Beginner's Luck
Beginner's Luck
| 21 June 2002 (USA)
Beginner's Luck Trailers

Mark Feinman knows he’s going to be big in show business…it’s just a matter of time. In a flash of inspiration he decides to tour a Shakespeare play around Europe. Undaunted by his inexperience and lack of organisational skills he gathers together probably the worst cast of misfits ever assembled.


This is a must-see and one of the best documentaries - and films - of this year.

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The film creates a perfect balance between action and depth of basic needs, in the midst of an infertile atmosphere.

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Aneesa Wardle

The story, direction, characters, and writing/dialogue is akin to taking a tranquilizer shot to the neck, but everything else was so well done.

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Quiet Muffin

This movie tries so hard to be funny, yet it falls flat every time. Just another example of recycled ideas repackaged with women in an attempt to appeal to a certain audience.

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