Attack of the Vegan Zombies!
Attack of the Vegan Zombies!
| 17 February 2010 (USA)
Attack of the Vegan Zombies! Trailers

Joe and his wife Dionne have had yet another bad crop for their winery. Faced with the prospect of losing the family farm, Dionne convinces her mother (a witch) to cast a spell upon next year's crop. The crop is such a success that Joe hires some college students to help them harvest. However, when a nosy neighbor begins poking around in the fields, he finds out more than he bargained for. Now the question isn't how to best harvest the crop, it's how to keep from being harvested!


Horrible, fascist and poorly acted

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Pretty good movie overall. First half was nothing special but it got better as it went along.

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It's a mild crowd pleaser for people who are exhausted by blockbusters.

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Amazing worth wacthing. So good. Biased but well made with many good points.

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Paul Magne Haakonsen

Initially, I would say that with a corny title as "Attack of the Vegan Zombies!" then this movie most likely is going to be one of those stinkers that you know you should just stay well clear of. Still, I decided to sit down and watch it, it is still a zombie movie after all, right? Right?And now having seen it, one word comes to mind: seriously? Plants awakened by witchcraft gone awry, and now out to injure and kill. For real? And such plants can apparently turn people into zombies or something zombie-like.There was a lot of pointless footage with suspense music added for impact. But it just didn't work out in favor of the movie. All it did was add to the campy and cheesy feeling of the movie.Granted, this is a low budget movie, but I will say that the cast were actually surprisingly good for most parts. And while not being academy award winning performances, people were still doing better jobs than anticipated for such a movie.The effort to make a movie was good and well-intended. The storyline, though, not so much and was weighing down the movie rather than helping it along.Sound-wise, then I must say that I have no clue as to what they were thinking here. Most of the movie was shrouded in over-dramatic sound effects that didn't work in favor of the movie at all.As for the effects and make-up, well, let's just say it was as low budget as the rest of the movie.If you enjoy zombie movies, your time, money and effort is better placed elsewhere.

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Kenneth Lawrence

This movie is a poorly written, poorly directed, poorly acted, micro-budget horror film. The attempts at comedy fall incredibly flat. The plot, such as it is, takes forever to pick up, and when it finally does things just get worse.With a name like "Attack of the Vegan Zombies!" it's obvious that the film does not take itself too seriously. However, even with that in mind this movie fails on every level.The special effects are laughable, character motivation jumps randomly from one scene to the next, the comic relief is forced and unfunny, the horror elements are clichéd and not even remotely frightening.The positive reviews posted here that suckered me into believing that this was potentially a clever horror spoof must be written by people involved with the film. You have been warned.

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This was a great fun movie! I wasn't expecting too much, but ended up getting a fun time. Just my opion but it did have a little bit of an Evil Dead vibe. It was a little campy, but that's what I expected. The Nerds are great! I think that the location was a great pick, gorgeous area. The acting from the "jocks" was a little hokey, especially the short blond one. The special effects needed work, but they were working with a really tight budget. The zombies were a bit hard for me to swallow, but went right along with the campiness. This was a very original concept on how the zombies came to life, and I dug it. Check out with friends and a good glass of wine!

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The two best things you can say about this movie is that it is original and also pretty well acted for an indie horror. I usually can't sit through movies with practically zero budget and unknown actors. I was into this though the whole way. The reason was as I mentioned above is that the zombies were different and the acting held up.There were two pretty cute girls in it and also a really funny pair of "nerdy" guys who worked well together and made me laugh a few times. It's a pretty fun movie and you should check it out if you can. I would like to see what the director could do with some cash at his disposal to make the effects and makeup better.

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