Bloodthirst 2: Revenge of the Chupacabras
Bloodthirst 2: Revenge of the Chupacabras
PG-13 | 19 April 2005 (USA)
Bloodthirst 2: Revenge of the Chupacabras Trailers

A detective in search of a missing college student is lured by a madman into the lair of the fabled Chupacabras monster.

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the leading man is my tpye

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Most undeservingly overhyped movie of all time??

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Lack of good storyline.

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This movie was so-so. It had it's moments, but wasn't the greatest.

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I asked myself why, for what seemed like the first two thirds of this movie there were no chupacabras. Then I saw possibly the cheapest CGI I have ever seen and realized why. This movie was terrible. It was totally incomprehensible, I had no idea what the characters's names were, who they were, and I'm pretty sure the plot went back in time which made no sense. Add to that mix, sterile wooden acting, a senseless plot and unlikable characters and you have a hot mess. The chupacabra was utterly laughable, looked familiar if anyone has seen the also terrible flick "Demon Island". I had at least three serious laugh out loud moments, but it did not redeem this movie for this connoisseur of ENJOYABLE movie trash. This was just... awful.

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I'm glad that chupacabra movies have become their own genre. Are there enough chupacabra movies already in existence? Obviously, Mr. Mumm did not think so, since this is the second one he has made. Unfortunately, there is not very much chupacabra in this chupacabra movie. Mostly it's about sweaty guys yelling at each other and some kidnappers and a detective and people who die in a barn. The chupacabra prowls around and shows up at random moments of CGI tragedy. He usually looks like a large falafel with teeth and wings, and the actors sound like they're from a society that punishes emotion with thumbscrews and water torture. Oh, and when we finally see the chupacabra walk, he looks like he is in some form of rectal pain, because he makes these sad, clenched-buttcheek little steps.The song that plays over the end credits is like Geddy Lee got drunk and sniffed some ammonia and recorded the sounds he made thereafter.

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you know those scary movies that you rent and make fun of with friends? well this was a movie we picked out for that. but when we started watching, we realized there was no need to make fun of it, it did that by itself. all 6 of us who were watching were crying, tears streaming down our eyes we were laughing so hard at it. from what i got out of it, there was a girl who was kidnapped, and is trying to be rescued while the chupacabra is running rampant around the forest. i believe this is the worst film i have ever seen in my life, but if you're looking for good chuckle with some other horror buffs, check out this movie

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This movie has you guessing what's happening to who and why from the very beginning. Very clever plot and too clever to include spoilers. Stick with it, and you will be surprised. Enjoy the authentic California gold rush settings and a very interesting cast. Electro-shock therapy for pain and profit, gives Jeremy (Jason Michael Fong) a buzz, but does he really know anything worth 20,000 volts of P.G.& E.'s finest vintage AC/DC. The wide variety of characters provides someone for everyone, especially if you like blonde cuteys. Can anyone go up against the Chupacabras and survive? You'll have to see this one through to find out!! mrpentax gives at least one thumb up (or maybe seven, if I were a Chupacabra).

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