Bangkok Adrenaline
Bangkok Adrenaline
| 14 May 2009 (USA)
Bangkok Adrenaline Trailers

Four backpackers arrive in Thailand to party and drink. A gambling game goes wrong and with their lives on the line they desperately decide to kidnap a billionaires daughter. Things go wrong when her 'father' doesn't play ball and prefers to use the kidnapping to further his own interests.


SERIOUSLY. This is what the crap Hollywood still puts out?

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It's an amazing and heartbreaking story.

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Brendon Jones

It’s fine. It's literally the definition of a fine movie. You’ve seen it before, you know every beat and outcome before the characters even do. Only question is how much escapism you’re looking for.

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Mehdi Hoffman

There's a more than satisfactory amount of boom-boom in the movie's trim running time.

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"Danger is my breakfast, tell me more."If a bunch of frat boys got together and decided to make a modern, more "extreme" version of Ong-Bak, you'd get Bangkok Dangerous. It's so macho that it's downright goofy, and there's only the barest skeleton of a plot, but I have to admit that it was a pretty fun movie to watch. The story is as basic as possible. Four Brits looking for a good time in Thailand get into serious gambling debts, and decide to kidnap the pretty daughter of a rich businessman and use her ransom to pay their way out of trouble. The scheme goes awry, and they end up having to protect the girl they kidnapped. See? Basic. But with lots and lots of opportunities for fighting. 90% of the movie is one of the guys fighting someone or running from someone. Two of the main characters are capable martial artists, and do most of the fighting. Another is a really huge muscular man who just smashes things/people, and the fourth is basically supposed to be comic relief. Like most of the attempts at humor in the movie, it doesn't really work. He's more annoying than anything else.The fighting is pretty cool, but at times, the choreography seems stiff and obvious. It takes you out of the action when you see people repeatedly prepare for blows, consciously make sure they're in the right place to be hit, etc. Still, the action was frenetic, non-stop, and enjoyable.Bangkok Adrenaline is a long way from a well-made action movie, but I've seen much worse. Keep your expectations at a suitably restrained level, and you'll probably get some mindless kicks out of it.

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First let me ask you a question when renting a martial arts flick what is the most important thing to you? If your answer was anything but for the fights then steer clear of this movie. If you are a true junkie for "kung fu" movies though this is a must watch movie.With a leading actor that is believable in his moves who also happened to be the choreographer and the wonderful background of Thailand fights were often laid out in interesting ways. Quite a bit of parkour tricks laid out during chases including a very non flashy but if you follow parkour very impressive stunt.In the story department this movie falls very short, do not expect a Once Upon a Time in China or House of Flying Daggers. If anything this movie makes the Tony Jaa movies seem like Shakespeare. The acting by many of the actors falls very flat but there are some honest moments of good acting, can't complain when for most of the cast this is their first time getting real solid screen time.In short this movie is a prime example of Thailand taking the martial arts movie crown especially since so many of the Chinese greats went Hollywood.*score marked down due to lack of story keeping it from being anything near a flawless movie though I would score it higher then some movies with a great story but the martial arts is weak in.

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Angelo Rohit

This movie is not bad at all! Its a very low budget film made by some amazingly talented stunt men in Asian Cinema. The basic plot revolves around a few foreigners in Thailand who gamble away their money and decide to make some more by kidnapping the daughter of a rich millionaire. Very ordinary plot by any standards. The comedy is good but the timing and delivery is very poor. Then, when you're just about to leave the theater and curse the fact that you wasted 10 minutes of your life, you get a glimpse of some good action from Daniel O' Neill. That leaves you pondering over whether the movie is really that bad. As you watch more, you realize that the acting gets worse, the comedy gets a little better but the action becomes glorious!Of course, if you aren't interested in Martial arts, then this film is going to be a completely forgettable experience. Considering that the creators were all part-time stunt men who wanted to break big, I really do have respect for them. I want to see Daniel O' Neill in more movies.

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Chad Crosby

Absolutely the WORST action movie I have ever seen.The script, acting, and the direction were all terrible. The plot is FULL of holes, jumps from place to random place, and the story is cheesy and almost non-existent.The attempts to twist and add surprises to the plot were childish at best. I even fast forwarded the final 20 tedious minutes of the end of the movie to find out what happened. Ugh. This is the first review I have ever written, and the only reason I did was to save others from this absolutely, horrifically, terrible movie.At least the actress was cute.

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