| 07 July 2010 (USA)
D4 Trailers

D4 follows a team of special ops mercenaries on a mission to rescue a kidnapped kid believed to be held in an abandoned government facility...


Very well executed

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Mabel Munoz

Just intense enough to provide a much-needed diversion, just lightweight enough to make you forget about it soon after it’s over. It’s not exactly “good,” per se, but it does what it sets out to do in terms of putting us on edge, which makes it … successful?

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Lidia Draper

Great example of an old-fashioned, pure-at-heart escapist event movie that doesn't pretend to be anything that it's not and has boat loads of fun being its own ludicrous self.

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Close shines in drama with strong language, adult themes.

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Wow, how some movies get a green-light and a budget is beyond me. Awful sums this one up. The story revolves around a group of special ops mercs that are hired to rescue a wealthy women's son that supposedly is being held at a shut down, secret government facility. So the team assembles (not going to waste your time with actor names) and head off to find him. You have your usual cookie cutter characters here each with their specialty (acting not being one of them). Of course, they get to the base to find that they are conducting experiments to create super soldiers out of kids with epilepsy. This also leads to a sub plot of a grandfather who has his child abducted and taken away for this experiment, don't worry though, this is not very engaging either. The action scenes are terrible and I wouldn't be helping you any if I didn't point out the special effects are absolutely horrible. When the "monster" gets shot, repeatedly, which does nothing, the blood spatter is the biggest joke I have ever seen. How they thought anyone wouldn't just laugh at the effects that appear like someone did it with Microsoft paint to appear like blood is beyond me. Well, I have to say "snipe" as a character is the best one, not because the women could act or was believable, but because she was the only character that I didn't loathe throughout the movie. I will give them points for a plot twist that a 4 year old would've seen coming in the first 5 minutes of the movie but pays off at the end, so expect a lot of boredom for the 93 other minutes of this indie pile of rubbish. Please, even if free or on netflix, don't harm your brain with this one. Curse yourself later after watching but don't come back here and say I didn't warn you. 1.6/10 IMDb 3.5 from 356 votes(movie came out in 2010 and that few votes???). In other words, the cast giving high ratings skewered the numbers from people that watched it, not worked for the crew.

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To begin, I was a film critic for 10+ years but got tired of writing all the time, so I retired, but it hasn't affected my love for the movies, and I still see everything that comes out in both movie theaters and "straight-to-DVD." With that said, I met Actor/Writer/Director Darrin Dickerson in my hometown of Spring Hill, TN where we both live. I would see Darrin around town every week…at the gym, the Post Office, the store, etc. (And, we still cross-paths or pass each other on the road all the time.) So naturally, I was surprised to learn that he was a local independent filmmaker and eager to see his award-winning movie-- a sci-fi/action-thriller titled 'D4.' To be honest, I expected a low-budget, low-quality, B-movie with cheap production-value, choppy-editing, a poor script, and bad acting….all standard fair for the B-movie genre. However, with 'D4,' this was NOT the case! What I saw instead was a low-budget, independent film with a good screenplay, great acting (for the most part), superb directing and tight editing! In truth, I LOVED the film! Picture a poor-man's 'Predator' with a little 'X-Files' mixed in for good measure, but instead of an "alien-threat," we get genetic-mutation & government conspiracy. I was very impressed with Darrin's extensive work on this movie, but the film feels like a labor of love more than anything else for the people involved, and the real hook of 'D4' is that although it's a fictional sci-fi/action-thriller, it was written & inspired by actual events and hardships that have occurred in Darrin's life and family. I'd explain further, but I don't want to give anything away. Just see the film, and be sure to watch the special features afterwards. In the end, 'D4' is solid and very entertaining!

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johnathan smith

So, I watched this film, largely because all of the reviews claimed what an indie masterpiece this was. I'll admit is was a piece of something. The acting isn't too bad, but the editing sucks. There are large unnatural pauses in dialogue that grates on my mind like nails on a chalkboard. The story is OK, but totally unbelievable. A man's grandson is kidnapped and he doesn't call the cops? Because some guy in a stairwell told him they wouldn't believe him? Come on! I can't believe I wasted this much of my life on such a crap movie. They keep referring to a "beast" as an it, like it were a non-human animal, but it clearly was human. I also loved the lack of muzzle flashes on the weapons. All they did was play the sound of a gun firing. In fact most of the audio was like that. Just clearly added after the fact with no visual cue to associate it with. This is a typical B movie. Nothing more, nothing less. I guess I was just hyped into believing it was better than it was.

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Wow, is all I can say - for a first time director & producer, making this film on a slim budget, Darrin Dickerson did an amazing job. This is not one of those cheesy, B-movie horror flicks. Trust me - I have seen plenty of those so I am well able to compare! I love science fiction and thriller/mysteries. I've even begun to enjoy some horror flicks - D4 is a wonderful combination of all these genres. Here we have a great storyline coupled with a great cast - I don't believe any "big name" in Hollywood could have made this any better, in my opinion. I was very impressed and have told everyone I know to see this movie. I can't wait to see what else Mr. Dickerson has in store for us.

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