Brideless Groom
Brideless Groom
| 11 September 1947 (USA)
Brideless Groom Trailers

Shemp has to get married within seven hours in order to inherit $500,000. Now that's incentive! The bumbling threesome set to work right away with hilarious results.


the leading man is my tpye

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Load of rubbish!!

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n my opinion it was a great movie with some interesting elements, even though having some plot holes and the ending probably was just too messy and crammed together, but still fun to watch and not your casual movie that is similar to all other ones.

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I am only giving this movie a 1 for the great cast, though I can't imagine what any of them were thinking. This movie was horrible

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A variation of the story that became the Buster Keaton classic, "Seven Chances", this Three Stooges short is funnier from the view of the perspective brides than the usual violent schtick of the stooges. There's a funny rendition of a classic song sung by the massively untalented Dee Green whose voice would scare hogs away from their slop, as well as all sorts of aggressive, portly, man crazy, hideous looking bags that could be found among the Columbia bit players. Still, even with the legacy of the original premise, it's a poor substitution for the comedy that Keaton provided. I still don't get the humor of this comedy team, although I did like the joke, "Wait a minute. You wouldn't hit a lady with that. Use this. It's bigger."

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Almost certainly the best Three Stooges short with Shemp, 'Brideless Groom' is as good as any of the trio's best shorts featuring Curly. Memorable Stooge moments abound. The opening with 'Professor' Shemp giving voice lessons to homely, untalented and lascivious Miss Dinkelmeyer (Dee Green), wincing at her horrendous singing notes and fighting off her advances, is an excellent example of Shemp Howard at his best. Many considered him the most naturally funny of the Stooges.Later, when Moe and Larry try to help him get spiffed up to find a wife (and claim $500,000), Shemp thinks he has cut off his head when his mirror gets flipped backward. Fixing the mirror, he cries with relief, "THERE I am…and pretty as a picture!" "Yea," Moe quickly replies, trying to hem his slacks, "of an APE!"The best scene (and maybe Shemp's best with the trio) comes when he pays a call on attractive young Miss Hopkins (Christine McIntyre). Mistaking him for long-lost "Cousin Basil," she smothers him with hugs and kisses (also leading to a hilarious bit between Moe and Larry in the hall), not giving him a chance to explain his true identity. Suddenly the REAL Cousin Basil calls and she goes berserk, slapping him repeatedly and accusing him of taking advantage of "a poor …. helpless…defenseless … woman!" That final line is delivered as she socks him in the jaw (with a real punch, according to Shemp and crew members), knocking him through the door and into the hall in a perfectly executed gag. "What happened, kid?" Moe asks. "Can I help it if I ain't Cousin Basil?" Shemp asks before passing out.Other classic bits include Moe and Shemp getting tangled in a phone booth, trying to find a lost coin, Larry getting slapped because of Shemp's bad looks (his face pressed against the phone booth glass), and the great girl fight in the Justice of the Peace's apartment. The great Emil Sitka delivers his classic line (inscribed on his tombstone), "Hold hands, you love birds" over and over as his apartment is trashed.I prescribe 'Brideless Groom' as medicine for anyone who thinks the Stooges' glory years ended when Curly left. True, Shemp didn't have as MANY great shorts with the group as Curly, but that was due to an increasing lack of support from Columbia and his (and the others') advancing ages. When Shemp was healthy and the trio was given decent material to work with, they were still on the top of their game.

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Snow Leopard

After a slightly slow start, this Three Stooges comedy is pretty funny once it gets going. It offers Shemp's character much more of a focus than usual, and he does a good job with the material, joined of course by Moe and Larry plus a good supporting cast. It takes a plot idea best known from Buster Keaton's classic "Seven Chances", and takes it in a much different direction, putting the Stooges' timing and slapstick skills to good use.The story setup has Shemp inheriting a large fortune if he can get married on short notice. The opening scene with Shemp as a voice teacher is a little slow (though amusing at times), but it quickly hits high gear as the trio faces a series of ridiculous predicaments in trying to get Shemp a bride.Christine McIntyre has a good slapstick scene, Dee Green is not bad as a voice student, and Emil Sitka gets some good moments with his recurring line of dialogue as a justice of the peace. Overall, it's a good comedy that delivers what you hope for in a Three Stooges movie.

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There are one or two other Shemp-era shorts I like more (i.e. SCRAMBLED BRAINS), but I think one can say--without much argument--that in this particular episode, Shemp gives his greatest comedic performance as a stooge after rejoining the team in 1946.Scene for scene, this episode hardly lets up: from Professor Shemp Howard's voice lessons with the glass-shattering Dee Green, to his futile attempts to win a dame's hand in marriage (this is your little snookums... will you marry me *click*) to the uproarious finish, it never fails to keep me in stitches.I would be remiss not mention that immortal scene with Miss Hopkins (the always lovely Christine McIntyre). Btw, isn't she rather under-dressed and over amorous in greeting the man she thinks is her 'Cousin' Basil? Who knows, maybe the actual Basil was a "very" distant cousin, which makes it legal in some states (as far as I know). >:-]

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