| 01 January 1993 (USA)
Broken Trailers

In 1992, Nine Inch Nails released the "Broken" EP. It was followed in 1993 by a short film, roughly 20 minutes in length, known as the "Broken Movie". The movie wove Broken's four music videos together via a violent "snuff film" and included its own video for the song "Gave Up" as its conclusion. Due to its extreme graphic content, the Broken Movie was never officially released. But in Christmas 2006, NIN secretly released it on BitTorrent along with the free 2 DVD set closure deluxe prototype.

Bea Swanson

This film is so real. It treats its characters with so much care and sensitivity.

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Micah Lloyd

Excellent characters with emotional depth. My wife, daughter and granddaughter all enjoyed it...and me, too! Very good movie! You won't be disappointed.

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Kien Navarro

Exactly the movie you think it is, but not the movie you want it to be.

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Frances Chung

Through painfully honest and emotional moments, the movie becomes irresistibly relatable

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This is one of those films that was always mentioned in excited and hushed tones by metal and NIN fans alike back in the day. It was around the time when NIN brainchild and front man Trent Reznor rented the Tate murder home to record The Downward Spiral, rumours surfaced over a supposed snuff film being produced by the band. It was one of those things I had forgotten about until recently when I was given a copy of this 'movie', on a fully remastered DVD no less! We open with some slickly shot black and white footage of a demented looking man having a noose placed around his neck, and dropped through a trapdoor in the floor. We then go to some seriously damaged and grainy home footage being shot out of a car window. Some guy who looks like a slack jawed redneck is then filmed for a few moments. We cut to what looks like a warehouse where the man is strapped to a chair, and on a TV begins some NIN music vids.Intercut with the music promos made for all the tracks on the 'Broken' EP is footage of this man being beaten, smeared with what looks like excrement on his face, having teeth broken out with a pliers, tortured with a blow torch and straight razor, then eventually having his arms sawn off with a chainsaw, his dick cut off, raped/molested and finally having his heart cut out and eaten. Most of this nastiness happens in the finale as the track 'Gave up' plays, and is inter-cut with the police finding the corpses and the killer being hung.First off, it's great to see the music vids fully uncut and remastered, the photography looks sharp and the ideas were certainly some of the strongest that NIN had commissioned. The 'snuff' footage obviously still looks as nasty as you would expect, I dunno what kinda video camera this serial killer uses, but he needs to upgrade! Still, this is all done for authentic effect, so it is forgivable. As to whether you can stomach the snuff footage, well, that's a different story. Personally, I didn't find it particularly shocking, but in this modern age of August Underground and the rest of the 'faux snuff' film industry, I guess it is harder to shock than it would have back in the early 90's. Plus, with the pumping music of NIN playing over the rapid cuts, it's hard not to feel some level of adrenaline whilst watching the final scenes, as it actually takes you out of the reality of real life death.Incidentally, the 'snuff' footage actually made me think of everyone's favorite cannibal killer, Armin Meiwes. What happens in the Broken Movie is surprisingly close to what happened when he decided to eat his lovers bell-end, and I imagine the video tape he made is not that far off what is depicted here. Overall, it is a worthy download if you are a fan of the band, as it contains the original music videos, and you get to finally see what all the whispering and bootlegging was about. Was it worth the wait for die hard NIN fans? Probably not. It's really nothing more than a twee curiosity these days, but I'm glad I have had the opportunity to see it anyway.Now if only we could get it in a 5.1 surround sound mix...

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I've seen this film via clips on Youtube and I have to say, it grossed the crap out of me. I didn't know whether to scream or cry.It perfectly suits the "Ultra-fast chunk of death" that is the album Broken. Its filled with grotesque images of torture,murder and necrophilia (dead people sex. in case you didn't know.). Whatever was going through Reznor's head at the time of recording comes out in this violent snuff film that makes Saw look like a Disney movie.Its on you tube a lot, thats the easiest way to see it, though with horrible quality. Try and find it on peer to peer sites or NIN fan sites. REZNOR, PLEASE RELEASE THE DAMN THING!!

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Josh Ethier

I've had the garbage quality version for quite some time, but found it extremely hard to watch because of the quality. Then not too long ago, about 3 or 4 months, someone found another copy of the tape, and it was uploaded in DVD quality. It was truly stunning to see the film like this, and all my searching proved true. Trent's music coincides perfectly with the gritty photography, the sound is that sound quality that seems impossible to get. Where it's so bad it sounds good, that dry cracky quality, but you know if you try and do it it will sound fake. I don't know how they did it, but they did. The editing is another facet to focus on. Whoever cut it, and whatever drug they were on, i want some. The cutting is amazing, perfectly fitting the music\visual style. A true highlight to the short would be the final shots, the closing sequence. Brutally stunning.All in all, it's worth checking out, especially for a nine inch nails fan.

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I loved this movie. I recently got a copy of this unrealesed gem and have watched it at least 5 times. The movie is very shocking, and I don't think that anybody with a weak stomach should view this movie. It actually comes off looking like a 'snuff-film' because of its grainy film quality. The thing that gives it away is the dramatic camera angles, as another reviewer pointed out.The music videos on here are very well done, and it has all of the videos from the Broken e.p. Happiness in Slavery is disturbing, but not as bad as some people make it out to be. The finalie set to Gave Up is by far the most disturbing part you'll find on this video, because of the footage of the killer killing the victim with knives, a blowtorch, his hands, and finally, a chainsaw. In my opinion it is one of the most shocking events to be put on film. It has no more gore than you would find in a good slasher movie, but it is delivered with a gritty, true to life, feeling and that is what makes it disturbing.So if you hunt for a copy, and you find one, by all means get this movie. You will not be disappointed.

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