| 01 January 2008 (USA)
Baby Trailers

A tragic tale of an Asian youth's gang life in South East Los Angeles, set during the mid 80's to the early 90s.


A Major Disappointment

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A story that's too fascinating to pass by...

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Although I seem to have had higher expectations than I thought, the movie is super entertaining.

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There is, somehow, an interesting story here, as well as some good acting. There are also some good scenes

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Don't know which Muppets wrote the good reviews for this crap film, obviously people involved in the making of it.Baby is utterly $hit.The main actor can't act to save his life and overacts everything. When he gets all 'serious' like "whats up punk!?" it was so laughable.The only redeeming feature of this film is the music. There were so many cliché scene in this film. It is a very weak film.Terribly acted, scripted and directed.Take no notice of the hype on the font of the DVD.Give Baby a miss as it will sorely disappoint and bore you.

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When I was 12, I saw my best friend's father beat his wife to death. Because she died en route to the hospital from a heart attack, the old man wasn't charged with murder. A decade later, homeless and a hardcore alcoholic, the old man drank a can of Sterno and died a slow and painful death in the hospital. He died on Christmas Day. I'd be the last person in the world to suggest that that old man got just what he deserved. (Well, maybe second from last...) I saw two men get shot one night, not 20 feet from where my brother, my sister and I sat on our front porch (the shootout followed a beer joint robbery just down the block from where we lived). One evening, I watched two men engage in a knock down, drag out fistfight that lasted for more than an hour. One of those two men murdered the other, decapitating him and chopping off both of his hands in the process (the hands were later recovered, but not the head). I avoided being ambushed on the way home one evening by outfoxing a pair of neighborhood punks who popped up out of an alley(there was a gang on each street in the area where I grew up, and such ambushes were not uncommon). I later learned (when I saw the piece in the newspaper) that they had continued on, looking for a victim, and had found, just one block from where they had accosted me, a man who had been drinking. Fifteen minutes after I walked away from them, they beat that man to death. Their reason for doing so? They wanted to be with their brothers, who were in prison. Four blocks from where I lived (in a house that had been a homeless shelter until it was condemned), a halfway house for ex-cons was opened. One of the residents, it turned out, was a serial killer known thereabouts as "The Southside Strangler." When I see a movie like BABY, it reminds me of those days, and those people (and so many others). BABY is a very well-crafted movie, with good performances all around. Recommended.

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Crime, violence, drug abuse. Nothing new there. Asian youth? Sure, every ethnicity has its 'thuggery' - wannabe or otherwise. Can an individual be a product of his environment? No doubt. Moral ambiguity, conflicted hero/anti-hero, now that is a story to be told and "Baby" does that well. David Huynh's portrayal of Baby has me rooting for him at the same time I question his choices. Strong performance. Loved Feodor Chin's Benny. Still a coward as the greasy warlord. Excellent villain in the mold of pre-Eastwood Zachary Scott. Ken Choi, the tragic Mike, he's been there before. Pops (Tzi Ma) and Baby (David Huynh), an entire story on its own. Exciting photography! The scenes riding in cars were brilliant and inspired. A graphic technique I would have liked to see applied throughout. Juwan Chung's style seems to have real vision. Check it out.

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Richard Ve

Juwan Chung's "Baby" captures the crime, violence and drug abuse involved with Asian street gangs. David Huynh does a great job playing the role of "Baby" a motherless, poverty stricken teen who encounters a world of danger while roaming the streets of Monterey Park and Alhambra. Baby has been long overdue ! GREAT MOVIE! "We live 4 our brothers without them we're nothing"! You mess with one you mess with the rest is a good way to describe this movie.The cast gives an outstanding performance that brings the movie to life! This is one one of my favorite movies of all time "Baby" is the Asian Boyz in the Hood. An action packed movie not to be missed!

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