PG-13 | 21 August 2010 (USA)
Colorful Trailers

Upon reaching the train station to death, a dejected soul is informed that he is lucky and will have another chance at life. He is placed in the body of a 14-year-old boy named Kobayashi Makoto, who has just committed suicide. Watched over by a neutral spirit named Purapura, the soul must figure out what his greatest sin and mistake in his former life was, before his time limit in Makoto's body runs out. He also has a number of other lesser duties he must complete, such as understanding what led Makoto to commit suicide in the first place and learning how to enjoy his second chance at life.


Redundant and unnecessary.

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Fresh and Exciting

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Asad Almond

A clunky actioner with a handful of cool moments.

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Ezmae Chang

This is a small, humorous movie in some ways, but it has a huge heart. What a nice experience.

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Bliss Quest

Judging from other reviews, their is definitely something I missed or that pissed me off about this film, and I would have to say it's the latter. The boy was utterly and unnecessarily rude to his mother who tried any and everything to make him happy. All because of an affair she had, which he could not bring himself to forgive. There are obviously some cultural elements in this film I could not bring myself to reconcile i.e suicide. No offense, and I know this is fiction, but It seems Korean and Japanese people are willing to "give up" on life for just about anything!

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Manila Meem

Some movies are never worth to write a review, I learned that today!Second Chance.........We all wish that, to have a second chance to renew our life again.But do we really get that?Probably never.All we get to run in a new way, not looking behind.Road is pretty big right?This movie made me regret on what I did to my life, my failure, my hope, everything.Again it made me feel that nothing is never over.We have to live on.Doesn't matter roads we have passed were broken.We still need to keep walking!"No need to kill yourself when you are already dead" :-)Hence, I continued to live like a Zombie from now on........

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Considering their target audience, youth issues tend to be a major theme in manga and anime. The animated format moreover tends to give creators rather more freedom to experiment with fantasy elements that can explore deeper underlying issues. Directed by veteran animator, Keiichi Hara, COLORFUL for example manages to touch on an important subject with a message that is perhaps rather more difficult to reach a younger audience through conventional live-action drama. That subject is teenage suicide.Passing through the transit between life and rebirth, a dead soul in danger of obliteration is given another chance to reform and regain the right to rebirth. Brought back into the realm of the living, the soul is reborn into the person of Makoto Kobayashi, an artistically-inclined 14 year-old boy who has just attempted suicide. With the assistance of Purapura, a guide in the afterlife, the 'new' Makoto considers why someone from a seemingly happy family attempted to kill himself and tries to pull the young boy's life back together. COLORFUL is literally a 'finding yourself' film that considers the challenges facing young people who are finding it difficult to cope socially, to fit into the world and deal with the problems of friends, family and relationships.The fantasy element of the film isn't the most convincing, but it does have a powerful pay-off at the end and it undeniably finds a unique way to tap into the mind of a young alienated individual and how he might respond to the world, particularly one who has been driven to attempt suicide. Keiichi Hara uses an animation style that is reminiscent of GRAVE OF THE FIREFLIES in how it touches obliquely but incisively on the challenges facing youth. One seemingly irrelevant sequence based around the disused 'Tamada' trolley car, for example, is just beautiful and transformative. Using such techniques COLORFUL manages to cover a wide range of difficult issues and personality types in a realistic fashion and offer some measure of sympathy and understanding for its characters. It manages to do so moreover without ever becoming sentimental or talking down to its audience.

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Jim Fess

This is a movie about a person who gets stuck in the body of a young boy who committed suicide and then has to find out the secrets of this boys life and why he made the choices he did. At first glance i thought the movie was going to be a good one, not amazing but really good. I was right! This movie really makes you think about life and why were here. What i liked the most about this movie is it really shows you that anime isn't just about these foreign worlds with magic and awesomeness, they can also be very realistic and as dark and cruel as the world we live in. There are things that happen in the boys life that will have you saying "wow...if i went through that i honestly don't know how i'd react", its a bitter sweet movie. This is a must watch in my book, it has such a deep message and is just done so spectacularly. One thing that really stands out is the character designs, the main characters, almost all of the characters aren't some awesome looking stand out design. They're all very simple and maybe even a bit strange from your "normal anime looks". In my mind its to point out that their just plain normal people with no real specialness about them and thats not a bad thing. Now as for the artwork? Its flawless! One of the most beautiful pieces of art i've ever seen, the music is also amazing. This hole movie is really just such a gem!My score is 4.5/5. Why not 5/5? Honestly i don't know, you get so attached to the characters and this boys life in such a short time it leaves you with an empty feeling when its over. I have no real reasoning to not giving it a perfect score more then i don't give those unless they completely blow me away, this was close but i'm not even sure what it was missing it was amazing. A must watch for any one, anime fan or not it brings you to reality and makes you think about the choices we all make and how they effect everyone around us.

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