Self-important, over-dramatic, uninspired.
... View MoreIt really made me laugh, but for some moments I was tearing up because I could relate so much.
... View MoreThrough painfully honest and emotional moments, the movie becomes irresistibly relatable
... View MoreBlistering performances.
... View MoreLooking round recently on Ebay for any interesting DVD that were on sale,I was delighted to spot a near forgotten Giallo title from 2003.With a poll being held on IMDb's Classic Film board for the best titles of 2003,I felt that it was a good time to find out how 'square' this Giallo really is.The plot:After successfully conning 3000 Euros,small time artist Mirta Valenti notices a stranger attempting to steal from her car.Stopping the thief,Valenti discovers that the stranger is actually a former art student of hers called Donatella,who has fallen on hard times.With having caught Donatella red-handed,Valenti decides that instead of taking her to the cops,she will use Donatella to copy a recent murder,with Valenti target of victim being herself (unbeknownst to Donatella,Valenti has other,secret plans.)As Valenti begins to make plans for her copy-cat killing,Public Prosecutor Rita Facino begins to suspect that a recent spree of killings involving a set-square may not all have been committed by the same person.View on the film:Placing the original murder on the side lines,the screenplay by co- writer/ (along with Enzo Gallo and Gianluca Curti) director Pierfrancesco Campanella takes a swift satirical stab at the characters obsession with fame and attention,with the writers showing the city's residence to be excited,rather then terrified,of the mysterious killer lurking in their mists.Whilst the writers do take a rather original approach,the screenplay is sadly unable to build any real sense of gripping tension,thanks to the murder-mystery element of the Giallo being pushed completely to the sidelines.Shot in a smooth,glossy style by Campanella,and backed by a classy score from Alberto Antinori,each of the cast (some of whom appear completely naked) give very good performances,with Florinda Bolkan showing a real eeriness in her performance as Valenti,whilst 'special guest star' Franco Nero gives a wonderful manic performance,as Rita Facino (played by a pretty Mirca Viola) begins to fear that others may be following the killers brush strokes.
... View MoreI have to say, for once I am glad I came on IMDb and read some comments before I watched a film. After seeing the incredibly low rating on here, I was not expecting much at all from "Bad Inclination." This film is a total must see for giallo fans. I was impressed by the awesome setting and mood that was established right from the get go. Starring Florinda Bolkin of "Lizard in a Woman's Skin," "Bad Inclination" weaves a nice little web of bizarre love and murder mystery, leaving the viewer enchanted and excited to see how it will turn out.While it is not on par with some of the older giallos, this one should not be tossed aside! But I will warn you: the dubbing is HORRENDOUS in this one. It's like they used translation dot com for some of the lines, they make no sense at all. I bet in Italian with subtitles this movie would be a million times better. Ending could have been a bit better though.For fans of Sergio Martino, old Argento and Lucio Fulci.7 out of 10, kids.
... View MoreThe first attempt since the millennium to resurrect the Giallo was Dario Argento's hugely successful Sleepless, which not only goes down as a successful attempt to resurrect the genre but also as one of the best genre films period. This attempt by director Pierfrancesco Campanella came a couple of years later and, despite being heavily flawed, does at least somewhat count as a noteworthy genre entry. The director obviously has some affinity to the genre for his willingness to cast some of it's stars; people such as Florinda Bolkan (Don't Torture a Duckling) and Franco Nero (The Fifth Cord) and he's also served up a plot straight out of the Giallo playbook. We focus on a block of flats that has come under attack from a killer who slaughters his victim with a set square (of all things). The police find a girl murdered and it's not long before another body turns up, although the detective on the case is not happy to link the murders together despite the similar modi operandi and it soon becomes apparent that there's more than one psycho on the loose! The film's main problems are, without doubt, the script and the acting. The dialogue is extremely trite and at times positively stupid; while the acting is sometimes so wooden that it's almost unbelievable and not only does this bring the quality of the film down, it also harms the credibility as it's hard to really care about the characters. It's a shame too because the plot here is really well worked and clever and could certainly have made for a good Giallo with better handling. The director does seem keen to make the film as sleazy as possible and we've got some very bloody sexual violence as well as a lesbian subplot. The cast is mostly made up of females, and a strange casting choice comes in the form of Eva Robin's; a transsexual who some may remember as having a small part in Argento's masterpiece Tenebre. The main point of interest for Giallo fans will be Florinda Bolkan, who is actually rather good as a weird artist. Franco Nero's part is small and I'm thankful for that as his character is not good to say the least. It all boils down to a good conclusion and while the film's problems are simply too much at times; this is still a film worth seeing.
... View MoreLamentable attempt at a giallo revival it gets most things wrong (particularly the atmosphere so essential to this subgenre, completely negated here by flat TV style) and should, in fact, have been called BAD FILM-MAKING! For what it's worth, the cast includes three past exponents in the field: noted transsexual Eva Robins (TENEBRE [1982]) as a has-been TV star whose plan for a comeback coincides with a killing spree occurring in her apartment building; Florinda Bolkan (A LIZARD IN A WOMAN'S SKIN [1971], DON'T TORTURE A DUCKLING [1972]) as a crooked art dealer and painter with a fondness for violent themes; and Franco Nero (THE FIFTH CORD [1971]) who gets an amusing but, at the same time, thankless bit as a disillusioned-magistrate-turned-street-preaching-bum! Besides featuring one of the silliest murder weapons ever (an architect's set square), dialogue is hilariously overwritten throughout and the young cast emerges to be generally inadequate (even if virtually all of the performances here are stilted) but, at least, it does manage a bit of the traditional nudity (courtesy of two entirely gratuitous shower scenes) and even throws in a few lesbian couplings as a bonus! Finally, while it's kind of interesting that two of the three murders attributed to the serial killer aren't actually committed by the latter (and, in fact, is never caught or even identified), it's quite stupid of him to add to his list of victims the incompetent magistrate who had hastily condemned an innocent man so as to appease the irate public opinion!!
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