Before the Fall
Before the Fall
| 25 April 2008 (USA)
Before the Fall Trailers

A meteorite will destroy the world in three days. For Ale, that means 72 hours of alone time, getting as drunk as possible. But when a mysterious drifter appears, the self-serving Ale faces a more immediate danger. Now, he finds himself protecting his mother and his brother's children from his fellow man in humanity's final hours. Daniel Casadella co-stars in this thought-provoking drama.


Highly Overrated But Still Good

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Good idea lost in the noise

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It's funny watching the elements come together in this complicated scam. On one hand, the set-up isn't quite as complex as it seems, but there's an easy sense of fun in every exchange.

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By the time the dramatic fireworks start popping off, each one feels earned.

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This is a mix of drama, thrills , terror and end of world doom and gloom ; add to that a really magnificent cast . The world learns that a planet killing meteorite will arrive in 72 hours . A giant meteorite is about to collide with Earth, and horrible events spread across the planet , then there emerging panic as well as creepy and eerie happenings happen . The planet is gripped by despair , destruction , massacre and chaos. The inhabitants of the little town of Laguna listen to theTV news in terror . One of them is Ale (Víctor Clavijo) who lives with his mother (Mariana Cordero) and her four grandsons . Later on , Ale to take care of the children . Then , Lucio (Eduard Fernández) , a weird and suspect individual shows up and things go wrong . The horror and action moments are fast moving and compactly realized . Gory and spooky terror/sci-Fi film is entertaining for fans of the genre . The main premise turns out the be the following : What would you do if the world was going to end in 72 hours? This exciting picture contains intense drama , thrills, chills , graphic violence ,and action-filled . This is an effective and simple movie ; it results to be an acceptable Spanish horror , including functional special effects realized in traditional style, including brief C.G. The picture results to be interesting and thought-provoking because of his rich analysis of human morality in the context of extreme conditions . The creepy images of wide range from the genuinely horrifying to the bizarre along with scary and amazing frames . It is a great roller-coaster ride, from beginning to end , though action and terror really starts when a rare role show up . Victor Clavijo gives a very good acting as a young decides to spend his last days shut away, getting drunk and listening to music, but his schemes change when he is forced to protect his brother's children. As well as Eduard Fernández as an ambiguous, disturbing stranger . It packs suspenseful and thrilling musical score by Antonio Meliveo . And colorful and glimmer cinematography by Miguel Ángel Mora . In 2007, Gutiérrez received an offer from Antonio Banderas and Antonio P. Pérez to write and direct his first feature film, Before the Fall (2008). The film premiered at the official section "Special Panorama" at the Berlin Film Festival and gained traction in Europe. He also directed a piece for the series Diminutos del Calvario II. Gutiérrez's piece, La habitación de Norman (Norman's Room), a claustrophobic tribute to Hitchcock's Psycho, was praised by film fan magazines and websites in the United States. And he founded in 2001 his own Film Production Company: "Dr. T Producciones Cinematograficas, S.L.". Subsequently , he made the successful ¨Rings¨ (2017) . This ¨Tres días¨ had several awards : Goya Awards 2009 Winner Goya Best Sound . Málaga Spanish Film Festival 2008 (Mejor Sonido) Winner Best First Screenplay F. Javier Gutiérrez ,Juan Velarde Winner Golden Biznaga F. Javier Gutiérrez , Winner Silver Biznaga Best Supporting Actress : Mariana Cordero and Best Make-Up . Cinema Writers Circle Awards, Spain 2009 Winner CEC Award Best Editing Nacho Ruiz Capillas , CEC Award Best Cinematography Miguel Ángel Mora . Sci-Fi Channel Audience Award and Jury's Special Mention in the Nantes International Science-Fiction Festival (France). Best Feature Film Award in the Trieste International Science-Fiction Film Festival (Italy) . Amsterdam Fantastic Film Festival 2009 Winner Grand Prize of European Fantasy Film in Silver F. Javier Gutiérrez .Screamfest 2009 was Winner Festival Trophy Best Actor: Víctor Clavijo , Best Cinematography: Miguel Ángel Mora , Best Director : F. Javier Gutiérrez, Best Editing : Nacho Ruiz Capillas . And the movie was #3 in the 2008 International Watch List, the list of the best foreign movies of the year elaborated by Hollywood studio executives every year.

