Carman: The Champion
Carman: The Champion
| 02 March 2001 (USA)
Carman: The Champion Trailers

Former champion boxer Orlando Leone (Carmen) is "The Preacher" at an inner-city youth center. Wanting to give something back to the community, he bought a large building for a church youth center. But the cash ran out before he could finish fixing it up and now, the mortgage company is about to foreclose. With his bills mounting he agrees to one last fight.


Too many fans seem to be blown away

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Good start, but then it gets ruined

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The film creates a perfect balance between action and depth of basic needs, in the midst of an infertile atmosphere.

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Allison Davies

The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.

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There is also statements being made about Patricia Manterola using Carman Licciardello to for US film. Patricia Manterola as a Mexican Hardcore Porn Star broke into some lame TV soap opera show, movies, and music. Patricia Manterola basically did Carman: the champion movie which is Christian obeously to say that she as a Hardcore Porn Celebrity got to broke into even Christian not only prime time TV shows. You see, there use to be a day when hardcore porn chickies had hard time being accepted into regular prime time shows to be taken seriously as actress besides being looked at seriously for their hardcore porn experties. So it was a major achievement for Patricia Manterola to be able to break into even largest Christian broadcast network TBN and to do a Christian movie with the top Christian artist such as Carman. But she kept quiet about her Hardcore Porn Gigs...that helped her to stardom.. to the Christian public in effort to get her movie credit added to her porfolio.

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First of all, this movie will draw comparisons to Rocky right off the bat. You might even see some familiar camera angles, poses, and scenes. What you will not see is great acting from a great script. But the boxing scenes are surprisingly well done and quite believable. Real punches don't sound like a sledgehammer smashing a tree stump as Conan O'Brien said of Rocky. They sound more like smacks, the harder ones like thuds. The fights are intense and the blood and sweat flows freely. And lo and behold, the fighters actually block some blows. They got that much right.Christian movies have long held the dubious distinction of being preachy. Not only that, squeezing the "good news" in is often like throwing an iron bar into the gears of Big Ben: it grinds story progress to a halt. But the movie doesn't Bible-bash or get too wishy-washy at any point.Carman, who also wrote the script, has some cheesy one-liners and clunky dialogue, but has good screen presence and is helped out by a decent supporting cast. The cinematography looks flashy with some nice earthy filters for the outdoor shots.On the whole, this is one of the better Christian films to date. It's worth a look. 6/10.

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I guess if you dont get out much, the bright lights and big screen of a movie theatre might seem real impressive. The picture is just so big and pretty. It MUST be a good movie too, after all Christians made it, right? Wrong, in reality this is just more c**p from the televangelists at Trinity Broadcasting Network. For folks that supposedly believe in "Thou shalt no steal", they just basically ripped off "Rocky" (several of the series..) and tacked on a Christian message to justify spending people's tithe money on it. The "if he boxes he might die" storyline has been done to death, as has the retired boxer coming back for "one last fight" story. This will go straight to video and just become another "monthly gift" that they will send out "free" with donations, just like "Omega Code". Now that the hype on this movie is basically over, what other monstrosity will Matt Crouch foist upon the willing givers of TBN?

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This was a wonderful film, I was completely surprised on how well it was done. The story was very good, and the action scenes were much more realistic that those of the "Rocky" series. The film contained some scenes that were a little intense but it fits the real world. Wonderful job!I want to see it again, and also get the film on video.

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