Cem Yılmaz: CM101MMXI Fundamentals
Cem Yılmaz: CM101MMXI Fundamentals
| 02 January 2013 (USA)
Cem Yılmaz: CM101MMXI Fundamentals Trailers

The funny little details of everyday life, simple things that make us laugh. An unforgettable performance from Cem Yilmaz. Yilmaz captures the audience with his hilarious stories about relationships, humankind's struggle with the technology and professional life. Yilmaz proves us that a food delivery or even a funeral might be amusing when considered correctly. Written by Elmalma Brand Communication


Plot so thin, it passes unnoticed.

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Let's be realistic.

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Tayyab Torres

Strong acting helps the film overcome an uncertain premise and create characters that hold our attention absolutely.

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Haven Kaycee

It is encouraging that the film ends so strongly.Otherwise, it wouldn't have been a particularly memorable film

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Cem Yilmaz is the most professional comedian in Turkey. He has his own brain team that observes and thinks of daily funny situations and then he writes it into a script I believe. As Turks we are haters. So there are so many people hates Cem Yilmaz. Therefore, I am no really surprised about the 1/10 or even other low ratings.. I am not a person who would write a review about a movie or documentary but the lack of English and the hate i have seen from the previous review encouraged me to write a review.Anyway, lets talk about the show now. Firstly I watched it in the cinemas because I was not in Turkey when he was doing live shows. It was fully packed and the duration of the show was about 140 minutes. Which was great, because less than that would be unprofessional and more than 140 minutes would make people get bored in my opinion. In addition, his jokes and observations are so spot on! He is just genius and he knows the Turkish people so well. He knows our pros and cons and he admits he has the same ups and downs in his daily life.In Turkey, we always love being critical on people who are successful. It is just the culture in our beautiful country. As a conclusion, Cem Yilmaz is the greatest of all times. He is my childhood hero and yes he may use a lot of "cursing" or he may talk about sexual things a lot but he is still right about making those jokes and he is hilarious. Every time i watch I get my jaw dislocated because of his humor.Thanks God! For sending Cem Yilmaz to this country. Peace! Egemen

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I watched Cem Yılmaz's this show one month ago. My friend recommended to me. Before I was thinking an ordinary show and it was be excerpt. But this my idea changed quickly. I watched and I like so much really. His humors were very comic. Already I was love him and I was like him. Because he is very successful comedian. Furthermore his face type is comic too. The end his show wasn't be excerpt too. The humors very made laugh me. When it comes to my mind I am still laughing. I am telling it to my friends, we are always laughing. His goal wasn't just make laugh ,of course. He wanted to instruct us. So it wasn't only imaginative. But before from everything humors were very impressive. I am congratulating him really and I am wishing successes to him.

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Excellent Comedy Show Funny Interesting Everything little little just right into the middle :)He was born in Kocamustafapaşa in Istanbul, and his family origins go back to Gürün. While studying at Boğaziçi University Tourism and Hotel Management Faculty, he started publishing cartoons for the Turkish humor magazine Leman. In August 1995 he did his first stand-up comedy show in "Leman Culture Center" performing with no serious career intentions as a comedian. However, after the high response from the crowd he continued his show to attract larger crowds in Beşiktaş Cultural Center where he appeared in over a thousand stand-up comedy shows since, becoming extremely popular; so popular, that people are willing to pay 250 YTL (approx. 210 USD) for a ticket.His movie career started with co-starring in the movie "Herşey Çok Güzel Olacak" ("Everything's Gonna Be Great") in 1998, continuing various roles in such movies Vizontele, Organize İşler and Ramon. He starred in the 2005 box-office hit G.O.R.A., a big-budget science-fiction comedy which he also wrote. The shooting of the film had lasted several years because of financial and other technical problems and the deep involvement left him exhausted for a time. The film was one of the top hits in Turkey, with 4 million people having watched it.

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Gokhan Erguven

Although this movie is a recorded version of the live theater performance by Cem Yilmaz, it still delivers great humor and fun while watching. Not much better and funnier than Yilmaz's previous performances called "Bir tat bir doku (A taste a tissue)" (2001) and "CMYLMZ" (2007), "CM101MMXI Fundamentals" proves that Cem Yilmaz is still the best on stage performance.The film contains several skits: the relationship between man and woman; technology and how it affects our lives; old times and old technologies; open buffets; hotels and hotel workers; ordering like Turkish people at a Turkish restaurant; the funny effort of Turkish people about talking English; Turkish gourmets; the troubles a comedian encounters when walking on the street or in a shopping center; how tourists are welcomed in Turkey etc.As I said, it's not the best performance of Cem Yilmaz compared to his previous performances, but it serves the best fun and humor of Turkey, as Cem Yilmaz being very skillful while analyzing people and their characteristics.

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