Centipede Horror
Centipede Horror
| 29 October 1982 (USA)
Centipede Horror Trailers

A crazed evil wizard uses his powers to take revenge on beautiful women by making them vomit up live centipedes, which then proceed to eat their victims.


The film was still a fun one that will make you laugh and have you leaving the theater feeling like you just stole something valuable and got away with it.

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It's a mild crowd pleaser for people who are exhausted by blockbusters.

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This movie was so-so. It had it's moments, but wasn't the greatest.

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Murphy Howard

I enjoyed watching this film and would recommend other to give it a try , (as I am) but this movie, although enjoyable to watch due to the better than average acting fails to add anything new to its storyline that is all too familiar to these types of movies.

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There are at least 3 different films being reviewed here! Some guy is reviewing 'Begotten', a majority of people are reviewing The Most Disturbing Film In The Universe (which I thought I was downloading after scanning a couple of the reviews), and a sanity-restoring few are reviewing the flick I just saw. A nice 80s Hong Kong black magic romp, with some gross out live centipede barfing at the end nicely rounding things off. It may not have been the disturbing nightmare I was anticipating, but this altogether different prospect was highly enjoyable, I thought, if pretty standard fare. Also of note, there is a great bit of moody 80s synthesizer work in here, which sounds awfully familiar to something from El-p's 'Fantastic Damage' album! OK, after some more digging, I think some people are reviewing Takashi Miike's segment of Masters Of Horror, called 'Imprint'. Others are reviewing 'Cutting Moments'. However, there is still one that is eluding me, which appears to be a HK 80s horror: wizards, decapitation, transformation etc. What the hell is this film?

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After reading every other review on IMDb I really thought this was the film I've been searching for all my life. I love horror films and collect all the previously banned films, including the most notorious ones such as Cannibal Holocaust, Guinea Pig, etc. So you can imagine my excitement when I seen it on ebay and managed to win the auction.I even printed off the reviews while I was waiting for the DVD to be delivered and read them to my friends and colleagues at work, they too were intrigued to hear lines like, "I seen this film 3 weeks ago now and still there is a sense of discomfort" or "I seen this film at a film festival but missed the last half of the film and the following two short movies as I had to keep my head in-between my legs to avoid fainting", oh and my favourite "few filmsleave you feeling destroyed afterwards", that one really sold it to me.To say I was disappointed is an understatement. The basic story is, once upon a time a man lived in a village with his wife and baby. He was also having an affair and one night his wife walked in while he was doing the dirty deed with his lover. In the struggle that then ensued he accidentally killed his wife and his lover, panicked and then proceeded to burn down the village to cover up what he'd done. Only he left his baby to burn too. As he was escaping the village a wizard type guy saw him and realisng what he'd done,placed a curse (a centipede curse) on him and his family. Skip forward to present day and his granddaughter his fallen fowl to the curse with her brother now on the trail to find out what happened to her and to discover what the 'shameful' thing was that his grandfather carried out at the village all those years ago.The rest of the film is about random wizard/priest guys and has one cool scene where a priest appears to perform some sort of ritual where he makes a naked pregnant girl barf/abort scorpions, that was pretty horrific and impressed me. Then there is the final scene, which again going back to the other reviews I read, was supposed to be so horrific that it "will never leave you". Another major let down. Just a girl puking some centipedes, yeah it's kinda gross but I've seen far worse.In conclusion, if I had never read these reviews and just stumbled across it I probably would have quite enjoyed it, but after all the hype I don't think I've ever been so disappointed with a film. So for anyone out there who has seen all the big 'nasties' such as Holocaust, The Guinea Pigs, Mordum August Underground, etc. and read these reviews, don't be fooled like I was into thinking you found a film that will disturb you, because it won't.Marks out of 10 as film I'd never heard anything about = 6 Marks out of 10 as film I expected so much from after reading the reviews = 2

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I just don't know why I constantly subject my self to this crap...I haven't seen one of these types of films yet that I even remotely enjoyed, but being that I have the urge to try to absorb anything horror related - I guess I gotta take the good with the bad...CENTIPEDE HORROR is another 80's HK film that deals with sorcery and vendettas and puking things up - in this case centipedes. A girl goes on vacation to South East Asia. While there, a sorcerer notices her wearing a necklace that belonged to an old comrade of the sorcerer, whose misdeeds caused the decimation of their village. The sorcerer casts a spell which causes centipedes to attack the girl while she's out in the woods trying to take a leak. When she dies, her brother travels to the scene of the incident to look for answers to his sisters death...I don't know why other reviewers talk about these films as though they are so gory and disturbing. Yes...there are a few scenes of people puking up live centipedes in CENTIPEDE HORROR which can be kind of gross, but other than that (oh yeah...and one decent scorpion puking scene...), there is virtually no violence, gore, or other disturbing material in this film - and this also goes for all the other films in this same genre, such as SEEDING OF A GHOST, DEVIL FETUS, THE DEVIL, etc...They are all typically dull and derivative of each other - all involve some sort of sorcery, some sort of revenge against a previous wrong doing - and all have this revenge being exacted in the form of people puking up some sort of live creature. All very similar - all very dull. I give CENTIPEDE HORROR a 5/10 - only because the story is a little more coherent and is better filmed than some of the other entries - although I believe SEEDING OF A GHOST to be the best of this bad genre of films...leave these alone unless you're like me and HAVE to see everything horror-related, regardless of quality or entertainment value...5/10

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Mahatma Fabrizi

I write this comment almost 12 days after watching this movie and still there is a sense of discomfort about this movie, when I think of the way it ended. Very frankly "Centipede Horror" freaked me out. Seen a lot of Din Long Lee (Hong Kong Police Madame 3) vehicles, but this one, Dang!!!! really put me off. First of all the movie is paced so slowly that it kinds of puts off track and then last 30 minutes just blows you off, with a last few scenes taking the cake. This in no way can be described as a family picture, rather, it is a movie for psychos whose time might be better spent getting their noggins looked at. With decent acting from all of them. I give this one nevertheless a 0/10 just for sheer bad vibes...Steer clear.

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