Chicken Park
Chicken Park
| 05 April 1996 (USA)
Chicken Park Trailers

Vladimiro travels to the Dominican Republic with his fighting-chicken when it gets stolen. While searching for his lost chicken he discovers Chicken Park, a zoo full of giant chickens.


Sadly Over-hyped

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I gave this film a 9 out of 10, because it was exactly what I expected it to be.

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a film so unique, intoxicating and bizarre that it not only demands another viewing, but is also forgivable as a satirical comedy where the jokes eventually take the back seat.

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Erica Derrick

By the time the dramatic fireworks start popping off, each one feels earned.

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This should be the kind of movie I love: zero budget, appalling acting and ridiculous special effects. However, ridiculously unfunny spoofs and lame movie in-jokes manage to completely destroy just about every guilty pleasure this film has to offer.Not that it is all horrific. Fans of Z-grade cinema will enjoy the scenes set in Chicken Park. The giant chicken effects are hilarious and Bruce, the cross-dressing, giant gay chicken is truly a marvel of our times. Likewise, the randy chicken that rips off Sigourney's top, exposing her breasts. Now, that's just classy film-making! It's a shame that these moments of poultry flavoured hilarity only account for approximately 10 minutes of the film. The remainder of the movie can only be described as a cinematic car wreck. It's not only poorly made but also excruciatingly boring. I was also genuinely upset to see an actress of the calibre of Rossy De Palma in a film this dire. How has the one time muse of Pedro Almodovar found herself playing a character called Necrophilia, who dresses like Morticia Adams and gets pleasured by "Thing" while watching a video tape of someone undergoing surgery? Someone please rescue this diva from Z-grade movie hell! In conclusion, this film is nothing but a putrid heap of fresh chicken poo. Fans of trash are advised to simply fast forward to the giant chickens and leave the rest of the film for those with sadomasochistic tendencies.

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Back In The Day, before i had the internet, we would often have conversations about what the worst film of all time was. One of the kids said that he had seen a send-up of Jurassic Park named Chicken Park. This kid was a notoriously bad liar so we just ignored him. As if a film like this would be made. I mean honestly.Fast Forward to last week. After crusing around this site for a while, I remembered the Chicken Park story. So I typed it in and low and behold here it is. With all the information about it too. I decided to hunt this film down and give it a watch. The video rental stores never heard of it, for good reason. Then in a bargin bin box at Kmart, there it was for 2 bucks.So why do i feel ripped off? ARGH! This film is the pit of all that is wrong with the nature of human beings. Why take a perfectly good film and decide instead of really cool dinosaurs , we replace them with god damn chickens?And the "In" jokes are pitiful. Dr. Eggs? COME ON!!!!This film is so bad that it makes Glitter look like The Godfather. Yuck, please don't watch this film. Let it remain a horrible joke to you. I think I'll go throw up.

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There are no words to justify a "film" like this. I'm Italian and I can say that in my Country Jerry Calà has always been famous for a particular kind on films, comic or surrealistic comedy, but he was always an actor and never director. Chicken Park is a shame for me like Italian. I hope Italian cinema continued to use Jerry as a comic (he is good, really!) and not like an artist. In any case, I can say that we have a director that are not so better than Jerry... his name is Ezio Greggio and his parody "Silence of the Jams" is probably worst that Chicken Park...See to believe...

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Bernie Bosma

Think of 'Chicken Park' and 'Kramer vs Kramer'. I would rather watch Chicken Park again, at least it didn't pretend to be anything more than a quick, cheap rip-off. And there were some mildly amusing parts, and a fairly attractive chick (human variety) who bared her breasts. El cheapo and too dependant on tiresome sexual referencing trying unsuccessfully to be funny, but tolerable because it knew it was bad.

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