whom she has recently argued – in a dream. Still angry, Tereza refuses to heed her warnings and shortly thereafter dies under gruesome and mysterious circumstances. In mourning and wracked by guilt, Eva moves to another city with her boyfriend. But the increasingly intense and disturbing visions continue to plague her … as well as inexplicable sightings of her dead sibling. In search of an explanation, she realizes that the evil behind her sister’s death is now pursing her!


Good story, Not enough for a whole film

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Clever and entertaining enough to recommend even to members of the 1%

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I think this is a new genre that they're all sort of working their way through it and haven't got all the kinks worked out yet but it's a genre that works for me.

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The film's masterful storytelling did its job. The message was clear. No need to overdo.

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Michael Ledo

Eva (Milena Minichová) returns to Prague with her boyfriend (Marko Igonda). Her sister dies and she keeps seeing her in a red coat, shades of "Don't Look Now." Except this is all a dream, maybe, and the dark spirit is coming for her because....well it is and she and her bff have seen spirits since childhood.That's about it....Oh the guy in the park. Now That's it. Very boring. Nothing like the DVD cover. Felt like watching a bad 1970'ds horror. Managed to make it to a 10 DVD pack.Guide: F-word. Implied sex. Was that a nip slip in the tub?

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DARK SPIRITS, a soporific attempt at a psychological thriller made in Prague, does not feature the scary-looking monster on the video box. Instead, it features a vacuous blonde named Eva, who starts seeing and hearing weird stuff after the murder of her sister, Tereza. For the most part, the main characters sit around, drinking tea and BSing with each other.Finally, the dark spirit that killed Tereza does Eva the same favor. The now-dead siblings walk away hand-in-hand, presumably to the spirit world, while the viewer is left scratching his head over the unanswered questions the story had raised.Did Eva's psychic friend, Petra, summon the dark spirits to kill the sisters? If so, why? We don't know; the filmmakers don't care. And I'm not about to watch this thing again in the hope of finding answers.

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It did take me a while to get into the flow of Dark Spirits; it is very slow-moving. The blurb I read called it heart-stopping and that is one thing it definitely is not. It's not very scary either with just a couple of The Ring-type jumps and there is some pretty bad editing. But it does have a little creep factor, some atmosphere, an interesting leading lady and the city of Prague as its backdrop. I'll add that the story is confusing so you might really want to pay attention. I do think I understood the plot in the end although maybe I didn't. Still and all, I thought it could use another IMDb review to add some balance. I've seen a lot worse than Dark Spirits.

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This film is easily the worst film I've ever seen it's as about as interesting as watching paint dry. No wait even worse than that it's as bad as watching paint that's already dry. To start the images on the box of the girl and the house rant even in the film so I felt completely conned as that's what I paid to see. Also Nothing happens throughout the who film just people talking and drinking cups of tea. Nothing happens until the last five minutes and when the s**t does hit the fan you don't even care. Another note is every time you think it's about to get interesting it just disappoint's for example it sets it up for a sex scene but instantly cut's to afterwards and instead we see the main character drinking a cup off tea, how very interesting. To conclude this is the most boring film you will ever see. Seriously keep away from this garbage.

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