Camera Obscura
Camera Obscura
| 09 June 2017 (USA)
Camera Obscura Trailers

A photojournalist suffering from PTSD returns home from Iraq and finds himself struggling to keep his sanity and family intact.


Instant Favorite.

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i know i wasted 90 mins of my life.

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Better Late Then Never

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Beulah Bram

A film of deceptively outspoken contemporary relevance, this is cinema at its most alert, alarming and alive.

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Started out okay, typical B movie, but eventually nothing was happening. I began to space in and out of the movie, and lost track of what his motivation was. At one point he was trying to find a job, and was complaining about having to take pictures of real estate, and then the next moment he's looking at photos. He suddenly comes to the conclusion that the pictures were telling the future. Maybe it was edited poorly, or maybe it did explain, but I dozed off because it was starting to get boring. Either way this is a snooze fest. I personally thought they should have ditched the whole camera storyline, and gone with the fat greasy stalker that was following the girlfriend, while she was jogging. That was the only creepy thing in this entire movie.

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Movie had a good premise and started off quite well but soon went down the toilet with its over the top gore, poor photography and confused story.The music was actually not bad; very reminiscent of John Carpenter and in many places seemed out of place , the plot was confusing - was he actually a psycho and imagining everything which i presume was the end game there wasn't much explanation at the end and it seemed to end too soon. The over the top gore actually began to make it look like a comedy and we started laughing at points when we really shouldn't have!Some poor acting and bizarre plot holes didn't help.Overall it could have been good but ended up in the bargain bin bucket!

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So this was rated pretty high on Amazon and on IMDb. A 6.7 isn't too shabby . So I rented it. With my bank account down pretty low, $5.99 I want to be well spent, I am meticulous reviewer of movies , because there is nothing worse than spending money on a crap film . First of all, it isn't terrible. IMDb is really bipolar when it comes to ratings. People hand out horrible ratings for films when they don't like them, unfortunately they're just not realistic. I think anything between a 1-5 should be considered B movie , bad production values , horrible acting , the works. This movie is not that. It's not B movie quality. The acting is good. The script isn't bad, except I do have my complaints. The script was crazy confusing in spots. The entire serial killer thing - I mean I figured that the camera must have belonged to the guy ( Im not a total idiot) what I can't figure is when that was ever introduced in the movie. I thought that I must have missed the auction scene where they said the camera belonged to the serial killer and they were auctioning off his stuff . . Because out of nowhere comes in this connection to the serial killer and the camera. Yet then there was the camera being from before WW2, ( yet the camera can date pictures ) and that didn't seem to go anywhere either. There was just some inconsistencies in the script. For someone not that bright , this might've seemed like a confusing mess. ( don't ever watch movies with someone not that bright ) the other thing is , the whole PTSD thing with the main protagonist... the movie took forever to get started or for anything mildly interesting to happen. They used this time for character development except this was extremely obtuse and almost purposely hidden , like we don't really find out exactly what this guys problem is till he is talking with his buddy at the bar. Which was well into the movie , and then we are supposed to believe that a photographer has PTSD ( a severe case) like as bad or worse than a combat vet. The movie started off not seeming very realistic to begin with. The characters were hard to believe ( I've never met any guys who speak like these guys also) but if you stick with it, it gets more interesting ... This isn't a horror movie ... this is a good first independent movie I would say in the thriller genre. This movie shows potential , and talent . I would applaud this film if I knew it was a first project for writer / director . I think that this movie reminds me of some other firsts - like for example Absentia, This movie has better production values , but on the same page is that film with interesting script and good acting , just not that great of a film. But good for independent standards and budget limitations. I look forward to the future with this director and writer. It's not a bad movie and I think some people will enjoy it more and some less. I thought it ended much better than it started and the later connections were cool. Overall I give it a 6, although it could easily be a 7, I just didn't get that into it , it didn't pull me in ..

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'CAMERA OBSCURA': Four Stars (Out of Five)An indie horror flick about a veteran war photographer with PTSD, that sees future deaths in the photos that he takes (on a vintage World War II era camera). It was directed by first time feature filmmaker Aaron B. Koontz, and it was written by Koontz and Cameron Burns (Koontz and Burns also served as producers on the film). The movie stars Charlie Denham, Nadja Bobyleva, Catherine Curtin, Chase Williamson and Noah Segan. It's a very creepy and disturbing little indie horror flick.Jack Zeller (Denham) is a professional photographer, and war veteran, who's dealing with some severe mental issues (due to his time in Afghanistan). To help him get through these mental problems, his fiancé, Claire (Bobyleva), buys him a vintage camera at a work auction. She then gets him a job taking photos for the real estate company she works for. When Jack gets the photos developed though, he starts to see images of future deaths in them. When those deaths start to become a reality, Jack becomes even more mentally unstable as he tries to figure out what to do about them.The movie is extremely creepy, and it only gets creepier as it goes on. Denham gives a great performance in the lead, and he really makes you feel what it's like to go mad. You keep wanting the character to stop doing the things he's doing, as a result of his madness, but he keeps doing them anyway. It's a really disturbing and dark movie! Very effectively directed, and written, by Koontz and Burns. If you're a fan of really dark horror flicks, you should definitely give this one a try.Watch our movie review show 'MOVIE TALK' at:

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