Choking Hazard
Choking Hazard
| 07 May 2004 (USA)
Choking Hazard Trailers

When self-help guru Dr. Reinis (Jaroslav Dusek) led his students on a retreat to ponder the meaning of life, he had no intention of leading them all to their doom. But when gut-munching zombie woodsmen emerge, the group finds itself locked in mortal battle. Alternately sickening and silly, this gruesomely hilarious Czech horror flick co-stars Jan Dolansky, Eva Nadazdyova, Anna Fialkova and Eva Janouskova.


I like Black Panther, but I didn't like this movie.

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Billie Morin

This movie feels like it was made purely to piss off people who want good shows

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Arianna Moses

Let me be very fair here, this is not the best movie in my opinion. But, this movie is fun, it has purpose and is very enjoyable to watch.

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Married Baby

Just intense enough to provide a much-needed diversion, just lightweight enough to make you forget about it soon after it’s over. It’s not exactly “good,” per se, but it does what it sets out to do in terms of putting us on edge, which makes it … successful?

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I bought the DVD on a whim because I was asking my cousin in Prague for some films he enjoyed. Knowing that I like horror, enjoy zombie flicks and have a penchant for films that look utterly ridiculous, he suggested Choking Hazard.A little bit of philosophical commentary mixed in with some excellent laughs and a lot of zombies. It has a bit of the bad B flavour but it's one of those films that realizes that it has the potential to be terrible and just cracks jokes on the fact and has fun. If all else fails you, some of the zombie scenes are excellent and some of the running jokes are just hysterical.If you like horror/comedy, especially of the zombified variety, I highly recommend this one.

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I saw the movie in a theater and it is pretty clear that it deserves the theater even though it is evident that it had a low budget. I was really satisfied! I enjoyed the film for the whole 80 minutes and it had not a one boring spot. One crazy idea is followed by another (the most obscure is entrance of jehovist who happens to be blue movie actor, skating on a livers or scene with the eye are good ones as well), one witty line goes after the other and makers have put in it a good measure of gags. Yes, Choking Hazard is low budget, but so what? It extremely funny. Every fan of good (not only grim or zombie) comedies should attend as this movie. Choking hazard is absolute in its own way. I mildly recommend it!!

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I saw this at the Tribeca Film Festival and it was great fun. Bloody, funny, and smart. An intellectual twist on the "secluded retreat" idea - a group gathers at a hotel to do a weekend course about the meaning of their lives. And of course, they're overrun by zombies.I especially love the way it weaves between existential exploration and hilarious gore-fest. It works on so many different levels - while your first reaction to it may be mostly visceral, the more you think about it the more you notice how clever the jokes are, how interesting the characters are, and how joyfully it plays with film conventions.This is a rare and unusual film to come out of the Czech Republic. If you get a chance to see it, I highly recommend that you do!

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I just returned home from cinema and I can surely say one thing about this film: It's interesting in a specific way.The plot is quite simple. Group of people of different characters are in a hotel deep in the forests on a meeting leaded by Dr. Reinis -the blind philosopher- to search for the sense of life. Their meeting is interrupted by hunt of zombie-huntsmen (in Czech: "Zombivci" - zombie-myslivci ^_^), who are hunting weaker individuals.Characters I liked the most were Jan Dolanský's character and Kamil Svejda's character. They were very funny and acted brilliant. Dobes and Kopøiva made up some very original ideas- using a camera to "rewind" the plot or series-like credits in the beginning of the film. Some of the gags (e.g. the one with the eye)were hilarious, but on the other hand, there were some boring moments...So, the final judgement is: quite good but not so funny as "I Was A Teenage Intellectual"

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