Bread and Circuses
Bread and Circuses
| 30 September 2011 (USA)
Bread and Circuses Trailers

Bread and Circuses is a comedy with a sent of nostalgia about socialistic Yugoslavia's last breaths looking forward into brighter future days than they appear to be at the moment. Family Novak from a small town Velenje is drawn by lot to participate in a TV family quiz. The mother and the daughter are thrilled about appearing on TV, whereas the father and the son do not like the idea that much, especially because the show will take place during the carnival. On their way to the TV show the family gets into a misunderstanding with the police, at the TV station they get confused by a group of dressed up cocks, and things get truly interesting when the family gets to know the quiz moderator Jos Bauer better. Everything about the TV station seems quite different from up close and the family members' values are turned upside down.

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