Countdown to Zero
Countdown to Zero
PG | 25 January 2010 (USA)
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A documentary about the escalating nuclear arms race.


Too much of everything

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Don't listen to the negative reviews

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This story has more twists and turns than a second-rate soap opera.

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This movie feels like it was made purely to piss off people who want good shows

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tika bordelon

i encourage you to read all of the reviews. this film interviews a lot of experts and people involved with this technology, on a global scale. it's nightmarish that humans have gotten to the point of near world destruction but i found the opinions of various world leaders interviewed for this film, along with technical facts, very interesting. the in-depth science behind bomb making and strategies really opened my eyes and made me appreciate international defense agendas and why we need them (and why we should learn to live without them). i don't understand how right-wing republicans can argue the facts, but then again.. they are republicans and prone to that kinda of thing.

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It might be well done, but it is utterly absurd. The saying that the "world without the nuclear weapons is safer" is the same as saying that "the household without a weapon is safer". Well it is not.If you want to live in a peace you have to be prepared for war. The peace requires will on both sides, the war needs only the will of one side. The nuclear weaponry is the only system that keeps Russia in strategic position. They will not abandon them. For the Israel it is probably the only deterrent that somehow keeps them from full scale wars almost constantly. Generally the same situation applies to the West: If it was not "passive backing by nukes" the Arabs countries would be very happy to use chemical weapons.Everyone is aware of the fact that superpowers use nukes basically only as a deterrent. This holds them back because without such backing they would be much more inclined to go for a war. Everyone is aware of the fact that the terrorist and fanatics will try to get a nuke (even dirty one) anyway. Removal of nukes will not stop them from trying to reach similar weapons.Advanced countries will get NO advantage by complete nuclear disarmament. It removes them a lot of options and will make their armies more expensive to maintain. For some countries like Israel it would be very dangerous to do so. The only advantage would be for those countries who do not have such weaponry. It would strengthen their positions greatly.Limitation and stopping proliferation of nuclear weapons - yes. Removal - no. That would be total absurd green leftist activist nonsense. But remember - these folks have been always sponsored "by the others" to make their countries weak. It is their job to spread fear and lies as usual.

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I have concerns about how they tell, describe and illustrate how you can go about getting, transporting, smuggling bomb materials. Overall the movie calls for the destruction of all bombs, which is of course a great idea and worthy of praise.In fact the entire movie is worthy of praise. The movie is well put together visually and stylistically.It calls for action as well from the viewers, but like I said there are some parts, I feel, that it seemed like the movie was daring us to do it. I am not ignorant of the strong possibility that the powers the be and wish to set off NUKES already know these things, but still..... I just didn't like that.

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A film documenting nuclear warheads and how one single bond of atom can destroy the entire New York City. What else can we ask for in a doc? Countdown to Zero uses facts and expert opinions at the same time to convince us that nuclear weapons are, well, bad. With gather facts that director Lucy Walker (Waste Land) deliver so smoothly with great style, Zero is another great documentary that Walker had deliver in 2010. It is scary to see that highly enriched uranium is so easy to access and how terrorists can get it just about anywhere. It is scary to see how many mistakes were made over the years with nuclear weapons on hand. And it is scary to know that US, the nation of peace, was the one that started nuclear weapons. After seeing the film, it gave me a whole new aspect about nuclear war. Before seeing the film, I had no worries about nuclear war, now, I'm scared sh*tless! Countdown to Zero really is an informant that informs you to go out there and do something about this situation.

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