Confessions of a Sociopathic Social Climber
Confessions of a Sociopathic Social Climber
R | 12 March 2005 (USA)
Confessions of a Sociopathic Social Climber Trailers

Social satire based on the best-seller by Adele Lang humorously chronicles the life of Katya Livingston, a self-centered, obnoxious and conceited 28-year-old ad sales exec who won't let anything or anyone stand in her way in getting to the top of the San Francisco social ladder.


Tied for the best movie I have ever seen

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Instead, you get a movie that's enjoyable enough, but leaves you feeling like it could have been much, much more.

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It was OK. I don't see why everyone loves it so much. It wasn't very smart or deep or well-directed.

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The movie runs out of plot and jokes well before the end of a two-hour running time, long for a light comedy.

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I hate the main character Katya Livingston's guts, and when i detest a character so much, it doesn't matter how she/he looks. But i dislike and reject every character who socializes with this abominable Katya.Some do not have a vertical column, others are men thinking with their genitals, others are just weak people... I am strictly talking about the character and not the actress of which i do not care.I am not giving a mark to a movie, judging it by the physical attractiveness of an actress or actor. I noticed, a lot of reviews are influenced by the attraction or distaste for an actress or actor,and not the way they act. This is a one time see movie. I do not want to see it again mainly because all the movie revolves around this Katya. I gave it an 8, because of its realistic characters and events, and not because of its erotic content. Some people want to see only beautiful things in a movie, and if they don't then they mark it as a poor one. I bet that some women, after seeing this movie and realizing they behave and think a lot like the main character, and still not having all the things she has, might say that the character is not realistic. Well ladies, you were either not living in a similar society, or have not encountered all the kind of miserable people who facilitated Katya in some form, or both of the above. I do not think this movie is sexy in any way, because of its immense misery and miserable characters,although some almost naked.

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Kara Buttree

My daughter's dad, Peter Anthony Abrahams, was in the bunny suit. I have JLH's autograph to prove it! I think because there was a similarly listed performer, the picked the wrong person.I remember being so jealous, pregnant at the time, that she was in lingerie and rubbing all over him!! Glad she's a nice person :-)I enjoyed the movie, it was fluffy fun. I hope JLH comes back to our island for more work. It was exciting for us all, as she was a gave of mine from TV. I think movie makers should seriously reconsider such lengthy movie titles.

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Steve Pulaski

Jennifer Love Hewitt has always been the beautiful face I looked when watching an episode of the Drama Ghost Whisperer and the lady I always thought was never the greatest actress, but an actress with large potential in some projects. This is not one of them. Confessions of a Sociopathic Social Climber not only makes up it's own words, but pretty much uses every character/plot point we've seen in a Romantic Comedy, a straight forward Comedy, or a plain Drama. Her character is not only impossible to like, but also a bore and a plain drag to see on screen. Being a TV movie with the minimum length requirement of 85 minutes I thought to myself not to approach this movie in a hard way, but I have too. Its horrible and a dread to watch.While trying to be funny, it fails, and while trying to be smart, it's dumb. It can never be what it wants. Every character in this movie is a one dimensional mess who was taken straight out of another movie. Jennifer Love Hewitt's character makes you feel you're losing brain cells every time she comes on screen and her over the top, Prima Donna attitude gets incredibly annoying and almost makes it hard to concentrate. While the story is majorly cliché, so is, well, everything else in this jumbled up mess of a movie. Airing on Oxygen, this movie is clear not to have a big budget, but even lower budget films can do better than this. Confessions prove even TV films are less tolerable than bad mainstream ones.Katya Livingston (Hewitt) is an unlikable Prima Donna who has everything anybody could want, but she still wants more. After hearing about a party that "anybody who's anybody will be at" she can't resist but to somehow bumble her way and show some cleavage to get an invite. She pesters everyone and sucks up to anybody who can get her one step closer to the golden key invite to the party. In the meantime, she slacks on her job as an advertising executive promoting different shampoo products and currently promoting on "The San Francisco Treat" Rice-a-Roni. She loses touch on that to become more focused on her "current dream" of getting the invite.The "spoiled bitch" attitude gets old and tiresome. When making the protagonist unlikable the whole film and even when giving an apology to people she's hurt, still makes her the most hated person on the screen, its a wonder why we should focus or even give the slightest damn why she's in her position. Why do we care about some "I'm so pretty, you can't get me!" girl when one of the other characters could have had a better movie. Jennifer Love Hewitt's role is lackluster beyond belief making it a wonder why someone of her talent was chosen to play such a low grade, zero part.There isn't a ton to say about Confessions other than it's a lame, Oxygen TV film. Just because this one has no attract factor doesn't mean other TV films are the same. Lifetime originals like Lost Holiday: The Jim & Suzanne Shemwell Story and Girl, Positive are some of my favorites as far as Television films go and those are so well written they should have been in theaters. Confessions is a bitter movie with low grade acting and a story line to wake the dead. A stuck up girl who for once in a life can't have something she wants? We haven't seen that before, oh no! Starring: Jennifer Love Hewitt, Colin Ferguson, Natassia Malthe, Joseph Lawrence, and James Kirk. Directed by: Dana Lustig.

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I loved this movie! I thought it was a campy, soapy, sexy, and salacious romp in the hay! And shocked that it was made for TV. It could've been released theatrically. Love was fantastic as the fabulously ruthless Katya Livingston. And Colin Ferguson was not only excellent as her love interest, but incredibly charming. Did I mention sexy? The writing was dead on and the directing was great. Very fun. Very stylized. Kudos to the film for raising the bar on made-for-TV movies and being a pure pleasure to watch from beginning to end! A must see!

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