Born Bad
Born Bad
| 11 July 2011 (USA)
Born Bad Trailers

When a rebellious girl from a good family falls for the town drifter, she unwittingly brings a psychopath into her loving home.


Such a frustrating disappointment

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Crappy film

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This is one of the few movies I've ever seen where the whole audience broke into spontaneous, loud applause a third of the way in.

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Roman Sampson

One of the most extraordinary films you will see this year. Take that as you want.

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Well of course the film Born Bad is not very realistic but it is noteworthy from an educational point of view. Teenagers, especially females, fall prey to older friends all the time in an effort to be accepted by their peers. Before it is too late, if teenagers were to see this film it may wake a few more of them up to falling prey to peer pressures. Yes, I think the film went to extremes by attempting to demonstrate how a disturbed young man named Denny played by Michael Welch, baits his young victims by treating them as that "special one" and once he has their trust he abuses them to his perverse satisfaction.I do think a lot of criminals work in tandem to get the upper hand on their unsuspecting and innocent victims. Such as in this case we have three men who enjoy breaking in to homes and robbing their victims of their valuables.The young innocent girl in Born Bad is named Brooke and she is played by Bonnie Dennison. As in real life, we all know of some families who after the father and mother split up, the family decides to move and the new step mother and step daughter have difficulties in accepting each other as they compete for their respective husband and father's attention. Young Brooke who is looking for attention from her father falls victim to bad boy Denny's trap and she soon discovers Denny is not the young man with good intentions that she thought he was.As I said, the movie is not very realistic but I do believe that some incidents that occur in Born Bad do in fact occur in real life. Upon watching Born Bad some families may be able to relate to how their own young teenagers first got in to trouble. If you do decide to watch this film with your teenagers there are a few lessons in life that your kids could pick up on and avoid some of the pitfalls that Brooke and the other young ladies fell victim to Denny's evil plans. Born Bad is not a classic film, but it could help your teenagers avoid being born stupid. It is worth a watch.

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"Born Bad" very apt name for this foul piece of work. However, I'm bumping UP my rating to a generous 3 out of 10 stars, due to the fact that I can't turn away from it! Somehow, the rice-paper thin plot, acting skills that don't even rival the likes of adult film stars, and a leading man who is far from credible are not enough to send me running for the remote and stop this madness from polluting my living room. Fortunately, trailers were included for other films generated from the same studio; arming the consumer with information needed to avoid the rest of their work like the Plague (the theme of another Asylum film, of course). Perhaps I'm actually enjoying how bad Born Bad is; after all I only paid $1 for it at Redbox, and you get what you pay for. See you again soon Born Bad, in Wal*mart's $5 DVD bin.

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Chris Mackey (guestar57)

Extreme scenes open this wild ride of a film,Shows the audience a character…Well who was BORN BAD.Michael Welch has a JAMES DEAN screen prescence, He controls his emotions and brings you into his reality.Great cast and plot that just flows with a ' Roller Coaster' of emotions drawing you into the jeopardy and sheer terror.Wanted to hate ( And probably was made to by plot) these bad guys from the start and feel for the family that they invade.Great cover (poster art) and to think Welch comes from the TWILIGHT movies,Huh,May have to watch one now to see in another role.

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I actually registered just to write this review. I do not like how the relationship between Denny and Brooke starts off. The portrayal of the relationship just wasn't very realistic and it went to quickly in my opinion. I have to say that the script was awful. Michael Welch was very good with the acting, but the plot was predictable. As the movie kept going it got a little better, but for me the characters lacked in personality. The quality of the movie was poor in almost every way. I can't get over how boring and dull the script was. The one good thing that came from this movie is awareness to bad people out there and that your kid could be infatuated with one.

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