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This is a film about The End of The World.But the end of the world happens on more than one level of reality!This movie has been described as "science fiction", which was all that was needed to attract my attention.But this has to be one of the most low-tech "science-fiction" films I have ever seen in my life!Is it possible that people in Italy still don't have colour televisions? I don't think, so, somehow! So what is this movie REALLY about?This movie is loaded with symbolism!From my viewpoint the symbolism in this movie focused upon the Papal Coronation or High Mass on Black & White television sets, white paint, a white cat, and a cement factory (cement is also WHITE!) ...get it?!This is a movie about demons (literally, the character "Soro", a paedophile/child-murderer "does she have a boyfriend?", he asks of a 15 year old girl, and he winks at the children, trying to gain access to their house at the front door. He has already killed 7 children, would have killed Alé, making it 8, if could have, and, coincidentally, he's out of prison after 20 years, and now he's out to get "revenge"!This is a movie about confronting a demon at the End of the World! It is a metaphor for the pointlessness of existence and the impossibility of individual freedom under the yoke and tyranny of Roman Catholicism: Even at the end of the world, when you would think all that mattered would be pursuing the smallest possibility of survival or else reconciling oneself to one's fate - "certain" death via collision with the Earth with a meteor "FIVE times the size" of the one that wiped out the dinosaurs ("Pentagrama Films", by the way - if you don't believe this is a movie that exposes the Catholic Church!) , the human and sincere protagonist, Alé, is bogged down, in Kafkaesque fashion, unable to act freely, as though being set into concrete against his will by a demon who approaches him, will not leave, attracts his attention, occupies his field of view, threatens him so that he must be on his guard against him, makes him appear to be disturbed and unfriendly, and then, finally, besets him, kills and kidnaps children he is impelled to protect from Soros, and struggles with him in a pointless, meaningless, conflict in which only one of them can survive and so live, (EITHER good OR evil) until the end.Then, finally, his victory over the demon is a Pyrrhic victory - at the end he has only reconciliation with himself, only the return of what he had lost: He has gained absolutely nothing ... and then it is all over (again)!The white cat = The Pope ... (and the 'Cat-alike' Church!) - a demon focused upon the male principle, and dressed in the colour of it: White ... and the light, above, and from that focus upon white and light come conceptual-'concrete' from the "concrete factory" - "it traps you!" - sterility, order, perversion, control, law, censorship, prevention of freedom or desire to act, bureaucratic stifling of free-volition, legal restriction upon freedom to even exist, mania and madness - all assented to in the hope of gaining protection from, and power over, demons - the demons that ARE the Pope and Roman Catholicism, the demons that claim to be paternal protectors! The Vatican is the Devil and his demons in fancy dress - and this movie is a morality play about them, about good vs. evil, and how demons have made evil appear, in masquerade and with film-flam propaganda, to be good! "Why did you tell them a pack of lies?" demands Alé, the protagonist, of his mother ("mother church"?) when she lies and completely deceives all the children: Censorship and lies!The TRUTH, revealed in this film, is that natural and supernatural reality are the REVERSE of what the status quo proclaims they are: "No crucifixes!" says Alé at his mother's newly prepared grave, after she has died in fright after seeing a vision of Alé, as a child, hanging from the tree above, and so in shock, or fear of the demon, Soros. And then Alé and the children bury her in the open field: "No prayers!", he says!I hope I have convinced you, that this film is beyond its physical-plane science-fiction theme, in that it involves almost-surreal imagery and existential meaningfulness, and is in addition to, and interwoven with, it's enigmatic, powerful and macrocosmic science-fiction theme, a metaphysical film about the final supernatural struggle betwixt good and evil ... at The End of The World! And the demon, Soros is, I think, logically, in this film - and beyond it - the Pope, The Devil!

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(Spoilers are ahead. I talk about the end so don't say I didn't warn you) Saw this on IFC in Theaters service, though I know the DVD recently came out.With only four days left before a meteor is to crash into the earth, the governments of the world tell the populations of the world. As panic and prayer ensue one man tries to make peace with himself, the world and his family. Unfortunately a serial killer has gotten out of prison and made his way to the family house in the country. Forced through circumstance he must now protect his brothers children before the meteor kills everyone on the face of the earth.Talk about damned if you do damned if you don't. This is not a particularly happy movie. they basically tell you at the start that there is no hope, so the question is do you lay down and go now or fight until the last possible minute. thematically this is the life of anyone who ever has been told they are going to die and decided to fight to the bitter end. I'm not sure we need a film this bleak to lay it out for us.Actually I'm not sure what to think of this film. Its two excellent films, an end of the world tale beautifully made and nicely well modulated, more so since the whole notion of the adults knowing whats coming and the kids don't adds a nice shading to the tale. At the same time the serial killer story is well done and scary, with some nicely nasty turns. The problem is that in the process of shoehorning them together both stories are kind of undone. The meditative nature of the end of the world tale (which I should say kind of reminds me of Andre Tarkovsky's The Sacrifice) gets lost when faced with the serial killer. The serial killer plot while very tense is short circuited by knowing beating hims doesn't matter. I have no doubt that should something like a meteor threaten the earth something like this could happen, but at the same time watching it kind of seems pointless. If the film could have somehow made the two parts work better together this might have been a great film. As it stands its a good film thats too bleak to contemplate and too fractured to feel satisfying.Worth a try, but you'll know where its going from the outset so don't say I didn't warn you.6 out of 10 because of its fractious nature. the pieces are actually much higher than that.

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This is the kind a movie I can't bear, the whole script rests on a main character who artificially postpones action in order to complete an hour and a half movie. I have the same feeling than watching Straw Dogs. As other comment says: "your guarding a bunch of helpless children from a known psycho, and a very suspicious stranger shows up when you are out in the middle of no where, you take him away from the house and you shoot him and then you shoot him again". You know the guy should shoot the bad guy from the very beginning, and there is no reason no to do so, you know and he knows... but we have to complete a movie.The main character is also incoherent with his purpose of protecting the kids, leaving them alone, and breaking the unity of the family group. The action is done against basic human rules of behavior.The acting is OK, is the writing and the whole movie concept that doesn't work.

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