Broken Saints
Broken Saints
| 23 February 2001 (USA)
Broken Saints Trailers

In the quiet corners of the globe, four strangers – a cynical American programmer, an aging Japanese priest, a troubled Arabic mercenary and a mysterious Fijian girl – receive a series of chilling apocalyptic visions. Desperate to understand their frightening visions of the future, these four troubled souls are simultaneously drawn to a dark city in the West where their fates – and the fate of the world – are revealed to be linked together and somehow part of a global conspiracy. Amidst an epic struggle of man, machine and otherworldly fear, these reluctant heroes must be willing to sacrifice everything…in order to know the truth and save us all!


I like the storyline of this show,it attract me so much

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n my opinion it was a great movie with some interesting elements, even though having some plot holes and the ending probably was just too messy and crammed together, but still fun to watch and not your casual movie that is similar to all other ones.

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Wow! What a bizarre film! Unfortunately the few funny moments there were were quite overshadowed by it's completely weird and random vibe throughout.

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Quiet Muffin

This movie tries so hard to be funny, yet it falls flat every time. Just another example of recycled ideas repackaged with women in an attempt to appeal to a certain audience.

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THE ART IS WONDERFUL. There is no question there. These guys are talented at what they do and can tell a good story. These short films are visually assaulting and created with originality that sets them apart from other animation. That said, the message of these films is astonishingly misleading and anti-American. They have paraded extremely anti-American, and terror-sympathetic themes as truth. The worst part is that they are not just extremely left winged liberal Demacrates, but they are not even American. They are Canadian. It is frustrating for me when Canadians try and speak on the issues of America like their own. But alas the goings on of America and its wars have nothing to do with Canada directly. Thanks for your opinion, but no thanks.The beginning and ending of each section is graced with a quote that is meant to enhance the point the filmmakers are trying to make. Keeping in that tradition I will end this section with a quote of my own to enhance my point."Canada is like a loft apartment over a really great party." - Robin Williams

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This is unlike anything I ever experienced. A new medium if you will. By the time you realize the depth of the story and characters it is too late for you too turn away. You will be hooked and changed forever. I have never felt compelled to write any words for a film or such but the fact that this production was done so under ( out of ) the Hollywood radar and succeeds on so many levels makes it a compelling success. Give it a shot. There is a darkness that holds this piece together in the beginning but it ultimately redeemed. Anyone feeling the pangs of coping in our auto-destruct, auto-pilot society will feel that they are not alone, indeed they have a friend and a voice who understands. The voice overs are brilliant .. try to pick out the Smoking Man from X-files. I would really love to experience this in theaters.. especially the ending in the cathedral.. check out the old flash web site for a taste I guess.. give yourself some time. This isn't a Hollywood adrenaline fix but rather the real deal Peace

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If you can get passed the gallons of poetry that make this series so hard to understand or fallow, and if you can get passed the plot taking nine whole episodes to get started, then you will find something really grand to behold. By the end you are just like the people searching for truth. You just want to know what's going on, and yes, all the answers are given to you. All is made clear, and you can distinctly hear yourself say, "Oh I get it now." Strong themes of religion and comments on how now a day governments, not just the US, but they get blasted a lot in this, have gone horribly wrong are found here by the gallon full. The main theme seems to be that you need faith, but it doesn't matter what your faith is. You just need to believe in the good of man kind and fight for it. I agree with this theme and it for sure adds to the series.The artwork is dazzling and at times there are some rather creepy moments. No, it will never scare you, but it is far more dark and chilling then 90% of todays horror films.It's also funny at times and is full of winks to all of my all time fave films. Kind of hard to believe that the maker of this and myself would like so many of the same films. They are all there. Fight Club, Donnie Darko even Army Of Darkness.With the dark wit, smart themes, creepy look, likable characters, and all you could ever want in a movie, well baby, it's hard not to like the end effect and you soon forget about all the start grips you had. By the end you only really have one comment to make.Wow.

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This is the question posed by Brooke Burgess and his band of artistic miscreants from the shores of Vancouver, British Columbia. The truth, it seems, is mired in a web of lies, half truths, deceit and revelations, as 4 complete strangers from the far reaches of the globe are drawn together to seek the truth; about the world, themselves and each other. Things are lost, things are found, souls are destroyed and healed. There are new beginnings and finalities.Sound like a live action Hollywood blockbuster? Guess again... It's Broken Saints. Now a critically acclaimed epic that started online and has grown to the offered DVD, the history of the project alone is enough to make the casual observer curious. Nevermind the fact that it was originally offered for free (and still is) in Macromedia Flash, and that the creator and his followers went without often to offer it to the world... the question most often raised is "Well, what is it?" The real question is, what *isn't* it? It's anime meeting graphic novel, meeting technology, meeting soul seeking, meeting the questioning of self and motives and the world we reside in today. It's timely, it's epic. It's presented in Dolby 5.1 Surround. It's a labour of true love.Broken Saints (or, "BS") began as a vision and a journey. 3 long, hard years have seen fruition of this. This is not some "direct to video" work where the producer puts the product out and hopes for the best, this is a work wherein the creator monitors and assesses each and every turn of his endeavor.... And not for the money. It's a testament to see who's "getting it". Who can absorb the creator's vision and understand it. Who responds and if they respond in a forward thinking and positive way.The DVD 4-disc set was put together with haste, but it doesn't show. You would think that better part of just over a year was invested to bring this vision from the "small screen" of the computer to the small screen of the living room. The voice actors were chosen on merit and what they could bring to the project. The music, done by Tobias Tinker, Burgess' cousin, is haunting, uplifting and right on target for each scene. The art was reworked for the first parts of the storyline by Andrew West, illustrator extrodinaire, to bring it up to par with the later segments.If you want to know the truth. If you are tired of seeing Hollywood schlock foisted at every turn, touting itself to be the "next big thing", If you want to support small scale, homegrown, quality endeavors and you think that the people who sweat, toil, worry and bleed over their projects and worry more about the message than their bank accounts. if you want to experience a rich story tapestry that often leaves you wondering what happens next; what twist is around the corner, and doesn't use Hollywood "formula" to insult your intelligence and become another predictable travesty, I urge you to check out Broken Saints.

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