Crossed Swords
Crossed Swords
| 27 July 1954 (USA)
Crossed Swords Trailers

Nobleman Rainiero, Sidonia's duke son, comes back home with his friend Renzo. Soon after arrival, Renzo will get in a big trouble and he will be forced to choose between going to church for marriage or going to prison.


I love this movie so much

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Sorry, this movie sucks

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I really wanted to like this movie. I feel terribly cynical trashing it, and that's why I'm giving it a middling 5. Actually, I'm giving it a 5 because there were some superb performances.

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Brendon Jones

It’s fine. It's literally the definition of a fine movie. You’ve seen it before, you know every beat and outcome before the characters even do. Only question is how much escapism you’re looking for.

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Errol Flynn has Gina Lollabrigida as his costar in Crossed Swords, with Cesare Danova costarring, as the heir to the duchy of Sidonia. The movie opens with Errol and Cesare on their way back to the castle, but are constantly finding temptation, especially Errol. And, when husbands come home, the wives scream and Errol jumps out of the window. The movie right away sets up the tone of the film with the viewer. When they do arrive at the castle, they find that a new law is being proposed to outlaw bachelorhood among the male population. That's outrageous, Errol says. But many feel that it's the man's duty to get married and set a good example. Gina is Danova's sister who Flynn is interested in up to a point, but he does not want to get married and is quite adamant about it. Young Danova has his own oats to sow for now, too. Despite the bad copy I had of this on DVD, I enjoyed the campy and over-the-top quality of this film. It seems to give just what Flynn fans expect of him, a grand old time. The title Crossed Swords is a little confusing to me, as it centers more on comedic situations than duels and action. But I'm sure they were trying to get Flynn fans to the movies. While no grade-A film, I enjoy its efforts to entertain. So what happens to Errol? Does Gina ensnare him? Does the law trap him? Does Errol get the better of them? You tell me.

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Tom Hodgins

Crossed Swords was an independent 1953 Italian production undertaken by Errol Flynn right after the termination of his contract with Warner Brothers. Released by United Artists the following year, the costume adventure received poor reviews and distribution in the United States, and has since become the most difficult of all Flynn's adventure films to find. There has been a print in circulation for some years but, looking almost like a fifth generation video tape, it is quite hard to view.Recently, however, a new pristine copy of the film has surfaced. While it only runs 78 minutes (as opposed to the originally listed 86 minute running time) it is quite sharp with lovely color photography. Curiously, while Flynn's voice can be heard on the English version soundtrack, co-star Gina Lollobrigida is dubbed, even though lip readers can clearly see that the actress was speaking English.As for the film itself, it is a light-hearted attempt to rekindle the spirit of Flynn's Adventures of Don Juan from five years before. Once again Errol is a dashing adventurer/lothario making love to costumed ladies, this time in a 16th Century Italian boudoir, always ready to make a hasty window exit should their husbands return home. Alas, the film, by comparison, largely serves to remind one of just how clever and exciting the previous film had been. Crossed Swords' screenplay is quite feeble and Milton Krim's direction often inept, frequently failing to realize scene potential. At one point the film features Flynn and co-star Cesare Danova both duelling opponents side by side, but with Danova in the foreground closest to the camera, largely blocking out the film's star! The film also seems at times crudely edited, though this may, in fairness, be more of a comment on the new truncated version than of the original production. I suspect it's a bit of both.On the positive side, Crossed Swords is beautifully photographed by legendary cinematographer Jack Cardiff. Flynn leaps about and beams throughout the production. The actor seems to be having a good time, a marked contrast to the often grim presence that he had become in most of his post-Don Juan films. A fight sequence breaking out in a tavern is quite energetic, leading the actors to a moment of marvelous potential in which they duel on top of large wine casks. One wishes the director had made more of this moment than he did. The final duel, though, is well choreographed and surprisingly vigorous. Flynn, though doubled a bit, does most of the fencing. He has the "eye of the tiger" in some closeups in this highlight of the production and puts on a good show. In summary, Crossed Swords is a film for Flynn fans, many of whom will enjoy watching their favorite deliver an impressive athletic demonstration for the last time in his career. As a movie, though, this often lame production only serves to remind one of what a high-water mark of excellence Adventures of Don Juan had been a few years before.

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Finally got to see this one and really liked it. All I'd ever heard about it was that it was just 'ok' but nothing that special; well if you like Errol in a swashbuckling mode you've got to have this one, take my word! It's very reminiscent of his DON JUAN film and all the better for it. He's slightly jaded and world-weary and is able to laugh at the world's follies (and his own). And you can talk all you want to about his failing looks/health due to alcohol/drug/tobacco/whatever use (He was only five years from death while filming this)- the son of a gun moves in this thing. Swinging his sword, running, jumping in and out of windows. Plus the darned thing is filmed in Italy- real palaces and castles. The print I own is not that great but it's way better than nothing. A cinematic masterpiece? No. Errol doing what Errol does best? Yes Yes YES

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Almost the Holy Grail for Flynn fans, this movie's virtually impossible to find. A routine costumer in most respects, it is notable to Flynn enthusiasts because, for once, he seems to be having a good time, with occasional flashes of the famous Flynn charm shining through, a rarity in his later pictures. Dubbed, sometimes badly, but good costumes and sets, and Gina and several other ladies are lovely to look at.

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