Curse of the Witching Tree
Curse of the Witching Tree
NR | 19 May 2015 (USA)
Curse of the Witching Tree Trailers

An innocent woman, accused of murdering her son and hanged as a witch, curses a tree and the children who play around it. The effects of this act of revenge echo through the years .....


Wow, this is a REALLY bad movie!

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best movie i've ever seen.

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Aneesa Wardle

The story, direction, characters, and writing/dialogue is akin to taking a tranquilizer shot to the neck, but everything else was so well done.

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Kamila Bell

This is a coming of age storyline that you've seen in one form or another for decades. It takes a truly unique voice to make yet another one worth watching.

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Wow... This film is horrific! And not in a good way.A new house, a terrible secret, some hammy acting, some badly bled color grading.Curse Of The Witching Tree is difficult to watch, not least because its just so awful.The acting is not too bad, not too bad compared with the story. The kids are pretty good, but there is this overtly sexual tone that is not there other than to score votes and maybe titillate the director.I really can't say enough bad things about this film, it actually hurts my head just thinking about what I've just watched. To the director, I don't care enough to search his name, please do not do this again.

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Do not watch/review this film if you do not appreciate the Horror genre. An individual who prides themselves in their "knowledge of films and techniques" will most likely find this piece unbearable. Like a sports journalist's commentary on a fashion show, they will be out of their area of comfort.With that said, I found myself more emotionally invested in this film than I'd care to admit. The narrative between the family's real world drama, mirrored in the horror that takes place on the farm, is done smoothly and effortlessly. The character development and rising action were done well, but the climax was tepid, at most.The climax would have been more engaging had the witch been more cryptic in appearance and less "Sports Illustrated Model," but I believe there's reason behind that. Although the things that were done by the witch were monstrous, she is still an innocent victim who lost everything for the gains of a few men.It is rare to find an independent Horror film that not only delivers the scare, but does so with the narrative so methodically laid out. Give this film a watch if you're into the dark, creepy, and unknown.

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I really enjoyed this movie. It was a bit slow to start, but I actually appreciate the character development. The performances were great, and the creepy parts were very creepy. The plot is not extremely original, but I like the take that they have taken on the old revenge ghost story. I have been liking British horror much more than American lately, and this is no exception. If you are a fan of well-made, suspenseful horror as opposed to the in-your-face gore and blood that most people make today, this is a good choice for a nice night in. My only complaint is that the ending was a bit fuzzy to me. Took me a couple times to completely understand what was going on, but still definitely worth the time. I'm in no way wishing for my hours back. Well done, all that were involved!

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I've seen some bad movies...really. I've seen bad movies with a good sized budget, but also good low budget movies. But this one fell way too short, and did so quickly. Nevermind the campfire opening, I didn't care much for it. But come on, if someone told me not to believe 'what they say about isobelle' when I buy a house, I would ask a bit more than 'what' and be done. Also, despite the overkill of turning around - peekabo or not - scenes, there were some that were just horrible. Mere gasps at times if it were real warranted a substantial scream at the very least. And what's up with the dad? He's in a coma, but by all appearances he looks like he just could've been sleeping. Totally unconvincing. Not to mention the oh so charming nurse telling the daughter not to get her hopes up. I'd slap her she had said that to me.Anyways, what do I know? I'm not a director. But I think this guy wasn't exactly either.

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