Circumstances Unknown
Circumstances Unknown
| 19 April 1995 (USA)
Circumstances Unknown Trailers

Judd Nelson plays a psychopath whose obsession with the wife of his longtime friend leads to a string of brutal murders in this adaptation of Jonellen Heckler's 1993 suspense novel.


the leading man is my tpye

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People are voting emotionally.

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This story has more twists and turns than a second-rate soap opera.

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I didn’t really have many expectations going into the movie (good or bad), but I actually really enjoyed it. I really liked the characters and the banter between them.

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for U.S. cable this is not the worst. What is it though about William R. Moses and Lifetime Movies?.Anyone who likes Judd Nelson- post "The Breakfast Club" may enjoy this, There are some beautiful scenes of the forest and the Pacific Northwest.Judd Nelson had found a usable character here. The "Cabin by The Lake" series is no accident. It was the brainchild of this screenplay. CBTL was made in 2000, and even had a re-make; so someone made money from this character. And American audiences paid to see it.At any rate, if you are in the mood for a light murder mystery, this may fit the bill. 6/10.

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Mike Hackney (alaskan_scout)

Watched this film late on a Saturday night and i must say it was very disappointing....its started off so well, a gloved man creeps into someone's apartment, and murders a young women while she's in the bath, then loots her jewellery, then it descends into a poorly scripted filmi somehow managed to watch it?? *SPOILER* the ending where he just jumps into the water because he see's his mother is shocking?? i mean, he killed her in the first place so why would he want to go back to her!!!! 2/10

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The other day I was changing channels of the satellite tv, and I found this movie, it was like 230 am, and without caring of the time, I started to fall for the movie so much that I had to continue it till 5 am.I found this movie to be a serious one, because the theme of the transtorned childhood guy seems very interesting to me altought this is not a very recent movie, I recommend it a lot!

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I like Judd Nelson, but this movie is just bad. The script is predictable, the music forgettable, the direction clinical. I'm glad I didn't pay money to see this one. If you get a chance to see this one, don't. I give it 1 star.

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