R | 01 October 2016 (USA)
Besetment Trailers

After struggling to find employment, Amanda takes a hotel position in a small town where she ends up fighting for her life.


This is How Movies Should Be Made

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Better Late Then Never

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Orla Zuniga

It is interesting even when nothing much happens, which is for most of its 3-hour running time. Read full review

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True to its essence, the characters remain on the same line and manage to entertain the viewer, each highlighting their own distinctive qualities or touches.

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OK good points, the premise of the story is good, Marlyn Mason is actually not bad at all, Abby Wathen isn't too bad really, butt hat's it. The screenplay is dire, my guess is some high school film students could do better with a £150 video camera and a week to plan a movie. The photography is dire with poor lighting and exposure, angles etc. The direction is erm...missing. lol This is a perfect movie if you have a first date and want to make sure that date focuses on you because they are going to spend only 5 minutes before realising what rubbish this is.

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Most horror films dehumanise men, regardless of the sex of the victims; this one has a female villain, and it doesn't work any better. Amanda is out of work and desperately seeking to get away from her alcoholic mother. Out of the blue she lands a job that is not really commuting distance, so it is agreed she will stay over during the week. It entails working at a small hotel in the middle of nowhere, one that doesn't appear to have any guests, and is run by a matronly old woman, and her son who although not an imbecile is totally under his mother's thumb.Three weeks or so into her tenure, Amanda receives some startling news: she is pregnant. This is startling indeed because she has not had sex, like ever. Difficult to believe in this day and age outside of an Amish, Moslem or Orthodox Jewish sect. So how did she get pregnant? The flashback is, well, grotesque, and that's without the incest. The woman who runs the hotel is clearly as mad as a box of frogs if she thinks she can get away with what she plans.There would have been a relatively happy ending, but they had to go and spoilt it. Don't watch this one if you are easily disturbed; stick to films that won't give you nightmares, like those about zombies and vampires.

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Michael Ledo

Amanda Millard (Abby Wathen) needs a job and not a GED. She manages to score one at the Oregon Hotel in remote Mitchell, Oregon (actual place, filmed it there). The town is a bit backward and Mildred (Marlyn Mason) the owner has a simple minded son Billy (Michael Meyer)...and we know where this goes.Normally films such as this take place in remote rural locations to make it believable. This was a low budget film. The sound track had a lame made for TV appeal for much of the feature. The acting was what would be expected for a script that lacked cohesion. The camera angles and framing needs improvement, stop cutting off the top of heads. The climax was unexpected, but wasn't very climatic. What was with the wig? The end scene with Adam wasn't developed.Marlyn Mason won best supporting actress at "Back in the Box, California 2016" for what it is worth. Now I had to take a second look when I saw the name Marlyn Mason which looks like cult rock star and Michael Meyer whose name is similar to the Halloween killer. During the opening credits they showed scenes from the film, which was a waste when they should of showed newspaper clippings about the dead husband and other nefarious things about Mitchell. And what was with the backward "E"' in nearly every name? The film was written, directed, and produced by Brad Douglas. The production had potential, but fell short.Guide: F-word. No sex or nudity.

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The Plot Amanda Millard, desperate for a job, takes a maid position at the Oregon Hotel in the creepy, back country town of Mitchell, Oregon. Owners Mildred Colvin and her Son Billy seem nice enough at first. But once Amanda discovers their real intentions, a struggle to make a living turns into a fight for her life.Acting isn't so good.The story takes it's time to unfold. It's not a bad story but it needs some action earlier. If you like GILF sex, you will love the middle of the movie. I practically threw up. I wanted to bale when Harley Quinn showed up.A watch is not worth it

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