| 31 December 1982 (USA)
Boardinghouse Trailers

A boarding house is reopened years after gruesome murders were committed there. Suddenly, the body count begins once more!


Absolutely amazing

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I saw this movie before reading any reviews, and I thought it was very funny. I was very surprised to see the overwhelmingly negative reviews this film received from critics.

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Fun premise, good actors, bad writing. This film seemed to have potential at the beginning but it quickly devolves into a trite action film. Ultimately it's very boring.

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Blending excellent reporting and strong storytelling, this is a disturbing film truly stranger than fiction

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"Boardinghouse" is among the weirdest horror movies I have ever seen.It's obnoxious and stupid.Jim Royce(played John Wintergate)buys the house where supernatural evil dwells killing various people.Like typical alpha male he wants to create for himself harem of numerous college girls.But the evil begins to kill girls one by one...Incomprehensible-this is the perfect word to describe John Wintergate's "Boardinghouse".There are several hallucinatory moments that has to be seen to be fully believed.The acting is pitiful,the direction is bad and the gore effects are nasty and amateurish.Whole sections of "Boardinghouse" are utterly nonsensical and ignore each other.Still if you are a fan of completely whacked out horror movies like "A Night to Dismember","Scream" from 1981 or "Blood Beat" give this cinematic drug a look.6 meditation tapes out of 10.

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Boardinghouse (which calls itself a horror movie, though that's true in a bad way) is just plain bad. Bad in a way I don't like. Like the all-time horrible classic "Manos: The Hands of Fate," this movie has almost no coherent plot other than the title haunted house itself. Unlike the latter, this movie makes slightly more sense.To me, the "horror" in this movie was so artificial that it was comical instead of frightening. There's a scene with a brunette sitting on her bed and a frightening-looking hand reaches out to grab her. In the chest area, of course! But a careful observation will show an uncovered human arm attached to said frightening-looking hand. This movie is full of such.Basically, what this movie is is a lot of naked women and a lot of fake blood without any sense of timing or structure or even artistic thought. The director (who also starred, etc.) cuts scenes far too early and it's hard at times to keep track. But that's not the point.If you like a lot of young naked women and fake blood, then this is for you. Otherwise, there's plenty of far more graphic horror movies that are easier to follow and enjoy. I only recommend this movie for those who find such horror hilarious. Otherwise, skip this one.

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I really can't add anything to what the others on this board have already said. I just wanted to show my support and say that this is one of those bad movies which is genuinely amusing. The average movie buff may have trouble, but any seasoned bad movie lover should be able to find the humor.It's shot on video. With bad acting, bad script, bad spelling (two typos appear in the opening message) and some bad fashion (our hero begins the movie wearing a light blue shirt with a pink tie). It even has some really generic rock songs apparently performed by the two lead actors. Oh, and the lead guy really does look unusual. Kind of like a cross between Sting and Malcolm McDowell.

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Luisito Joaquin Gonzalez (LuisitoJoaquinGonzalez)

Move over Nail Gun Massacre, make way Last Slumber Party and step aside Night Ripper… There's a new kid in town.... Boarding House is the new contender for king of the trash-video crown. A movie so criminally wretched that you'll believe that you've died and been deported to bad movie hell. I Learnt of its existence from The Terror Trap, and then looked it up on the IMDb where I read various write-ups that described the inadvertent humour and jaw droppingly cheesy horror. I immediately set about buying a copy and two weeks later, here's what I found… It begins with a prologue showing us murders that have plagued 'The Hoffman House'. A guy is pushed into a swimming pool (hardly a life threatening incident - I'm sure you'll agree), another pulls out his own intestines and an unseen someone with a black glove forces a woman (that really doesn't seem too concerned) to hang herself. These are all intercut with a computer screen that shows us in text that every person that has ever so much as entered the abode has ended up either hung, drawn, quartered or has suffered some other gruesome fate. So can you guess who will be the next occupants to move in to the mansion and meet their doom? Why of course you can - it's a randy telekinetic guy and a troupe of beaming 'hotties' with a tonne of mascara but not a trace of common sense between them! Yep, the would-be stud puts out an advertisement that no female in her right mind could refuse. 'Girls Girls Girls, if you're between eighteen and twenty five, unattached and beautiful, then I want you to share my ten bedroom house with me.' Without further to do, they turn up in their droves, all cheesy smiles and push-up cleavage like lambs to the slaughter. No boarding/sorority or any such house from the early eighties would be complete without some kind of ruthless maniac running around killing people - and the Hoffman House is no exception. So before you've had time to say 'slasher', the girls are having strange nightmares and dieing at the black-gloved hand of an unseen assailant! Surprisingly, to all intents and purposes, Boarding House is not your typical hack and slasher. Director John Wintergate has chucked in a neat dose of outer-body mayhem, which means that the killer can eliminate the useless thespians without being anywhere near them at the time of the slaughter. This gives us the chance to see the drama school dropouts attempting to look as if they've suddenly been possessed by a mysteriously hellish agony, without knowing where the hell it's come from. Cue plenty of unconvincing facial expressions and stilted cries as the cast choke and pull off their faces whilst trying to act like they're completely unaware why they're doing it! In one particular scene, our heroine screams consistently for about two minutes while she suffers (yet) another of her 'terrifying' nightmares, which I think reached double figures before the final credits rolled. I bet that she needed some super-strength throat soothers after that yelling marathon.The 'star' of the movie, Hank Adly, also provided his fair share of nonsensical humour. Look out for the part when he goes into a deep trance and makes a bar of soap fly around in his bathtub to show off his telekinetic abilities. Apparently, Method maestro Johnny Depp based his Academy Award nominated swagger from Pirates of the Caribbean on leathery Rolling Stone, Keith Richards. Well this guy goes one step better. He actually looks like that debauchery addled axe man's friend and fellow Brit-rock rogue, Rod Stewart. To be honest, seeing a husky Rod Stewart look-alike battle with a psychopathic killer seemed like an invitation that was just too good to be missed.There's certainly plenty of nonsensical activity to bring a smile to the lips to those who cherish those classic bad movie moments. The final scene is particularly hilarious, as the killer and two survivors stand off for a telekinetic battle. Staged like a showdown from a Sergio Leone movie, the three gather in a circle and simultaneously gurn as they each try to inflict psychic pain on one another. Its hard to give you a description that would do justice to the extent of the inadvertent humour, but trust me - it's worth its weight in comedy Gold! There's a fair bit of trashy gore, which is cheap but brightens up the screen, and all of the female cast members manage to whip off their underwear at one point or another. In other words, there's just enough gratuitous exploitation to satisfy fans of the stalk and slash genre.Boarding House IS as mind numbingly atrocious as you had probably expected it to be. Even the back cover blurb has NO relevance whatsoever to the movie and I can't forget to mention the wonderful tagline that promises intrigue, suspicion and a sinister environment (yeah right!). Oh and before I go, I'll leave you with a quote from the female lead singer of '33 and a third' – The heavy metal band that 'entertain' the party at the film's climax. "You say you want a rock romance, you've been begging just to get in my pants!" I'll say no more

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