Bordello Death Tales
Bordello Death Tales
| 01 January 2009 (USA)
Bordello Death Tales Trailers

An anthology film set in a brothel, Bordello Death Tales incorporates three shorts by young horror directors, linked by a sinister venue: Madame Raven's bordello. The bloodletting begins in James Eaves' The Ripper featuring a mild-mannered psychopath. The second story, Stitch Girl, is Al Ronald's homage to Bride of Frankenstein. The final short is Pat Higgins' Vice Day showing how a politician has developed a way of keeping his private life away from the prying eyes of journalists.


SERIOUSLY. This is what the crap Hollywood still puts out?

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Good concept, poorly executed.

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Clarissa Mora

The tone of this movie is interesting -- the stakes are both dramatic and high, but it's balanced with a lot of fun, tongue and cheek dialogue.

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Benas Mcloughlin

Worth seeing just to witness how winsome it is.

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"Bordello Death Tales" is a horror trilogy that brings together the talents of James Eaves, Pat Higgins and Alan Ronald. The stories offer up a trilogy of video nasties that are creative, stripped-down dark tales with witty endings. The trilogy forgoes the typical set up of horror host and uses a central point of terror to anchor the short films together. It works with this film when usually a lack of host to guide us through the nightmares is often greatly missed. "Bordello Death Tales" stars Eleanor James, Tina Barnes, Sam Dacombe, Harold Gasnier, Cy Henty, Julian Lamoral-Roberts, Natalie Milner and Danielle Laws."The Ripper" is a chilling and brutal story that brings a bit of sweet revenge to the sex worker gals who are so often preyed upon with brutality. It is sort of a ripper meets ripper kind of tale with a vicious killer of sex workers meeting a just reward in kind to his own brutality. A short film that is both organic, low budget and visceral. "The Ripper" offers a fun, entertaining blood soaked gorefest. "Stitchgirl" is a campy, black & white piece that beckons Tim Burton to the truly dark side of cinema. Once more the story gives us a sinister madman feeding his delights from the selection of local prostitutes. Only this man's revenge is a short lived tease of pleasure orchestrated by the madam herself. "Stitchgirl" is fun, creative, and truly artistic in it's delivery. With a Gothic avant-garde design this short film is well worth the price of this collection of death tales. "Vice Day" is more video nasty that Gothic art and brings us back full circle to the very video nasty nature of this trilogy. It is another visceral tale filled with blood, boobs and bad men. A political perv meets his end at the hands of a true fighter among the sex trade who is better at surviving than the politician. The story in "Vice Day" is a bit of a drag in the middle, more wordy and boisterous than the other two stories but it does bring the breasticles for the hetero gore fan. It also has just as much wit and just as dark of material as the other to stories in this collection. Even being weaker than the other two short films, "Vice Day" still holds it's own with its dark nature and blood bath epitome. "Bordello Death Tales" is a low budget trilogy but well managed, and directed brilliantly. It is a collection of clever video nasties that does not disappoint. I found the stories entertaining, the deaths graphic and gory, plus the witty endings offer a nice slice of justice. Actually "Bordello Death Tales" is kind of tasteful in the fact that it puts all the power in the hands of "whores" who are often tossed aside or relegated to the gutters of man's dark nature. The film is well worth checking out for indie, and low-budget horror fans.

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Chris Mackey (guestar57)

Stars : Eleanor James,Natalie Milner,Tina Barnes and Danielle Laws.Mad of of three intertwined moments, First up THE RIPPER - This jerk has a thing for strippers who moonlight as hookers and does terrible things to them,But his fetish MAY bite him back.Then, STITCH GIRL - Absolutely loved this one,It had elements of 'Bride Of Frankenstein',That chick from 'Nightmare Before Christmas' and Tim Burton,Lady Ga Ga and Christopher Lee hints.And we end with,VICE DAY - This had a great plot,Good characters and web-cam erotic angle.Never would have guessed the twists & turns,Nicely played 'Chemical Burn'.

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There's been some promotion in the UK for this flick containing 3 stories. The reason is simple, 3 directors put their hands together to create something in the style of Creepshow. Jim Eaves made the first one.Jim already made a few horrors but none that are well known. But I must say that his part, The Ripper, was the best of the 3 stories. The killer looked believable and the twist added in the story was also rather good. Sure, it's low budget but he disguised it with putting some comic style towards some killings. The red stuff do flows frequently and even some tits are shown here and there. The way it was edited made it a good short horror flick. Alan Ronald directed Stitchgirl, a return to the black and white old Universal classics with a twist of course. Alan already was involved in Hellbride with Eleanor James who plays the main role here as the creature based on Frankenstein. Also in Hellbride was Danielle Laws and Cy Henty both involved in Bordello Death Tales. But this feature is just a bit of blah blah with suddenly some dancing of the creature with some girls. Eleanor was well casted, I knew her from other films and noticed her face back then, here they made use again of her looks especially her eyes. It's also the only feature without nudity.The last entry was made by Pat Higgins. Also involved in Hellbride and KillerKiller. For me this short flick was a bit too long. It is also full of blah blah but it do had the most nudity, sadly the tits aren't the real stuff. Nevertheless, it's funny to see how she became a vixen just by adding sexy underwear and some make-up. There's a bit of red stuff but not to mention.Further on the disc there are some fake trailers but again they are exaggerated, made in one day I guess. A bit of an ode to Alien and other classics, the gag reel do has a few laughing bits.If the 3 stories would have been like The Ripper then this surely would be adored by the geeks but the lack of gore and red stuff makes it only worth for people who want to extract their collection. Maybe there's a bit for everybody, the Kleenex boys surely will have their work with Vice Day. Gore freaks will love The Ripper and those in for a strange story will dig Stitchgirl. But overall I think both directors had a lot of fun after all. Gore 2/5 Nudity 2/5 Story 3/5 Effects 2/5 Comedy 0/5

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