Crush the Skull
Crush the Skull
| 11 June 2015 (USA)
Crush the Skull Trailers

A couple of master thieves find themselves trapped within a house they intended to rob, only to discover they've inadvertently wandered into the lair of a deranged serial killer.


Wonderful character development!

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Sadly Over-hyped

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Plot so thin, it passes unnoticed.

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Mischa Redfern

I didn’t really have many expectations going into the movie (good or bad), but I actually really enjoyed it. I really liked the characters and the banter between them.

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Along with the main character that constantly misses the punchlines of his jokes, this film did a bit as well. However, for a low budget black comedy it is entertaining, slightly gory, and all around fun. It doesn't do anything really new or different but is worth a watch for sure.

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Almost turned this off several times in the opening 15 or so minutes. Something told me to carry on. Glad I did. While the negatives up front stacked up, they, like the Jenga game, quickly fell down and the positives began to multiply. Beginning with Asian actors not only taking major roles, race, aside from a quick non-Asian, albeit racial joke, never was an issue. That was refreshing and progressive. Way to go, guys, not even bringing their heritage up and it was normal. Bravo. Second, such the strong female lead. For such an amateurish film, she 100% acted like a major Hollywood actress.I digress, let me back up. The movie is about "on-paper" good thieves who upon their last score inadvertently make that their second-to-last and their real last isn't a blast. They encounter a killer with a torture basement and no way out. The movie is mostly a comedy, though many ideas stem from many horror movies these filmmakers obviously admired. Unfortunately, for the film, the first third or so - when I wanted badly to call this a loss and find another Friday Night Fright, the "comedy" wasn't funny and the direction/camera work/flaws were so film-school reject, it's hard to believe the last two-thirds made up for it in spades.The jokes got funnier (I found myself actually laughing out loud a few times) and the acting improved as did the cinematography. In that first act, I admired these unknowns were making a movie - that's not an easy task even when most of the stars align, but I felt pity as barely any of jokes landed. Once the first third was over, I forgot this was all-but friends getting together to attempt to make a film and was actually watching a horror-comedy-homage. Plus, it was a huge plus this wasn't found footage as it hinted at in the beginning. Bravo, again, for not taking the easy and definitely stupid way out for making a real movie.Overall, while not 100% there and it still felt amateurish at times, once they got their grove and you can spot the dozens of references to subgenre horror movies, you'll probably enjoy this. And yes, references. I believe these people loved the many movies this jammed in and it wasn't about thief or unoriginality. This is an A for effort. I checked out your IMDb pages. Keep this up and grow more so we can see you get the box-office and praise you deserve.***Final thoughts: Horribly, though, I coincidentally watched this as real-life torture and abuse from two "parents" upon their multiple children came out this week. Two Californian "parents," absolutely destroyed their many children with actual torture for their whole lives. Mercifully, one of the kids escaped to get help and hopefully, those "parents" will live long enough to know the evils they did. So, that all said, despite this movie being made LONG before this incident came to light, it was still kinda hard to watch torture rooms and devices immediately after a true story about the same kinds of malice.

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I'm with J S on this one the acting was terrible i think they have tried to make a comedy horror b grade version of the horror movie "the collector" which I loved...But this movie from the beginning isn't funny and wasn't scary at all... They have pulled an idea from the sequel to the collector called the collection where a woman is found that has been imprisoned and they try to help her escape and then find that she is in fact helping the murderer and in on the whole thing..This movie is a total waste of time unless you are at home stuck in the rain and have nothing else to watch and still watching the rain would have been a lot more entertaining...And the jokes in this I actually laughed once because they were so stupid... The whole ringing the police because a murderer is holding us against our will and we will tell them we're white and that will get the police here quicker,.... Like we haven't seen that before but at least other movies I've seen that type of scene its usually funny....If you want to watch a good horror comedy watch Tucker and Dale Vs evil or Shaun of the dead and give this a miss :)

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Jack Hunter

Main character is by far one of the most unlikeable, stupid, ignorant, people I have ever seen. And that would be fine, except whoever wrote this crap is trying to make that main character look like he has intelligence. There is ridiculous amount of anti-white male racism here, and anti-police, anti-government, anti-wealth propaganda, really this is like typical black ghetto film about bunch of stupid criminals, except replace black people with Asians. Its insulting to any sane persons intelligence.Even setting is obviously imagined by someone utterly ignorant about things they are attempting to portray. Palladium plated windows are not bulletproof. Apparently people involved in making of this garbage think they are. Even actually bulletproof window will rupture if you fire several bullets at essentially same spot. Concrete walls do not mean you cannot crack them in a matter of 30 minutes with primitive makeshift tools.How is anybody intelligent supposed to believe that these four idiots are trapped inside a house when a child could free himself out of it?And it just gets worse from there ...

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