Come Morning
Come Morning
| 21 October 2012 (USA)
Come Morning Trailers

Set in rural Arkansas in 1973, Come Morning is the tragic story of Frank and his 10-year-old grandson and the hunting accident that forever changes their lives.


The first must-see film of the year.

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Rio Hayward

All of these films share one commonality, that being a kind of emotional center that humanizes a cast of monsters.

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Abegail Noëlle

While it is a pity that the story wasn't told with more visual finesse, this is trivial compared to our real-world problems. It takes a good movie to put that into perspective.

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The storyline feels a little thin and moth-eaten in parts but this sequel is plenty of fun.

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Rainey Dawn

SPOILER: When Papaw died, I cried. Seriously. I'm from Arkansas, lost my papaw not that long ago (not like in this film though) ... he was a hunter. I was a year old in 1973, grew up in the 1970s Arkansas... so this film hits a bit close to home for me.One of the saddest films I've ever seen. It's a very somber dramatic thriller film from the start and remains that way throughout the movie - it's a tear jerker - fair warning if you decided to watch this one."It'll be alright come morning" papaw said to his grandson D before he passed on. It is an appropriate title for the film... and in one way everything was made alright, but in another way it was not because D will never forget this day and the events that unfolded over night into the morning light.Well worth watching if you like extremely sad movies - if you don't then pass this film by because it might have tears in your eyes.10/10

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I didn't want to bag on this movie too hard because it feels like the people who made it did have a story they wanted to tell and it feels sincere in a sense and they didn't really have much of a budget to work with either. However the fact that the only reviews here as I am writing this have 10/10 ratings and talk about it being amazing I felt like I kinda had to at least give a different opinion on the movie. I don't really see how anyone could think that this is a 10/10 movie but to each their own. For me, it didn't make me feel any kind of emotions or make me invest in any of the characters and I just found it rather empty and slow. I mean stuff does happen but for whatever reason it didn't make me feel anything. I didn't know it was supposed to be set in 1973 until I came here to rate the movie I just seen, it has zero indications to it being set in 1973 and I have no idea why it would have to be either.It also gets a little confusing with the narrative sometimes jumping back in time without indications of it doing so, and the end felt like they didn't know how to end it it just kinda stopped.Yeah I'm not terribly impressed with this one, I'm sure the director will make a good movie in the future, this just isn't it

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Come Morning has a dark beauty about it. I didn't really think about it until after it was over and my wife called it a coming of age story, but that description is very appropriate. It is a dark coming of age story and by the time it's over you will feel for the adult that the little boy is to become. This is not a feel good movie. It will leave you shell shocked but satisfied. The cinematography and locations are beautiful and both do a wonderful job of capturing 1970's rural Arkansas and the mood of this film. The actors, particularly the young lead, do a superb job. There was not a bad performance in this small tight cast. The soundtrack is beautifully done and really supports the movie well, but without getting in the way. This movie is a must see!

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Beverly Ellis

Come Morning is a great movie about a grandfather, Frank, and his grandson, D, and a hunting mishap that leads to an evening of trauma. Frank and his neighbors have had a long standing feud over land boundaries.This was far better than so many other movies with bigger budgets. The acting is top notch (especially Charlie but I'm sure I'm biased since he's my uncle) and the plot is engaging. It was slightly slow to start but give it time. This is a sad but thought provoking movie that makes you think twice about fighting with your crazy neighbors. Seeing Richard Ledbetter as a yelling, gun wielding redneck was such a surprise. I look forward to seeing more films from this group of actors and directors and definitely more films with Richard!

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