| 01 December 2013 (USA)
Closure Trailers

A documentary about a trans-racial adoptee who finds her birth mother, and meets the rest of a family who didn't know she existed, including her birth father. A story about identity, the complexities of trans-racial adoption, and most importantly, CLOSURE.


I gave it a 7.5 out of 10

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This is one of the few movies I've ever seen where the whole audience broke into spontaneous, loud applause a third of the way in.

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Strong acting helps the film overcome an uncertain premise and create characters that hold our attention absolutely.

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An old-fashioned movie made with new-fashioned finesse.

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I was very impressed by this little documentary with a big subject. Angela Tucker is a 20-something African-American woman raised by white parents who goes in search of her birth mother, and finds a huge family that didn't know she existed. I think part of what impressed me with this film was how little the race issue came up in spite of it being ever-so-present, which I think kinda says something about how far we've come as a nation with race relations. Angela's well-being was the top issue for both her adoptive white parents and African-American birth mother and father, in spite of the color or culture of her environment. And kudos to her family (both adopted and birth) and husband (the director of the film I believe-?) for being so supportive. We all should be so lucky to have so many people in our lives that care about us.And just a heads-up: have some Kleenex nearby when watching this... ;)

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If they did it might eradicate much of racial discrimination, misunderstandings. I absolutely loved this film and was in tears through most of it. My own family has become multi racial through, adoption, marriage and birth.First who would not love Angela with her wonderfully mobile face? Her enthusiasm, sensitivity, talents and intelligence. All of the people were lovely (and flawed too) and kudos to her husband who so fairly must have edited many hours of film to get this story told so concisely and yet so fully. This made me feel really proud of my country. That we can learn and change, that basically people are good are willing to experience different ways of thinking. When I say all of Angela's family were lovely, I mean in their willingness to bond over this one person whom they all love, I don't mean that individually they did not have faults, that obviously is so, more so in some cases than in others. But as adoptive mother, Theresa says this is not the place to dwell on faults, this is a place to come together in acceptance and love. This movie has this in abundance.

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A trans-racial adoptee finds her birth mother, and meets the rest of a family who did not know she existed, including her birth father. A story about identity, the complexities of trans-racial adoption, and most importantly, closure.Although I cannot say the topic of adoption is particularly interesting to me, the topic of roots is. Family history is important, at least to me, and this film combined both. It talked of the adopting parents, the biological family, the other kids in the home. It had that element of mixed race (though, like the mother said, the kids are just "people" and not a certain race beyond "human").For those who have adopted or were adopted, this probably has even deeper meaning and emotional impact. Great work.

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Daniel Endy

I"m very picky, but when I find something excellent, I let people know. This documentary is truly excellent. The filmmaker captures people effectively with a variety of styles. The video isn't always perfect, but it captures the real emotions and tells the story with subtle elegance. This is a very moving and very well told story about a very special couple who adopt a menagerie that seems to exceed that of Ben Affleck and Angelina Jolie's brood. One of their adopted clan decides she wants to learn more about her biological roots and begins a quest to find her birth parents. Beyond probability she succeeds thanks to a variety of seeming coincidences. But what does she find? Will her biological parents be happy to see her, or will her search result in a fresh rejection?

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