Conspirators of Pleasure
Conspirators of Pleasure
| 15 August 1997 (USA)
Conspirators of Pleasure Trailers

Six outwardly average individuals have elaborate fetishes they indulge with surreptitious care. A mousy letter carrier makes dough balls she grotesquely ingests before bed. A shop clerk fixates on a TV news reader while he builds a machine to massage and masturbate him. One of his customers makes an elaborate chicken costume for a voodoo-like scene with a doll resembling his plump neighbor. She, in turn, has a doll that resembles him, which she whips and dominates in an abandoned church. The TV news reader has her own fantasy involving carp. Her husband, who is indifferent to her, steals materials to fashion elaborate artifacts that he rubs, scrapes and rolls across his body.


Yawn. Poorly Filmed Snooze Fest.

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A movie that not only functions as a solid scarefest but a razor-sharp satire.

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Jenna Walter

The film may be flawed, but its message is not.

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I enjoyed watching this film and would recommend other to give it a try , (as I am) but this movie, although enjoyable to watch due to the better than average acting fails to add anything new to its storyline that is all too familiar to these types of movies.

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My second Svankmajer film, following on from SURVIVING LIFE (which I hated). This one's a lot more fun, a truly surrealist movie that explores the world of the sexual fetish, without actually involving the sex act too much. So we get a story involving a bunch of crazy people who are turned on by bread balls, by brushes, and plenty more besides.It's a truly outlandish film made by a crazed but great mind, and it hangs together surprisingly well for a movie containing no dialogue. The various narratives tie together well, making no sense at the outset but gradually coming together for a breathtaking climax. The level of imagination is through the roof, and there are tons of great visual images here; it gets particularly good when the stop motion comes into it.A film not for all tastes perhaps, but a rewarding experience for those with open minds all the same.

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Maz Murdoch (asda-man)

OK. I'm not familiar with any of this Jan bloke's work, but it just so happened that his surrealist face popped up on Channel 4 and three of his films popped up. I thought they sounded interesting, and when I looked on IMDb people seemed to be raving about his films! Unfortunately (or fortunately!) I missed the first two, so I only had Conspirators of Pleasure to be given a go. A surrealist film with no dialogue? That's got to be interesting, and with a 7.5 rating on IMDb. I thought I was in for something of a memorable night. I was. But not in a good way.I was intrigued to see how the film would turn out and it did not turn out well! I'd like those 90 minutes of my life back please! To call it the weirdest film I've ever seen would be an understatement, and I've seen Taxidermia for Christ's sake! The first half of Conspirators basically follows 5 people (with a news reader on the side) constructing things. I don't know what (and I'm still not too sure) but they're all obviously disturbed people. E.g. A woman gets a piece of bread and makes little bread balls and takes them home. I'll give you a million pounds if you could guess what she does with them! Conspirators has been billed as a comedy but I didn't laugh once. I may have chuckled the first time the man with the tash picked up a dust bin lid and that dramatic opera music played, but then it just became repetitive. The second half is when things take a disturbing turn. I don't want to spoil it, but there are some images that will never leave my head and I'd actually quite like them to go! It's just weird. It's worse than weird, it's indescribable and very unsettling. The chicken man was just disturbing with its terrifying use of animation and surrealism. I hated that frightening claymation of the man which the fat woman whipped. I don't know if these are suppose to be the funny parts, but that's the last thing I wanted to do.Maybe Conspirators would've worked better if it had a plot, but it didn't. It had a point (apparently) and that was to show human perversion and people's fetishes. However, I prefer my points to be served as a side order with a big portion of plot. Conspirators just wants to show startling imagery. And despite all of this incredibly weird imagery, the film still remains very dull and kind of boring. I was very happy when it was over, and felt very disturbed. Jan needs his head sorting out if he can come up with this sort of stuff. He should be in a special hospital for the artistically insane. And what's more disturbing is that people are raving about this! It unsettles me to think that people would watch this stuff again and again like I would Kill Bill.Conspirators is just plain weird and not at all fun to watch. At least Taxidermia had a bit of plot and fun in it! Although, Conpirators did show a hint of plot at the end but it still didn't make any sense at all. If you're after a well-written masterpiece with deep characterisation and strong plot then go for Black Swan. On the other hand, if you're seeking a seriously what the f*** did I just watch film, with disturbing imagery, no plot and dull directing. Conspirators of Pleasure is exactly what the doctor ordered.

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Having seen Svankmajer's LITTLE OTIK, ALICE, and a few assorted short-films, and reading a brief synopsis of this film - I had a bit of an idea what I was getting into with CONSPIRATORS OF PLEASURE. An interesting director for those unfamiliar with his work, but I'm always left a bit cold and unfulfilled with his works...A group of six more-or-less tenuously linked individuals are introduced - each with intricate and bizarre fetishistic tendencies. One man dresses up like a chicken and enacts a fantasy of murdering his female neighbor. His neighbor enjoys S&M games with a life-size stuffed doll. Another man builds a sex-robot because of his obsession with a female television personality. A female postal-worker is enthralled with rolling up little balls of dough and snorting them. A disenfranchised husband enjoys to create strange sensory "toys" out of fur and other materials to arouse himself - and his wife has a thing for fish. Eventually the connection between these individuals is revealed, and they find that their singular fetishes may not be as "singular" as they seem...A relatively entertaining and often funny/quirky film about desire and shame - CONSPIRATORS OF PLEASURE is worth a look to serious art-house style film fans. There is no dialogue in the film - but the goings on are often strange enough to keep things "interesting" - and the narrative of the film is pretty clear by the end. Personally - I'm just not a big fan of this sort of thing. Though many of the scenarios portrayed were interesting or amusing, I found myself bored after awhile and wishing for a hastier conclusion. The ending ties things up well, so no real gripes there either - I think my relatively mediocre rating is more just a matter of my own personal taste. I can see why some love this sort of thing, and others hate it - I'm more on the fence. Definitely worth a look for surreal-film lovers, or those that have seen some of Svankmajer's other works and really enjoyed them...6/10

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The movie opens with decadent pictures of masturbation and bestiality, but the film itself isn't that offensive. It's often very funny, and some of the things we see are just wrong, so how could it possibly be offensive? It'd have to be bad to be offensive, and this is spectacular. The story itself concerns a handful of people who have a connection in one way or another -- a fat woman, who lives next door to a bearded man, who buys porn from a beady-eyed man; the mailwoman who delivers to the bearded man, and the mustached man seen by the bearded man in an antique shop. The movie is filled with deliciously gooey sexual symbolism and would make an interesting double bill with "Crash." (Though unfortunately for a film so concerned with the odd things that we see, the film itself has got that dull, brown look to it that seems common with European productions.) The film is dialogue free, and there's an especially good use of music and sound effects to more than make up for it (we can almost experience tactilely their sense of pleasure, the ecstasy of the mustached man who massages and prickles his wet, hairy skin with various types of bristled brushes); it's better that it's silent, because it gives a fuller feeling of the audience as voyeurs peeping in on these individuals' various sexual exploits, who create objects that satisfy their needs. There are some scenes that are just...the weirdest things I think I've ever seen, or at least certainly up there: a woman rolling up pieces of bread between her fingers and then snorting them up her nose later on in the picture. Or my favorite, the climactic scene with the bearded man dressed as a rooster, with umbrellas for wings, attacking a dummy made to look like that female neighbor. (She herself has her own dummy made in his image that she uses for S&M enactments.) But more than just surrealism -- and this is pretty surreal (meaning that it's real but bent) -- it makes a pretty powerful statement on the dullness of home life, whether you're single or paired off. 9/10

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