Bad Ben
Bad Ben
NR | 05 October 2016 (USA)
Bad Ben Trailers

Tom Riley thought he was getting the deal of a lifetime when he bought a house below market value at a Sheriff's sale. He invested every penny he had with the plan of flipping the home for a profit. Once he owned it, however, he noticed strange happenings, all of which were captured on 21 Surveillance Cameras located throughout the home inside and out. At first he thought people were breaking in, but he soon realized he was dealing with something Paranormal.


Pretty Good

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It’s an especially fun movie from a director and cast who are clearly having a good time allowing themselves to let loose.

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If the ambition is to provide two hours of instantly forgettable, popcorn-munching escapism, it succeeds.

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By the time the dramatic fireworks start popping off, each one feels earned.

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This isn't even a b-movie. It's a c-movie. Hard to feel sympothy for a character who acts like an asshat. He antagonized the spirit since learning it was there, desecrated a grave, destroyed a satanic altar without doing the proper rites (or research), and swore at what he thought was a child spirit. The acting was awful. The character is relatable so I didn't actually care of he survived the movie or not

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Not remotely scary, creative, thoughtful, original. Any school child could have made this. No script; just one man talking to himself or on the phone to "someone else." No special or visual effects.

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S. Soma

Fair warning: I'm a bit overly enamored of this "movie". Not so much because of the movie itself but because of the interesting probable circumstances of its creation. I find THAT part utterly fascinating. And I'll get to that part in a few moments.This review contains spoilers and there's no "may" about it.To begin with, I should make it clear that I don't consider found footage flicks to be "movies" in any common, traditional sense. They simply lack too many of the features of an actual movie. They share some of the physical characteristics of a movie such as sound and moving pictures, but they have more in common with factory job training videos than they do with actual movies. In fact, I would hold that factory job training videos are closer to real movies than are found footage flicks.Which is not to say that found footage flicks can't be fun and entertaining in their own right. Just don't think of them as movies but as some other form of entertainment all on their own. Go for a sort of "found footage flicks are to movies what Velveeta is to cheese" outlook; just keep in mind that neither one is the real deal and try to enjoy them for what they actually are.BAD BEN, as long as you don't make the mistake of approaching it as a "movie", actually isn't all that bad. It has most if not all of the agreed-upon elements of a found footage flick (a bit amateurish, made- for-a-dollar, few actors (only one, as a matter of fact, in this one), and so on). And to its credit it does bring a few of its own original quirks to the milieu. Whether or not that's a good thing is something you'll have to decide for yourself.For the balance of this "review", in terms of the traditional elements of movie reviews as they appear on IMDb, I'm going to leave that to the other reviewers. And now I take the path less traveled…BAD BEN I suspect is very different from most found footage flicks in a LOT of ways.My journey of discovery with BAD BEN began when I noticed that Tom Riley, played by Nigel Bach, the one and only character in the entire production, was NOT ONLY the only character in the entire production but ALSO the executive producer, director, film editor and I'm guessing the writer and After Effects technician and craft table supervisor et al. (although I didn't see those credits go by).Interesting…When you look at BAD BEN is a whole, there's absolutely nothing about it that suggests that a single person could not or did not make the entire film. I'm guessing here, but I'm thinking that Nigel Bach made the entire thing single-handedly.Hmmmm.... Let's see… In the movie, on the way home from dinner, Tom videos the name of his home street, "Steelmanville Rd". I poke around a bit and discover that there is a road known locally as Steelmanville Rd. in Egg Harbor Township, New Jersey, although for mapping purposes it seems to be more known as "Atlantic 651". Well, I think I'll just virtually cruise around good ol' Atlantic 651 for a while and see what I find.Well, I'll be.Turns out the house in the movie actually does exist, and it exists at 358 Steelmanville Rd., Egg Harbor Township, New Jersey. I would include a link for you to look at it directly but IMDb is always such a buzz killer about that sort of thing.At this point, I have a theory of my very own and completely unsubstantiated. I think Nigel Bach made this entire movie by himself and used his own home for the production. I would not be surprised to find out that he's done the whole thing as some sort of a tax write off for the entire house and the surveillance system and cameras and all that other stuff. If this is the case, I am extremely impressed. The guy looks sort of like a real-life Elmer Fudd but he must have a completely unstoppable can do, do-it-yourself attitude. Personally, I give top props to Nigel Bach.And for the punchline, I come to discover that ol' Nigel apparently liked the experience well enough that he's actually completed a prequel in a more involved and complex production called, wait for it…"Steelmanville Road".I kid you not. And it's available to watch for free if you're a Prime member on Amazon. Again, I would give you a direct link but IMDb got heavy starch in their underpants when I tried.I think Nigel Bach, Elmer Fudd appearances notwithstanding, would be a very interesting person to know.And the ultimate mystery? If you look for the movie "Steelmanville Road" on IMDb... IT DOESN'T EXIST! OOOOOOooooooo!

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I didn't expect much from this. Found footage films are nothing new and can be predictable. The reviews ranged from 'awful' and 'waste of time' to 'cult classic' and 'original and scary'.To begin, the only living character in this film is a pretty normal, if a little ugly, man. Not your young good looking couple or annoying group of teenagers. That in itself makes the film somewhat original. He is a likable character and his actions are both funny and realistic (though at times pretty dumb). I didn't find myself routing for the guy though, I didn't care about him. The film delivers a good handful of jump scares and peep through the fingers moments. The story of Bad Ben is interesting and you definitely want to know more.The film leaves many unanswered questions which are hopefully answered in the prequel.Overall it is a very scary film that I would recommend. I might have been ambitious giving it 10/10 but I rate horrors on scare factor. If I'm scared, It gets a thumbs up.

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