R | 20 June 2011 (USA)
Bunnyman Trailers

Bunnyman is the story of a group of friends on their way back from a spontaneous weekend trip to Las Vegas, and while driving through the remote regions of southern California they suddenly find themselves in a sickening game of cat and mouse with a five ton dumptruck and, when looking for help, stumble upon a nightmarish family who takes pleasure in dismembering and eating as many of the kids as possible.


Really Surprised!

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This is one of the few movies I've ever seen where the whole audience broke into spontaneous, loud applause a third of the way in.

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It's easily one of the freshest, sharpest and most enjoyable films of this year.

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.Like the great film, it's made with a great deal of visible affection both in front of and behind the camera.

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Have an appreciation for horror with shades of thriller, slasher can be done well as well. So despite hearing a lot of negativity, 'Bunnyman's' premise did really intrigue. Plus the cover was an attention-grabbing one. Really wanted to like it and for it to not be another waste of decent potential. Watching it, unfortunately 'Bunnyman' turned out to be exactly that...a waste of decent potential. Not how to execute an intriguing idea. It's not irredeemably awful by any stretch, there is one good thing. Sadly eclipsed by the numerous things 'Bunnyman' gets catastrophically wrong. Some unintentional humour that was just cheesy and irritating, the attempts at seriousness felt misplaced and the incoherence of the editing and the dialogue make it very difficult to take it seriously and the horror elements were predictable, not scary and too tame, no matter how much gratuitous blood effects it threw in. Lets get the good things out of the way first. The best thing about 'Bunnyman' is the villain's look, it is great. So cool and menacing, not goofy at all.Uniformly the acting ranges from very bad to truly terrible, lots of histrionics and an equal amount of phoning in. Their cringe-worthy, unintentionally silly dialogue (one deserves a prize if they succeed in not bursting out laughing when they're not meant to, that is a challenge), annoying characters with stupid and illogical decision-making and behaviours and indifferent direction gave them no favours. Neither did the story, which is paper thin and much of it doesn't make any sense, with scenes that bear no relevance. There is no tension or suspense here, no surprises, no creativity, no wit and the only thing that is scary is the look of the villain and the scare factor ends there. The kills are un-creative, instead of biting the nails one is shrugging their shoulders, and the whole horror atmosphere feels tame and leans towards being dumb.'Bunnyman' is an eyesore visually. With the lighting and camera work, it seemed to striving for the showing off or experimenting with supposedly arty to them feel but instead it comes off amateurish and nauseating. The editing is incoherent. Cannot remember the music, other than its over-bearing intrusiveness.Overall, not irredeemable but very bad. 2/10 Bethany Cox

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I really thought this movie would be OK, at least by slasher, horror standards. I couldn't have been more wrong. This movie has no plot and makes no sense. It's starts off with old 8mm footage of a girl waking up in a bath tub and running for her life. They imply it's a camera laying on the ground even though it's moving and switching to other cameras. This scene has nothing to do with the movie you are about to waste your time with. Then it cuts to a girl climbing out of a refrigerator and running from the Bunnyman. She climbs into the back of an old truck and somehow Bunnyman is in it and he drives away. I don't even know if that made sense. I think we never see what happens to the girl but I can't be sure. Then it cuts to a group of people who are now the focus of the Bunnyman. Two different times they say that their car can't out run Bunnyman's large truck that is at a stand still. They clearly aren't very bright. There's no gore, they just splash lots of blood. There's also no nudity, just a fully clothed raped scene. I thought this was a major motion picture but it's clearly a low budget turd.

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They are just good fun ! You've got Trick or Treat for Halloween, Black Christmas for Christmas but what you got for Easter? Well we got Bunnyman ! Make sure you watch them in order though, cause depending on where you are in the world the names change on you. Here in USA, Bunnyman is called, well Bunnyman. Part 2 is called Bunnyman Massacre, and Bunnyman 3 is called Bunnyman Vengeance.

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Michael's got Halloween, Leprechaun has Saint Patrick's Day etc. and now we have Bunnyman who owns Easter. My buddies and I watch horror films every time a Holiday comes rolling around. We never had a movie to watch for Easter until Bunnyman. it's a fun movie to watch, and doesn't take itself too seriously, which is good considering the title of the film. Although I'm not sure why the title is so strange to hear when you consider we are currently bombarded by films called BATman, SPIDERman etc. so why not a Bunnyman thrown into the mix. it's a very surreal film, with a creative backbone and spirit. We have a psychotic killer in a bunny suit driving a dumb truck with a half dead girl in the trunk. Who thinks of things like this?

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