B.T.K. Killer
B.T.K. Killer
| 11 June 2005 (USA)
B.T.K. Killer Trailers

Veteran Boogey Man and Zodiac Killer director Ulli Lommel continues his long tradition of delivering tense thrills with this relentless look at the life of the elusive, Kansas-based serial killer known to authorities only as "B.T.K." before his arrest...

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Clarissa Mora

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It's easily one of the freshest, sharpest and most enjoyable films of this year.

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Yes, absolutely, there is fun to be had, as well as many, many things to go boom, all amid an atmospheric urban jungle.

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Lidia Juarez

I've watched this movie only once and nearly five years ago. I adamantly tried to track it down, but it seems to have fallen off the radar for the most part, thankfully. Though I have not seen this movie recently, the most prominent parts of the film are still freshly etched in my mind. The movie is based on the real life B.T.K. killer. The acronym for his name stands for "blind, torture, and kill" which are the horrors his victims endured. His story is fascinating since he was an elusive murderer all while being a respectable member of the community. However, this film that attempted to recreate the terror this man inflicted was the biggest mockery of all time.Since Dennis Rader, the murder, carried out his crimes discreetly over the span of several years, the film naturally includes the occasional flashback. The most notable aspect of these flashbacks is sweet Mrs. Rader, the wife of Dennis. Her dramatic physical transition within 30 years seems to emphasize that people truly let themselves go. The irony is that despite the character's weight gain and wrinkled appearance, Mrs. Rader still maintains the same exact black bob haircut she did from her younger years. Her hair can easily be found in one's local party store and takes away the credibility of the flashbacks.The film only gets worst. I'm assuming the murders in the film are meant to evoke fear from the audience, but the acting and dialogue were just... so awkward. Throughout the film, there are unrelated transitions of short clips of slaughterhouses between scenes. In one of the murder sequences, the killer quite literally uses raw ground beef to kill a young woman. He just takes the raw hamburger meat and puts it on her face until she dies. It was the stupidest thing I've ever seen. Why I was still watching the movie at this point is beyond me. Another instance of his ruthless and vile nature was when he takes a rat with him to torture another of his victims. He just keeps saying, "Eat the rat, Nancy! Eat it!" The murder scenes were definitely creative, so that's me saying something positive.Overall, the writing was unimpressive. The movie was extremely low-budget and the acting was terrible. It's so awful it draws you in because you hope it'll get better . You think it can't possibly get any worse. BUT IT DOES. The film breaks the boundaries in that sense. Also, my friends and I selected this movie at our local Movie Gallery (R.I.P. Movie Gallery. Remembered, but never forgotten.) because the DVD cover looked cool. None of the scenes on the back of the movie were actually in the movie—not even the same people! We honestly thought someone put in the wrong movie in the box. That's why you shouldn't judge books or movies based on their cover. Even though this film was an awful experience, I was with friends watching it and we continue to laugh about that movie to this day. We even quote the infamous rat scene. I could not watch this movie in its entirely by myself. You need friends who will make fun of it with you! At least then it's enjoyable because other than that, the real "torture" in B.T.K. is the film itself.

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I was lying on my bed, with a really bad cold or flu or whatever. I figure maybe I'd kill some time watching some horror movies my mom bought for me a little while ago. I wish I never picked this movie! After I watched it I felt even more sick and I wanted to throw up. Afterwords(when I got better of course) I did some research on Dennis L.Rader and I noticed that the Dennis in the movie was nothing like the real one. I hope that no one ever watches this movie but if they ever do don't eat or you'll feel the way I felt after I first watched it. I think you would have a better time watching The Santa Claus 3. At least that movie had better reviews on this site.

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What a pile of ****. It is without a doubt the worst movie ever made that is on a DVD. Seriously, why is it at Blockbuster? There literally are NO POSITIVES about this movie. The only slightly positive thing I can say is that it ends. Some scenes are dragged on for what seem like years. How many ways can you hint to someone that you're about to kill them? It's seriously ridiculous. I was watching this with my cousins, and at one point, we actually just broke out in complete laughter for a good 10 minutes at how horrible this film is.The acting is TERRIBLE. The picture quality is TERRIBLE. The story line is NONEXISTENT. The visuals can be produced by a teenager on a computer. Oh and by the way, you'll find yourself laughing instead of being scared. At times, I really just turned my face away because it was that hard to watch.Please do yourself a favor and stay away from this movie.I for one would rather stare at a wall for 82 minutes than watch this movie again.

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Very few movies are deserving of a 0/10. There's almost always some redeemable feature in all films, despite their appalling nature. Battle For The Year 3000, for example, had some comedic parts with the 'favourite' meal being rats, and some decent one liners.BTK, deserves to be given the death sentence. BTK deserves zero. BTK should be considered a act of torture if shown to people. BTK is just that bad.It was, in fact, so bad it led me to graffiti the blockbuster video case with the following message."Of all the movies I've ever seen, this is the worst. Save your money, bash your head into a brick wall for the same effect."There is a famous thought exercise along the lines of; "Could a million monkeys at a million typewriters create Hamlet?"BTK has inspired a new one."Could a single chicken at a keyboard create a worst script than BTK".

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