PG | 02 June 2017 (USA)
Churchill Trailers

A ticking-clock thriller following Winston Churchill in the 24 hours before D-Day.


Just bad

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Highly Overrated But Still Good

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It's hard to see any effort in the film. There's no comedy to speak of, no real drama and, worst of all.

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While it doesn't offer any answers, it both thrills and makes you think.

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TERRIBLE movie. Pedantic. Focuses on the idea that Winston suffered from depression. All Churchill does is complain here. All his wife does is bitch at him. My favorite character was General Eisenhower, and this movie isn't even about him. Do yourself a favor and ignore this rotten film.

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I totally agree with all of the other comments - a great man made to look an incompetent leader and the Americans were the best - totally mis-represented any facts - even if there were any - absolute rubbish

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El problema es que me ha sorprendido para mal. Nunca me habría imaginado un Churchill así. El cómo ponerle a los pies de los caballos. La película la ves y bueno está bien, si bien es cierto que se hace larga. No es una película que se la vea nada más empezar que es una obra maestra, todo lo contrario. Desde el comienzo se la ve que es una película normal. Una cosa que veo es que no se adentra mucho en la guerra, sino más bien en el personaje. No le importa no contar lo que paso, más bien quiere mostrar el personaje y la gente de alrededor. Pero con ello, la película no tiene un gran clímax. Los actores están muy bien, si es lo que buscaba. Yo creo que va a sorprender a mucha gente.Tiene una iluminación que es capaz de pasar de planos muy bonitos a planos muy mal iluminados. Sobre todo cuando la cámara rueda ventanas. Hay veces que no distingues al actor.La dirección no está mal llevada. No es una maravilla pero bueno. No llega a aburrir pero tampoco te engancha demasiado. Los planos no son bonitos, son normales, no sabe usar la cámara.Bueno es una película que la ves y te olvidas The problem is that it has surprised me for the worse. I would never have imagined a Churchill like that. How to put at the feet of horses. You see the film and it's good, although it's true that it's long. It is not a film that can be seen at the beginning, it is a masterpiece, just the opposite. From the beginning it is seen that it is a normal movie. One thing I see is that he does not go deep into the war, but rather into the character. He does not mind not telling what happened, rather he wants to show the character and the people around him. But with that, the movie does not have a great climax. The actors are very good, if that is what I was looking for. I think it will surprise many people.It has an illumination that is able to go from very beautiful planes to very badly illuminated planes. Especially when the camera rolls windows. Sometimes you do not distinguish the actor.The address is not badly worn. It is not wonderful but good. It does not get boring but it does not hook you too much. The plans are not pretty, they are normal, he does not know how to use the camera.Well it's a movie that you see it and you forget

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I didn't know anything about Churchill. This taught me a lot and was beautifully shot with some great music. Standout scene was where the king met churchill to tell him he could not go on the ship. Loved it

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