Breeding Farm
Breeding Farm
PG | 13 January 2013 (USA)
Breeding Farm Trailers

After a night of partying, four friends are kidnapped by a mysterious man. The friends wake up in a basement, and realize they are part of something horrifying. A human breeding farm. They are to be milked, bred, and much, much worse.


Plot so thin, it passes unnoticed.

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just watch it!

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Great movie. Not sure what people expected but I found it highly entertaining.

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A clunky actioner with a handful of cool moments.

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This should have been an adult movie, like why not...this adult movie disguised as some creepy horror movie.I'm giving it such a high rating as for I feel bad for the film, and for the reason I get slightly upset when people give things for one star's for no reason. This isn't meant to be a "oh let me sit down with my parents and watch a horror movie" no this is guilty pleasure that your suppose to watch alone. And for the people are curious, does it deliver me the goods or does it waste my time? Well the ladies are in bondage and are tortured for roughly 85 percent of the movie, so if you were looking for "fan service" you will have it here. Most certainly so if you happen to like bondage like I do. The main villain also made this enjoyable for me as well, reminds me of some drunk uncle that you pay ten dollars to be in your movie and he gives it 150 percent of time by overacting. My only tip is don't let the first 15 minutes of the movie fool you, the acting flat out awful in the beginning of this film, then after that the good stuff comes and the movie becomes much more tolerable.

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How does one describe this film? Low budget, certainly. Disjointed trash, and as many appellations as you can think of. There is of course nothing wrong with low budget films, even low budget horror films. This has been called horror, although it isn't in the classical sense, there is nothing supernatural or mystical about it, but you have to wonder how sick can the minds be behind it, and why would anyone, especially women, submit themselves willingly to such degradation unless they were being paid premium rates, which clearly they were not here.Seriously, this film plumbs the depths of human depravity and has no artistic merit. It is difficult to credit that anyone this side of Lawrence Bittaker and Charles Ng could find a single redeeming feature in it. There is a twist at the very end, albeit a totally implausible and dishonest one which you will notice only if you watch the credits, but with or without that, nobody should bother with this one.

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The plot:After a night of partying, four friends are kidnapped by a mysterious man. The friends wake up in a basement, and realize they are part of something horrifying. A human breeding farm. They are to be milked, bred, and much, much worse.This movie is all over the place. Are they kidnapped for breeding or or eating? You decide because the movie can't.Honestly, this has got to be the worst movie I have seen in a generation.The acting is horrible. The girls are skanks. Not attractive in the slightest.The bad guys are laughable.Stay away at all costs!

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The movie delivers everything it promises. Girls being abducted, breed and milked for a psycho's pleasure. The story was original. It seemed to want to be an exploitation film but steered away from going there. It is good to see an independent film make like Cody Knotts produce films like this. Films that look to darker subjects and aren't in the Hollywood limelight. The beginning was a little hard to follow but then it picked up. The movie has a nice twist at the end and the scenes during the credits gave a lot of insight into the film. It was worth a look. The movie does leave some questions unanswered but does set up for sequel.

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