Bloodstained Romance
Bloodstained Romance
NR | 01 February 2009 (USA)
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How far would you go for love? Holden will soon find out the answer to that question as he reaches to the depths of insanity for that one true love. "Bloodstained Romance" is a chilling love story told through the eyes of a killer, and has been deemed "undeniably realistic and extremely creepy".


Load of rubbish!!

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Brendon Jones

It’s fine. It's literally the definition of a fine movie. You’ve seen it before, you know every beat and outcome before the characters even do. Only question is how much escapism you’re looking for.

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I didn’t really have many expectations going into the movie (good or bad), but I actually really enjoyed it. I really liked the characters and the banter between them.

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There's a more than satisfactory amount of boom-boom in the movie's trim running time.

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By now everybody knows that I am also into independent stuff. Mostly i try to contact the director to get it signed, you never know what will become of him/her later. Travis B. Miller was also contacted by me and he replied. Sadly he never send me a signed DVD due to restrictions between the US and Europe. I thought that I never would see his film but it has been released uncut in Europe from now on. Not signed, but okay, I was glad that I could watch it. Is it all worth waiting? For me it's mediocre. it takes a bit too long for it all gets loose. Yes, I know, you have to learn the killer but for a movie clocking in at 93 you really have to give something to the viewer. Luckily, it goes from blah blah to action. I could say that you could say that it is in the style of "Henry, portrait of a serial killer". What we get is a normal guy falling in love with a girl but she refuses him. But he is really madly (what's in a name) addicted to her so everything in his way has to go. It starts with a hit here and there but quickly turns into a killing frenzy. Once unhinged the red stuff flows frequently, the only thing were you can see that it is low budget is the fact that you never see the knife going in...only the blood flows around. When he slashes his own arms, again, you only see the blood flowing in the air or against the mirror. Once that the killer goes mad it's a nice thing to see that he thinks his victims are still alive after killing them. They talk to him. So after all, well done, a name to watch...

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I really enjoyed Bloodstained Romance! Chris Burchette was amazing as Holden. He was very scary. I can wait for Travis' new movie Bad Girls Burn in Hell. Chris will be great as David Shepherd. I can't wait to see Lloyd Kaufmans scene! Travis is a director that I will keep my eye on for sure. His style of film-making is very realistic. If u are a fan of low budget movies this is one to watch. The kill scenes were brutal. The storyline was really good and well shot. I'm a fan of horror movies and this one really surprised me. If u haven't seen it, u are missing out. Forget the low budget part and check it out for yourself. It's a powerful mind trip. Check it out on Netflix.

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I would have liked to offer a different opinion but there is no other conclusion: this film is terrible. A very pedestrian attempt at a serial killer/obsessed psychotic film. "Bloodstained Romance" has nothing original to offer. It's predictable and has some serious pacing issues. It is indeed a low-budget movie, but I can live with the student film quality. I can't, however, forgive the lack of story or compelling characters. After watching the first hour I turned it off. After some consideration I returned to see the ending because I've seen many movies redeem themselves in the last act. But, alas, there were no redeeming qualities to be found this film. Bad acting, poor script, and an awful music score. A failure at every attempt. If this genre intrigues you then see "Henry: Portrait of a Serial Killer".

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This movie was amazing! I couldn't stop watching it the first time or anytime since! Chris Burchette does an amazing job! He had me setting on the edge of my seat from the opening title to closing credit! Mudd Miller Productions set the bar high for up and coming producers and directors! This movie was easily one of the best movies I've seen! Like I said, Holden will keep you on the edge of your seat the entire movie and keep you wondering every second what is gonna happen next! I have seen all the works from Travis B. Miller and this is the newest, and best addition to his works! Expect to see great things from him in the future! I personally cant wait to see how he could possibly top Holdens creepy character in Bloodstained Romance...but I guarantee it will be very difficult to top BR!

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