Cash McCall
Cash McCall
| 27 January 1960 (USA)
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Wealthy hotshot Cash McCall makes his money by purchasing unsuccessful businesses, whipping them into shape and then selling them for a huge profit. When Cash comes across Austen Plastics, a small manufacturing corporation on its last legs, he realizes it might be a gamble to buy the company. But when Cash finds out that the company's owner is the father of his old flame, Lory, he buys the business just to get a second chance at romance.


Highly Overrated But Still Good

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Good concept, poorly executed.

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Aneesa Wardle

The story, direction, characters, and writing/dialogue is akin to taking a tranquilizer shot to the neck, but everything else was so well done.

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Brennan Camacho

Mostly, the movie is committed to the value of a good time.

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Cameron Hawley's novel about the politics inherent in corporate boardrooms became the essential business drama Executive Suite (1954). With that film's Oscar nominated cinematographer (George J. Folsey) and supporting actress (Nina Foch) as well as Dean Jagger and character actor Edgar Stehli, this one was made into a comedy featuring James Garner (in the title role) and Natalie Wood. It was adapted by Lenore J. Coffee and Marion Hargrove, and directed by Joseph Pevney.The story has enough misdirection (and at least one dead end) in it to keep it interesting, even if (at times) it gets somewhat confusing, but Garner's charm and Wood's natural beauty makes it eminently watchable.The cast also includes E.G. Marshall, Henry Jones, Otto Kruger, Roland Winters and Edward Platt as key players in the various dealings by McCall, an elusive character whose reputation is not unlike Wall Street (1987)'s Gordon Gekko.McCall wants to buy Grant Austen's (Jagger) plastics company, in part because Austen's daughter is Lory (Wood), a woman with whom he has an unrequited past. Jones (whose boss is Platt) plays McCall's associate, Marshall his lawyer and Kruger his banker. Winters and Foch (her boss is Stehli) are the foe and foil that add conflict to the initially smooth transaction and romance.

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Excellent comedy that brings on some serious dramatic overtones in this 1960 film. There is a wonderful description of ethical business standards and practices in the film.The cast is just wonderful and is led by James Garner as the cool business man who does learn some business humility in the end. Natalie Wood is wonderful as a former summer flame who becomes involved when Garner attempts to buy out Dean Jagger, her father in the film.Nina Foch shows her mettle as a managing assistant, bitter from her ex-husband's escapades, only to misinterpret Garner's lines to her.Business ethics has never been better.

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James Garner makes a dashing young entrepreneur of the business world in Cash McCall, the second of two films made from Cameron Hawley's business world novels, the other being the acclaimed Executive Suite. Hawley certainly knew how to capture the business world well and put a proper face on it.Usually it's not a real good idea to mix business with pleasure, but in Cash McCall, Garner succeeds quite well. I now know where some of the plot of Grease came from. If you'll remember John Travolta and Olivia Newton-John have a summer fling which ends, but then find themselves in the same school in different social circles.Cash McCall begins with Garner already having had that fling with Natalie Wood on vacation in Maine and he discovers she's the daughter of Dean Jagger, president of a plastics firm he's looking to acquire. When he discovers who she is it does complicate matters, but Garner is a most resourceful man. In the end it all works out to everyone's satisfaction, but there are a few bumps in the road. Those bumps are what the film is all about.James Garner has played so many con men on the big and small screen it would have been an easy matter for him to slip into that familiar characterization for him. But he plays this one absolutely straight and does quite well with the part. Of course if he had been anything less than up front he wouldn't have gotten Wood. Natalie was just radiant in her role as the Philadelphia Main Line princess, a bit more human than Tracy Samantha Lord of The Philadelphia Story.Besides Dean Jagger, the leads are backed by an established group of players portraying various business types as Edward Platt, E.G. Marshall, Otto Kruger, Parley Baer, and Roland Winters. Two performances that are really outstanding are Nina Foch as the hotel chief housekeeper at the place where Garner resides occupying an entire floor and part of another and Henry Jones as an efficiency expert who Garner recruits. I'm surprised that Cash McCall was not taken up as material for a prime time soap opera in the Eighties, the decade of such. It certainly has all the ingredients.Still it remains as one of James Garner's best early film performances and usually on the top 10 list for his fans.

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When Natalie Wood was in her prime, she was at the top of the biz, stunningly beautiful, sharp, but accessible. And no one played the all-american stud better than Jim Garner.Call it a bedroom farce if you like but Cash McCall combines a lot of wheeling and dealing with a good old fashioned boy-meets-girl to make a very pleasing movie.At first glance, McCall (Garner) is part playboy, part ruthless businessman, but we know better; that his heart of gold belongs only to Lory Austen (Wood), a woman he met last Summer, and he's thought of nothing but her since.Standard fare, well done with attractive stars, that alone puts it in the upper 20% as far as I'm concerned. Enjoy it.

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