Chain Gang Women
Chain Gang Women
R | 22 September 1971 (USA)
Chain Gang Women Trailers

A shackled murderer and marijuana offender escape from a Georgia chain gang.


That was an excellent one.

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Crappy film

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I cannot think of one single thing that I would change about this film. The acting is incomparable, the directing deft, and the writing poignantly brilliant.

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A movie that not only functions as a solid scarefest but a razor-sharp satire.

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Billy Harris has only 6 months left to serve for grass. He gets transfered out of the easy library job into hard chain-gang Georgia State Labor Farm. He is chained up with Mike Weed who supposedly killed a girl. The prisoners attack the guards and everybody makes a break for it. Harris doesn't want to run but Weed threatens to chop off his leg. They go to Harris' girlfriend Ann. While Harris is out, Weed rapes Ann. They avoid a road block and stop at a farm where the farmer has a really young wife.This is a horribly misleading title. The filmmaking is amateurish. The lead actors are not that compelling. They're not bad as amateur actors but don't expect more than that. Harris and Weed are set up for some very compelling conflict but the movie doesn't develop it. The farmer and his wife provide some additional possibilities. However I have no rooting interest in any of them.

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This is a classic example of the worst sort of stuff used to hook in the grind-house crowd back in the 70's. Its title, poster and trailer would have been used to sell it but of course the movie itself bears no relevance to what could reasonably be expected from a film entitled Chain Gang Women. It's an escape convict movie with two women in minor roles in the latter half of the film. And not a very interesting escape convict movie at that. The acting is of course awful and the sexploitation element negligible. There are a couple of rape scenes where the women seem virtually disinterested in being sexually assaulted; which makes it less grimy but overall pretty ridiculous. The film totters on from scene to scene with very little dynamism until it ends with an ending that is, to say the least, underwhelming. So there's not a lot to recommend here to be perfectly honest. The most interesting element of the film is the quad-screen segments, and the soundtrack was pretty appropriate I guess. Other than that, it's strictly limited thrills and spills in this one I'm afraid.

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I watched CHAIN GANG WOMEN as part of BCI Eclipse' Drive-in Cult Classics (featuring Crown International Pictures releases) on DVD.From other comments, I'm sure this is the same digital transfer as from Rhino. As such, there is not much to get excited about here. And, as others noted, the title is very misleading.*** SPOILER ALERT, this is the entire premise of the movie *** Boy meets boy in jail. Boys escape; and, boy meets girl.Other boy rapes girl; boys leave girl.Boys find other girl; other boy rapes girl.Girl seduces boy. Husband kills both boys.Girl is miserable.WHAT A STINKER -- though I did like that quad screen effect too.The music was okay; but, it got on my nerves at the end.

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The DVD produced by Rhino doesn't show many, and very hot, sex scenes that can be found on "Nuovo Bigfilm" n.18, an Italian magazine of the early 70s which published transpositions on paper of (s)exploitation movies.For instance, during the Weed's rape of Harris' girlfriend, the DVD entirely cuts from the point when the man undresses the girl, to the point when the rape has finished and Weed covers himself with a towel. The Italian magazine shows many photos of the very hot scenes between these two points, during the brutal rape. Even the other sex scenes performed by the old man and his wife, or by the wife herself and Harris, are by far hotter in the magazine than on the DVD.Probably that's why the user comments above express a sort of delusion.

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