Dagmar's Hot Pants, Inc.
Dagmar's Hot Pants, Inc.
| 01 October 1971 (USA)
Dagmar's Hot Pants, Inc. Trailers

Known to her clients as Dagmar, she's a classy Swedish call girl in Copenhagen. After two years, she's ready quit, and we follow her on what she hopes is her last day in the trade. She wakes at 9 AM, gets her first call and a marriage proposal, checks in with her doctor, pays final visits to various clients, arranges to lease her flat, passes on her black book to a colleague, tries to beg off on an impromptu session with Japanese businessmen, has a quick conversation with her brother, and makes a couple of charitable contributions. All the while, her eyes on the clock, there's the threat of her pimp finding out about her plans. If she pulls it off, what awaits?

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not horrible nor great

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Admirable film.

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Simple and well acted, it has tension enough to knot the stomach.

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Nayan Gough

A great movie, one of the best of this year. There was a bit of confusion at one point in the plot, but nothing serious.

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Hard to know quite what to say about this. My print is titled, Dagmar's Hot Pants, and at least the name change is appropriate as she never wears any hot pants. This was clearly made in the heady days of the mini-skirt, although they don't look so 'mini' now, but released at the hight of the 'hot pants' craze, thereby tempting the powers that be to try and cash in. Of course, even today's shorts are actually 'hotter' than the infamous 'hot pants'. But enough! Back to the film, reluctantly. Supposedly a sex comedy, but like the British ones of the period, it is neither very funny or very sexy. The girls look OK and Diana Kjaer does well enough in the lead although she would hardly get much attention today, I would guess. The men are all awful and far too old. There are a few nice touches, Copenhagen location shooting, a montage of sexy antics and some decent dialogue but although there is plenty of nudity, all the sex takes place off camera. Probably just as well.

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Diana Kjaer is Dagmar, a prostitute in Copenhagen on her last day on the job before coming home to Stockholm and married life to a doctor she helped put through medical school. In between, there's plenty of silly and amateurish and occasionally dramatic scenes that-for the most part-works to make this quite entertainingly funny to me and touching as well due to mostly pretty good performances by all involved. Ms. Kjaer herself is such a stunning and charismatic presence here that I was really rooting for her to achieve her happiness to her ends. And what a wonderful late '60s/early '70s theme song that begins and ends the picture! And wait till you hear how "The William Tell Overture" (a.k.a "The Lone Ranger Theme") is used here! So on that note, Dagmar's Hot Pants, Inc. comes highly recommended.

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As Swedish (or Danish?) erotica goes, this is not one of the more memorable films. It is basically a day-in-the-life look at a young Swedish girl (Diane Kjaer) who is working in Copenhagen as a prostitute in order to put her oblivious boyfriend through medical school. The funniest and sexiest scene is one where she calls her other prostitute "friends" to fill in for her with a client, but each of them is otherwise engaged in various kinky pursuits. Her relationship with her own clients, however, like an elderly American and a couple of Japanese stereotypes, or her dealings with her doctor and her pimp are far less interesting. There's also a sub-plot involving her younger brother who has gotten his girlfriend (Inger Sundh) pregnant, but it really goes nowhere. There's PLENTY of nudity, of course, but that can only take a movie like this so far.Some of the best Swedish erotica was actually directed by an American Joe Sarno ("Inga", "Young Playthings") or the soon-to-be-world-renowned Swedish cinematographer Mac Ahlberg ("I, a Woman"), and it tended to feature actresses like Marie Lilljedahl ("Inga", "Eugenie, Story of her Journey"")or Christina Lindberg ("Young Playthings", "Thriller--a Cruel Picture"). None of these people was involved here, although the sexy Inger Sundh had starred as the malicious "Greta" in the Joe Sarno/Marie Lilljedahl sequel "Inga and Greta". Helli Louise from Sarno's "Daddy, Darling" is also in the supporting cast here somewhere, but if (as another reviewer says), she is the girl on the bicycle, then this is really a waste of her, um, talents, which were almost exclusively from the neck down.If you really like early 70's Swedish erotica, you'll probably like this, but there are certainly more entertaining examples to be found out there.

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