Britt-Marie Was Here
Britt-Marie Was Here
| 20 September 2019 (USA)
Britt-Marie Was Here Trailers

Britt-Marie, a woman in her sixties, decides to leave her husband and start anew. Having been a housewife for most of her life and living in the small backwater town of Borg with few jobs available, she soon finds herself fending a youth football team.


Wonderful character development!

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Overrated and overhyped

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Calum Hutton

It's a good bad... and worth a popcorn matinée. While it's easy to lament what could have been...

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The plot isn't so bad, but the pace of storytelling is too slow which makes people bored. Certain moments are so obvious and unnecessary for the main plot. I would've fast-forwarded those moments if it was an online streaming. The ending looks like implying a sequel, not sure if this movie will get one

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